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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. In the context of security clearances, the term secure refers to spaces cleared for processing, discussion, storage of classified/national security information. A courtroom/jail is not a facility built to those standards. FISA court would be an exception.
  2. For those interested there is a Microsoft Outlook vulnerability. When you click an attachment to preview (protected view), malicious code can bypass the preview to give an actor high level privileges to files. CVE-2024-21413
  3. It’s a rumor until it’s not. I think two As are enough for a team. TT and Tuch I understand but not really Cozens or Muel.
  4. I feel like I’d get a massive headache.
  5. I don’t think he takes anything less than what Power makes.
  6. You really think because the previous administration is no longer here what they have done is just in the past? Do you really think the money USAID funnels into Afghanistan through the UN is helping innocent people? I’m sure the Taliban and ISIS are keeping their hands out of it. Apparently $15 mil from USAID went to the Taliban for condoms. Money well spent. A lot more wasted money across other government agencies to include the DoD. A long hard look should be taken at all agencies and government personnel. As far as my comments about the withdrawal, if Trump was president I guarantee this board would be screaming how the wannabe dictator cost 13 Americans their lives. I guess all the military hardware in the hands of the Taliban, who have a history of supporting extremism, is just in the past. No way that could ever come back to bite us. If Trump had said no military were in combat zones during his administration people would go nuts. But because the lefts cackling queen idiot said it, leftists stay quiet.
  7. There’s 13 reasons why you should care about how much Biden’s withdrawal sucked but I’m not surprised you don’t. Then again Harris claimed there were no U.S. service members in combat zones. I’m sure their supporters believed it too. Im sure all the money USAID has funneled into Afghanistan since the Taliban took over has been well spent.
  8. Aside from some medical assistance, pretty much anything they did in Afghanistan over 20 years was a waste. They even admitted to wasting money on projects that Afghans rejected because it would make them a target of extremists. It was the whole buy the hearts and minds thing. There words paraphrased. Only thing more inept was the Biden administration’s approach to the withdrawal.
  9. Well I can attest from personal experience that USAID is either full of stupid people or has a serious issue with fraud, waste, and abuse.
  10. Remember people were all about the next generation getting into politics? 😂 Who needs life experience?
  11. Good win for Reimer. Composed and made some good saves. Tuch stepped up in TT’s absence. Gilbert showing he’s a willing combatant but Olivier is better.
  12. No idea what the end goal is with China when it comes to tariffs. I do know China 2049 and what they have been doing is of concern. Regarding Canada you should take the blinders off when reading what I said. I specifically said getting Canada to label cartels as terrorist organizations could have been done without tariffs IMO. I am not familiar with Canadian laws but the difference calling some group or person a terrorist vs criminal is not negligible. First off, prosecuting criminals is the point of pursuit and capture. When it comes to terrorists, sometimes killing them is the purpose of pursuit. Some you capture to make your way up the chain or if they surrender. Others get a bullseye.
  13. Well it looks like the tariff threat resulted in Canada’s willingness to label cartels as terrorist organizations and a task firce (which has been done before). Probably could’ve been done without a tariff IMO. @K-9 there’s another one with China.
  14. Deportations in general, deportations of non violent illegal immigrants, or the tariffs?
  15. https://apnews.com/article/trump-tariffs-canada-mexico-china-sheinbaum-trudeau-017efa8c3343b8d2a9444f7e65356ae9 Were Canada and Mexico already taking the actions listed in the article?
  16. One of your top players gets laid out hard. Your team isn’t making the playoffs but you are up two goals anyway. Not sure why there wasn’t much retaliation but mindset is what it is. World keeps turning.
  17. As far as the Colombians having criminal records there are conflicting statements between Petro and Trump. Neither have provided proof so I don’t believe either of them until that happens. I agree with you on how they were treated. No water is a hard line for me. It is cruel and I have been in situations where detainees were provided water and more at a minimum. If they were all non violent then children and elderly should’ve been afforded the bathroom. Leg restraints would be on a person by person basis but unnecessary for children and elderly women. When it comes to handcuffing, for children I think it’s unnecessary. For adults, you better believe they are getting cuffed if we are in a steel tube 30k feet in the air. I don’t care what your record, nationality, gender, race, or religion is. These people were desperate enough to break U.S. law to either gain entry or stay. They come from a country where cartels, corruption, murder, and trafficking have made them desperate. Desperate people do unpredictable things. In an airplane I am more worried about reducing their capability to act out in desperation than I am about their comfortability. So, on quite a bit of things we can agree but the handcuffing of adults, specifically military aged males is not one of them. In flight security takes priority, period.
  18. The post on X had me thinking there was drama involved in the decision.
  19. This puts a little wrinkle in China’s Belt and Road Initiative. https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/global-trends/wont-renew-belt-and-road-deal-with-china-says-panama-president-amid-us-pressure/amp_articleshow/117872447.cms
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