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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. It’s doable if they can close up some holes in their game. I didn’t see the stats but it seemed like they waited until the second half to really get Beasley and Diggs into it.
  2. I’ll take an ugly win to end a quarter century drought.
  3. So who do we think we play next?
  4. Hall, Eichel, Skinner, Dahlin and Joker on blue. I know who wins.
  5. And a streamed Sabres scrimmage.
  6. Fixed. I think it’s the same meaning, different verbiage. It is not a one sided problem. It is not a one dimensional problem.
  7. Pointless with respect to those people trying to do something good or show proof of a grievance. All they did was further a negative spiral. In the larger picture I agree totally this is a huge step down the wrong path. Politicians have and will continue to convince people they are a victim of fellow citizens and that they, the politician, are the savior. Next comes militant branches of political parties. Those militant arms use violence and intimidation to further political objectives. At first elected officials keep their distance from these political arms. The militants gain support from the populace through the populace’s anger and fear. The politicians benefit from the divide as people look to them to stop the violence and promises of doing so. At some point you get politicians supporting the actions of the militants from behind the curtain. The goal is to disrupt society in order to decrease the civilian populace’s confidence in civil authority. Once that happens the politician offers the way out which includes blind obedience and institution of the politician’s form of policing. That policing is usually authoritarian. The populace accepts it out of fear, anger and apathy. The populace never catches on until it is too late because they were too busy calling each other the problem, the traitor, the murderer. They were too busy trying to show how those that don’t agree with them are the enemy to see what is happening. Eventually you are left with few people in control calling the shots. They themselves fight with each other dragging their people into more violence. Elements of the above are personified by Nazi Germany but better personified by Taliban control of Afghanistan. It continues in Afghanistan as militants bomb peace talks and political institutions. Disrupt, provide fear and an enemy, replace with authoritarianism. Or maybe I am wrong and this is not happening and is not going to happen. The common theme is a distracted populace. The only way to fix it is a populace who accepts it as not one sided, one dimensional problem.
  8. Sabres will stream the next scrimmage at 7:00 PM on 9 January.
  9. Girgensons replacement?
  10. Ok so I’ve tried offer my perspective on what happened, what has been happening and where I think this is going. This has resulted in accusation of downplaying things, being a murderer, and being a traitor to my country. Verbatim. I have rarely weighed-in when the talk is of things like economics because I think some of you are more well versed. On those type of topics I read more to learn from some of you. All of us have our own backgrounds and experiences which offer us a lens and perspective an issues. I’m not going into detail into my experiences on here until my time doing my job is done but I do feel they give me a perspective on what has been happening. If that experience based perspective is unwelcome then so be it. To anyone who thinks my comments have enabled events, downplayed them or is a betrayal of my country, you are certainly free to feel that way and to make those accusations. I one hundred percent agree all evil needs is for good men to do nothing. I have faith we will get through this.
  11. Yeah it could definitely inspire others. There’s also the possibility of escalation by both politically like minded and political opposition. What I mean is we (some Americans) went from burning buildings, riots and unarmed occupation to carrying weapons to state capitols and occupation. Now we have forcible entry by armed people in DC. This progression happened quickly. The common theme I identify is perversion of messaging. This is a tactic of international terrorist organizations for recruitment and motivation for execution of operations.
  12. If anyone had been taken hostage FBI HRT and DC SWAT would’ve come in. Even if they had taken control of the building and hostages they would not have been able to attain any goal of changing the outcome of the election. I’m not trying to downplay the the seriousness of their actions but there was no favorable outcome for the perpetrators to be had. Their actions were pointless and resulted in nothing good.
  13. I can’t imagine anyone would’ve been worried this was a viable attempt to seize control. Maybe in the minds of the ones who did it but for those of us with brain cells it was just stupid.
  14. So going through those posts I said Biden won’t be unifier because there are those on the right who won’t go for it. That is not a conspiracy theory because there will be people who just won’t unite with him. That was proven today. To be a unifier you have to convince people to come together. People are dug in so deep I do not see it happening. You say I spread baseless election fraud lies that led to a women’s death. Trump disputed the election. That is a fact as we saw the votes on that dispute today. If I remember correctly your issue was with me saying I was pretty sure Biden would be inaugurated. How is that spreading lies when at the time of that post none of us knew exactly what would happen with those claims? I said if Biden is declared winner when this is all over we would have a peaceful transition. I was wrong on that prediction. In one of your cited posts I said at this point if anyone advocates for violent removal of an elected official they are mentally unstable. Where in those posts do I advocate for violent removal or claims of election fraud? And this is why I have zero respect for you. Absolutely disgusting.
  15. Since you put her blood on my hands why don’t you explain EXACTLY what I said that led to her death.
  16. Why do you want to see my browsing history?
  17. Yes the same security should’ve been in place. Cities burning and weapons at capitals. In earlier posts I denied increasing violence toward civil war. Sounds very extreme.
  18. Someone got shot. Difficult environment and chance of hitting the wrong person. No. It’s called knowing your target and what lies beyond.
  19. Well to start they can refocus their energy. I didn’t see thousands of people on the right or left pissed off enough to hold massive protests in 2016 when all we got was Trump and HRC. We have time to protest and counter protest statues and COVID masks but can’t seem to get off the couch when we get bad candidates. Demand better before the election instead of waiting until after.
  20. Like looking in a mirror. For a second I thought you photoshopped a Sabres jersey on a picture of me. Lololol.
  21. I think businesses should give the day off as well.
  22. The two parties have no incentive to give quality because there is no meaningful demand for it from the people. No matter how loud a group yells or protests there will be another to counter. Throw in agitators and media spin and we become more divided on the direction of the country. A divided citizenry leaves no incentive for politicians to simply be better. Rather I think it emboldens corrupt people because whose going to notice what’s in one hand if we are distracted by the other. Reminds me of the movie Braveheart. William Wallace tells the Scottish nobles they’re so busy fighting over scraps they miss there chance for something better.
  23. 1. All I said was both left and right have a current issue with voting. While neither side agrees on the validity of the other’s case they share a basic commonality in that the application of the voting system is wrong. 2. We get the same people/same type over and over because American citizens don’t demand better. I think we are to the point of voting against someone rather than voting for someone. That’s on us. Politicians will always do what they think they can get away with.
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