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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. It’s something everyone has to wait and see. A lot can happen between now and January. If the FEC certifies Biden as they winner I think we will have a peaceful transition. I don’t know how much you watch cable news but I’ve limited myself to watching for entertainment purposes only. Too much hype. I try to read articles more now and watch videos from people at these events.
  2. The value of 2A is that it identifies the right to bear arms and organize well regulated militias. The idea being if the government crossed a certain line the citizens would be able to organize and fight back. I don’t think we are at that point but I believe other people on both sides do think we are. My advice is to let this play out between now and January. IMO anyone who advocates for violent removal/installation of a political figure at this point is emotionally unstable or does not possess the right experience to make that call. Then again my vision is limited like everyone else.
  3. Representative from New York and Chairmen of the House Judiciary Committee. AntiFa or any other group (left or right) will not be responsible or capable of physically removing a political official from a seat they refuse to vacate. Do you really think DC Police and Secret Service would let armed citizens bust in the door? That’s kind of what those guys with guns are there to prevent. Ive been thinking of starting a thread to discuss extremist groups on both sides. I have a feeling more are on the way and those that exist will continue making life interesting.
  4. So you say there is no they and then say “they” are no different from extremist groups on the right. Ok lol. Trying to pull a Jerry Nadler doesn’t make AntiFa non existent.
  5. You answered your inquiry of what AntiFa is in the first sentence of the second paragraph. If you would like I can put a nice long post together comparing them to past and present organizations along with all kinds of videos of what they do.
  6. How do you screw that up?
  7. You were saying. Lol
  8. CMON!!!!!!
  9. Bills going the wrong way on this drive.
  10. Correct me if I’m wrong but the concern here is the condoning of violence in the streets by the POTUS. I'll give you that one. That said ANTIFA is garbage both as a collective and as individuals.
  11. To start conservatives shouldn’t riot when Biden is formally declared the winner. They shouldn’t burn innocent people’s businesses or intimidate people minding their own business and act like it’s promoting racial equality. They shouldn’t act like an 11 year old boy dancing in a strip club promotes LGBT equality. If conservatives want to go after a liberal politician’s questionable relationship with a foreign entity they better make sure they go after their politicians who have the same issue.
  12. Did this a week ago. Not my unit but same training.
  13. Reminds of post 9/11 when small uncultured minds thought all Muslims were evil without understanding the people.
  14. I made it to the bold and stopped. I’ve been told multiple times in this board EVERYONE who supports Trump supports racism, bigotry and hatred. It’s cool for others to use broad strokes but not me?
  15. I can show you plenty of videos of leftists trying to scare people for not agreeing with their ideology. We can go back and forth but my point is that leftists act like they hold a moral high ground which is an absolute lie. Four years of accusing millions of people they don’t even know of being racist bigots is immoral IMO. Especially when Trump supporters consist of multiple races. An example is what happens on this very board. Apparently every single person who voted for Trump enables hatred. Saying millions you don’t even know are a bunch of racist enablers is done out of hate, not morality.
  16. Yeah because the left hasn’t tried to target and intimidate people in the last couple of years.
  17. Easy to justify until the other side starts doing it.
  18. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC US House candidate, NY-14 Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future 12:16 PM · Nov 6, 2020 k Jennifer 'the people decide' Rubin @JRubinBlogger Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into "polite" society. We have a list. 11:14 AM · Nov 6, 2020
  19. Welcome aboard! Both sides have extremely loud people who don’t seem to think before they speak. The same doom and gloom about Trump is starting about Biden. Im not well versed enough in politics to say if it’s just politics or if the number of emotionally frail people is on the rise for both sides.
  20. A few tweets making their rounds on the internet about making lists of Trump supporters in order to hold them “accountable”. I don’t see that working out too well.
  21. Not able to turn on tv today but the internet says Biden wins 290 to 214 as of right now. Definitely not the guy I wanted but here’s to hoping the country goes in the right direction. If when it’s all figured out he truly becomes POTUS then he’s my Commander-in-Chief. I figure that’s a more appropriate response to not getting ones way than what we saw in the streets after Trump won.
  22. Hate to admit it but I think Biden wins in the end. Whenever that is.
  23. I really liked him.
  24. With the signings of Hall and Staal do you think other good players are thinking it might be a good time to give Buffalo a shot?
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