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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. LA or Anaheim, if the Habs get eliminated
  2. eh I disagree, he needed to be coached up more. He def doesnt play on the 4th line every night in boston. If he sucked that bad Boston would have flushed him a long time ago...
  3. daniel paille, the one botched trade by darcy nobody talks about. ..
  4. I hate to say it but since P.K toned down his antics and started acting like an adult, he has become one of my favorite defenseman in the NHL. He hits hard and has a ripper of a point shot that actually makes it to the net
  5. Well that was disappointing. ..
  6. The Sharks have to be the biggest choke artists I have seen in recent memory. What a shame, I actually like them but LA deserves to win now...
  7. I fu**ing hate Pittsburgh...
  8. This Ducks Stars game was a shame, I was rooting for Lindy...
  9. PA'S new avatar is too freakin funny :flirt:
  10. after that last playoff series and the last 10 games of the season, "I really do appreciate the offer, but we will have to politely decline."
  11. He is just sooooo good, the next Crosby. Makes me sooo pumped to see who we pick!
  12. NFN but the Wing's passing has been pretty sloppy today...
  13. You took the words right out of my mouth. Look on the bright side, at least we know it is not just Buffalo that gets the "Official" treatment when playing the Bruins. If they do it to the Wings, then they definitely do it to everyone playing the Golden Boys of Bettman's empire... teaches patience ;)
  14. because I hate the rangers more LOL Sabres and Islanders are my teams
  15. It just feels weird cheering for the Flyers, if the Sabres didn't suck and were in the playoffs this would not be a problem...
  16. Sidney Crosby is IMHO the best player in the world right now (just trying to be objective), but not by much over Kane. I would take Kane over Ovechkin any day of the week. And I can also see MacKinnon overtaking Crosby in a couple years judging by how he has been performing for the Avalanche.
  17. In other news, the schedule will be released tonight at 8pm on NFLN CH 212 on Direc TV
  18. well, if you drive a lot of miles, or want to continuously put no money down and finance down buying is the way to go. After five to six years, your car should either be all paid off or mostly paid off and you should have some equity to put down as a down payment on your next deal. Almost all leases require some form down payment. Also if you lease, not only do you have to be below that alottment of miles, if you have any significant dings or dents or, for example worn out tires you have to pay for that when the lease is up.
  19. This Putin guy is dangerous, and is not afraid of the U.S. or NATO. He sees our alliance as a paper tiger, I am now convinced of this. I have a bad feeling about all of this, especially the possibility that China would use a conflict in Europe as a screen to make a big move on Japan. I really hope I am wrong on all of this... http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/17/inside-china-marines-comments-on-island-draw-sharp/
  20. Beautiful... http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2014/04/18/u-s-ground-troops-going-to-poland-defense-minister-says/?hpid=z1
  21. I just love watching the Bruins get beat up on their own ice, they deserve everything they are getting right now... GO WINGS GO!
  22. I have owned three Hyundais, good cars and would not buy a Kia too chintzy for me. Would take a Subaru or a Ford over a Hyundai any day of the week, despite the warranty for resale value and quality alone. Besides, when you see how much the Hyundai and Kia brands have raised the prices, to within a small margin with brands with better track records, your peace of mind will factor in and you will buy the Subaru or the Ford.
  23. outside of the kia/hyundai base model leases, which are subsidized from the factory, the resale value is SO BAD that the standard lease is awful.Subaru, on the other hand,leases quite well for most of its lineup. As far as quality, the cars (outside of the Azera, Genesis and Veracruz)are chintsy but reliable. Just dont buy a manual, the clutches usually go at 30k you absolutely made the right choice
  24. was it a Subaru plan or a third party?
  25. The quality of both the Subaru and the Escape is even. I think they both make damn fine cars, so I think you would be ok with either. If you do keep it six years, the depreciation issue would be negligible. One thing really nice about Subaru is the service contracts on them are incredibly reasonable, you can probably get a long term one for less than a thousand bucks, and that would be a Subaru plan. If you choose one of those get the $50-100 deductible option, and go with bumper to bumper. And if they offer a third party option (one other than the Subaru plan) ask for the Subaru one, it is backed by the factory and doesn't skimp on coverage. DEFINITELY do not under ANY circumstances take a INTERSTATE service contract, that is the brand Billy Fuccillo pushes, it is complete garbage and a lot of garages wont take it or will make you pay the bill up front and reimburse you when they get paid by that company. A factory plan will be accepted at any dealership, no questions asked.
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