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Member Berries

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    Land of Pink Flamingos

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  1. People need to stop posting youtube clips, for my sake. I always end up starting a 5 sec clip of family gu and end an hour later with some video daring me not to laugh(dont know why). So much of my time, it seems, has been wasted...at least I stop watching the games for alot of that time...
  2. Anyone else not getting nbcsn on time warner right now?mine says no signal
  3. Im 28 years old. And cant remember being out of town, saying I'm a bills fan and not being embarrassed about it....this sucks
  4. What that identity means, I have no clue. And I get the sneaking suspicion he may not either
  5. I know its already hard to watch the bills at this point but, in general, im finding the Nonstop Flag League to be close to unwatchable this season.
  6. Reminds me of the wannstedt defense. So much more should be getting done
  7. I agree with those who say the penalties are technically correct, for the most part. But some of them would have been let go in the past. It seems like the refs are calling every little thing this year.Obviously our personal fouls are inexcusable, but every game in the nfl has just too many penalties. Its getting to the point where im watching the refs more than the players.I dont blame them for losses, but the game is just so slow and its so much harder to get heavily invested because of it lately Just my 2cents
  8. Driveworks........The Matt Ellis of car parts Cafeteria coffee........The Matt Ellis of morning drinks Duct Tape.....The Matt Ellis of weatherproofing
  9. We came and we saw. Able to conquer jack $#!T. For promise of hope.
  10. Dark. Im confident, before 1 pm, that you just won gif-post of the day
  11. I personally believe Chara's success had much more to do with spezza, alfredsso, heatley, havlat, hossa and vermette. Success gave him confidence, and then going to Boston gave him a leadership role (which he definitely excelled at)
  12. :clapping: :thumbsup: :clapping:
  13. May and Ray on broadcast team. Mair and biron (that I know of that's all) working academy of hockey at Harbor center. One thing that's been clear is there're always positions for our former grinders in Pegulas empire
  14. So Marrone has come out and stated his 'reservations' started after the Watkins pick. I must say, Im coming around on that Waley trade now. Essentially we traded 2 firsts to receive Watkins and Marrones resignation. Sammy must beevery players fav now
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