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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Why do you want to see my browsing history?
  2. Yes the same security should’ve been in place. Cities burning and weapons at capitals. In earlier posts I denied increasing violence toward civil war. Sounds very extreme.
  3. Someone got shot. Difficult environment and chance of hitting the wrong person. No. It’s called knowing your target and what lies beyond.
  4. Well to start they can refocus their energy. I didn’t see thousands of people on the right or left pissed off enough to hold massive protests in 2016 when all we got was Trump and HRC. We have time to protest and counter protest statues and COVID masks but can’t seem to get off the couch when we get bad candidates. Demand better before the election instead of waiting until after.
  5. Like looking in a mirror. For a second I thought you photoshopped a Sabres jersey on a picture of me. Lololol.
  6. I think businesses should give the day off as well.
  7. The two parties have no incentive to give quality because there is no meaningful demand for it from the people. No matter how loud a group yells or protests there will be another to counter. Throw in agitators and media spin and we become more divided on the direction of the country. A divided citizenry leaves no incentive for politicians to simply be better. Rather I think it emboldens corrupt people because whose going to notice what’s in one hand if we are distracted by the other. Reminds me of the movie Braveheart. William Wallace tells the Scottish nobles they’re so busy fighting over scraps they miss there chance for something better.
  8. 1. All I said was both left and right have a current issue with voting. While neither side agrees on the validity of the other’s case they share a basic commonality in that the application of the voting system is wrong. 2. We get the same people/same type over and over because American citizens don’t demand better. I think we are to the point of voting against someone rather than voting for someone. That’s on us. Politicians will always do what they think they can get away with.
  9. I think quite a few conservative voters would agree with you actually. From their perspective election tampering negated a fair election. Not trying to debate the validity of those claims just articulating their point if view and a generic commonality. What makes me roll my eyes is when the right accuses the left of something and then the left accuses the right of the same or similar. Meanwhile Americans argue with each other about whose politicians are more/less screwed up. If we see wrongdoing on both sides but keep voting for the same people or same type of people then whose to blame? On the surface it looks like partisan politics but deeper its bipartisan. In the last 25 years both sides have had bad justice reform, targeting of citizens by government agencies (Intel and IRS), mismanaged foreign policy, fiscal irresponsibility, and self imposed security breaches.
  10. What do you want to get fixed? Serious question, not trying to be a ****. IMO the system of government isn’t the problem. The problem is how those charged with executing it are doing so. Trump is out in a couple weeks but I think the problems will still be there after him, after Biden and so on. I’ve been going over just the last 25 years and it’s amazing.
  11. Olofsson to the dressing room after a hard fall.
  12. I agree with posters who pencil Cozens in on the fourth line. What interests me is what does the third line look like if he proves capable this year? Girgensons Cozens Okposo Two vets who have played up and down lineups and special teams to mentor him. He’s got skill and I can see those two being a positive influence.
  13. Condensed season along with an evolving game means you need more than just two lines who can score. Add in however many COVID cases and injuries, definitely need the bottom six to contribute. I won’t be surprised if we have a few games won/lost on the backs of guys like Lazar, KO and the like.
  14. The difference is the players league wide go roughly three to five months between seasons then have a full camp, scrimmages and exhibitions. This year they get two weeks to bust nine months of rust off. There will be timing and communication issues defensively that in a normal season wouldn’t be as prevalent. Every game is a little more important this year too. I don’t see teams going into Alamo mode with a lead or hesitant to take chances if down a goal. I think every team is going to run and gun the whole season.
  15. RK’s take on day 1.
  16. I agree. League wide the defense pairs will have little time to establish/rekindle their communication. I think teams in general will have issues with missed coverage. Things like two dmen going behind their own net, chasing and not closing the backdoor. PKs will get caught watching the puck and goalies will take some time to get use to in game speed. Just my opinion though and I think after the first month these things will be mitigated.
  17. You may be right. Depends on his motives. I saw car bomb/suicide bomber and went with it.
  18. Trump signed the COVID bill. Apparently the Omnibus bill was attached. According to the second article that is where all that foreign funding comes from. Let’s say for a moment everything is on the up and up. Where is all this money coming from in both bills? We have a huge national debt and if we must go even deeper it should be strictly for U.S. citizens. $600 will last such a long time for a family. Congress wrote it and he signed it. Thick as thieves, smoke and mirrors. We the people elected them so we get what we deserve. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/12/27/politics/trump-relief-bill-christmas-eve/index.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.tampabay.com/news/nation-world/2020/12/25/coronavirus-relief-bill-does-not-include-foreign-aid-arts-funding-politifact/%3foutputType=amp
  19. I’m going with Dahlin. I think he will take a big step forward this year on both sides of the red line. Add that to a better looking offense and it might just offset the goaltending.
  20. I don’t know where to put this and I know it’s not a good day to discuss but I’m trying to put the puzzle pieces together. Below is an article on the Nashville explosion. I subscribe to the idea this is domestic terrorism. Typically terrorists execute their operations to achieve a religious, political or ideological goal. In this case I think it’s ideological. International terrorists would target something/somewhere bigger inside the U.S. An audio warning came from the RV, likely to mitigate loss of life. The attack happened on a day where most people are at home which also mitigates loss of life. The RV was parked near an AT&T building and exploded shortly after police arrived in response to gunfire. The steps taken to mitigate loss of life is used by terrorists to avoid turning a populace against them, sometimes an information campaign supports their actions. Based on limited information of the event, whoever did this may have had two targets; police and AT&T building (corporate America). Additionally I think this was a command (RC) detonation. My research indicates this particular area is undergoing a shift. Bigger, more modern homes, arts district. Likely a reduction in crime has made it more attractive for people to come to. It also makes it more difficult for a terrorist surveillance/reconnaissance element to judge police timing. Hence this was command detonated not a timed delay. Maybe a suicide bomber depending on exploitation of the IED. My conclusion is this is likely a “lone wolf” attack. The intent was to strike corporate America and the police which are two recently vilified groups. Mitigation of loss of life supports a message of “its the people vs these vilified groups” (hearts and minds). Then again it could be someone who just wanted to cause havoc on Christmas and this is all just coincidental. Sorry for the long read. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/12/25/nashville-explosion-christmas/%3foutputType=amp
  21. I have a very similar ornament.
  22. No way. We just signed Mitts. Who needs Cirelli?
  23. Fire fighters came on base from all over and hand dug a huge fire break. Normally they would set a perimeter around the residential areas and wait for it to come to them. They took the fight to the fire with Santa Ana winds making it worse just so we could all return home for Christmas Eve and Day.
  24. So much hockey in a short time. g
  25. Thank you guys. I just drove by the area and it doesn’t look too bad. I think we will be ok.
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