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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Meanwhile in Buffalo the fans have gathered to burn down the FNC while the idea of a Hamilton team becomes more appealing.
  2. Never again will I start a GDT. I dont want Ott to say their terrible play is my fault as a fan.
  3. Just a reminder the game starts at 8:00 pm. Lets go Buffalo!!! PS: 1ST GDT. Hope it brings em luck.
  4. I think I saw little Tim panhandling on Niagara Falls Blvd. Offering stories about old time hockey for money.
  5. I guess I dont understand the craze of the flash mob.
  6. My therapist says I'm healthy. :w00t:
  7. I despise flash mobs. Maybe it is because I do not see their purpose. Feel free to express yourself through dance while I express my fist through your teeth.
  8. I never really liked Milbury, Keith Jones or Melrose. They seem to have a Chara sized stick stuck where the sun dont shine.
  9. Hecht is playing a pretty physical game.
  10. Id like to see Scott get one.
  11. KALETA Theres a WTF moment for NJ.
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