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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. So if RR knew of wrong doing why not go before Congress? I get the idea of a wire would be to catch the guy in the act but after it didn’t happen why not come forward with what he knew publucally like Cohen did. Could’ve done it in a closed session followed by a public one. You say not to take Trumps “lies” at face value but you think RR knew of wrongdoing and wanted to do the right thing. Trump said no collusion for two years and the left tried to convince everyone it happened.
  2. Correct. The investigation under Mueller began shortly after Comey was fired. Comey was already investigating the campaign and Russian interference. The firing of Comey left McCabe in charge of the FBI. Neither McCabe nor Comey were Trump appointments and Comey is suspected of leaking information to the MSM. Comey’s firing provided those in charge of the FBI and I assume CIA an obstruction of justice narrative and exacerbated CI claims. The new narrative will be obstruction and finances but they will go nowhere. Democrats need to recover in the eyes of their base after no collusion.
  3. He also offered to wear a wire while meeting with Trump. After claiming it was not serious, former Deputy Director McCabe provides a different narrative. So if someone desperately wanted oversight of the investigation to go in their favor, who would they rather have? A: New Trump appointed AG B: Guy who offered to use his position to spy on POTUS https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/02/17/politics/mccabe-fbi-rosenstein-wire/index.html
  4. Lol ok. Is that why every time she makes an appearance she talks about how she got screwed by a flawed system which feeds into the current Democrat idea of abolishing the Electioral College? Or how about Obama’s handling of ISIS and quick withdrawal from Iraq which has led to increased Iranian influence. Pretty sure those are current issues. But I’ll play along. For two years people against Trump touted Mueller’s investigation. Now that it didn’t say what they wanted it’s on to house investigations. The star witness so far is Michael Cohen who after hours of preparation with Schiff’s people still didn’t say what they wanted him to. Why? Because when investigations start he would be found guilty of again lying to Congress. Those investigations will start quickly and use the FISA and fake dossier documents. This will be so Trump does not declassify the FISA warrants and supporting documents. The new goal for the Dems will be to focus on painting Trump as the Capone of our time. If successful the Dems win 2020 and bury all evidence of corruption which led to the investigation. People are impressed with how little leaks came out during the investigation and astonished it didn’t say what they wanted it to. Could it be by removing the corrupt FBI leadership there was no backstop? Maybe that’s why the left wanted Barr to recuse himself so that RR would oversee it all.
  5. Yes like blaming some Russian social media accounts for changing the election. So on one hand they say Americans are too stupid to not allow themselves to be influenced by foreign propaganda. At the same time they call for an end to the Electoral College. If the American people are so easily influenced why do they want the popular vote to decide? So what you are saying is if a bad guy supports someone they must share the same values. HRC was friends with Robert Byrd and viewed Saul Alinsky as a mentor. Obama’s supposed preacher said GD America. Both let four Americans die in Libya when U.S. forces were ready to go. Not sure what it is I said that makes you think I’m a scared white guy. Once again the left using the race card when someone else doesn’t agree with their POV. Maybe I should concede and vote Kamala in 2020. Then you won’t accuse me or others of being scared of people who aren’t white.
  6. Who are you to judge how the guy explains his comparisons? You don’t like it so you just dismiss it as trolling. As far as I go I’ll say what I want within the confines of the site concerning what I see. @Scottysabres was saying the tactics employed by elements of the left are reminiscent of what Hitler did. IMO he is right to an extent. Why is it the left can call people bigots, homophobes, Islamaphobes and all kinds of garbage but when it goes the other way you deem it trolling? Probably because your interpretation is different which is good because it sparks debate. But that too goes both ways. Something elements of the left have forgotten.
  7. I don't think that was in the Mueller Report. If it is its probably in the section about late term abortions, scary guns and how the world will end in 12 years due to climate change. The report is likely classified so the only ones who have seen it are Hillary Clinton and everyone who has gained access to her unsecure server. But hey Orange Man bad and all that jazz.
  8. You are about to get lit up like Christmas tree. Either that or get called a troll like I did. I’m with you though. President Kennedy said it would/is happening by covert means and he was right. Some say we use to agree on the end point but disagree on the path. We are seeing the true end point progressives want. 1. We maintain 2A not for hunting but to protect ourselves from what we fought against in the Revolutionary War. What neutrality and professionalism? You mean FISA warrants based on a dossier created by a foreign intel officer funded by a U.S. candidate via Fusion GPS? Or do you mean the texts between two members of that investigative team which demonstrated lack of professionalism and politicization?
  9. Yes especially that Skinner guy
  10. RJ needs to chill. He is extra tonight.
  11. That was a pretty saucer pass
  12. If anyone sees some wheels flying down the street the Sabres would like them back.
  13. Both teams can’t defend the slot
  14. Notice he was facing the wrong way for a pass mid slot. Could’ve been a one timer in his wheel house but instead it goes off his skate.
  15. Debatable. There’s enough blame to go around.
  16. I guess the net wasn’t big enough for Sheary.
  17. Because our players don’t play to their potential as often as they could.
  18. Agree on flipping Skinner and Sobotka.
  19. So if term isn't the issue should be believe its the money? If so I wonder how far off the two sides are.
  20. Build a wall. I know just the guy to talk to.
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