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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Wow no winning with you. I offer to go with no wall unless it’s proven other methods don’t work. I also said both sides argue over what the data says. I never said which I agree with. While I do not claim I have the perfect answer I only offer one of likely many paths. In fact I would like a solution that is other than a wall. But if it’s proven that all other means do not work without it then we go from there.
  2. Spend the money on more CBP agents, tech and upgrading existing infrastructure. If after two years the new data compared to the current data doesn’t show improvement then revisit the wall. It didn’t get built the last two years and won’t in the next two. Both sides argue about what the current data says so log where we are at now and wait and see how upgrades to what we have now affects the issue. Both sides have good ideas and a physical barrier is one. However you need the personnel and tools as well. Can’t all be done at once and should be phased anyway. On a related issue ICE should not be abolished. Anyone who came here illegally or overstays their Visa is breaking the law. They are not US citizens just because they are standing in US soil. Beat cops have enough to deal with so they cannot devote their time to looking for those here illegally. CBP takes the border and ICE finds the ones who squeak through. I get the majority of these people are fleeing violence from cartels and economic nightmares but the answer isn’t run to the US. They have to take back their countries. Otherwise more of their countrymen, families and generations will suffer. I see plenty of able bodied men in these caravans. They need to do what is necessary, not run away. Just my two cents.
  3. I grew up in Wheatfield. Playing hockey, baseball, riding bikes and every summer are the best memories. I didn’t venture much past NT. Would be nice to live there again but I don’t think it’s in the cards. Maybe somewhere close enough to catch a few games.
  4. https://www.justicedemocrats.com/ Don’t worry, progressives say the world will end in 12 years anyway. Link is a good read.
  5. So wait for a talented player to spend a few years on a successful team then trade for him? Two problems with that. 1. Sabres don’t have the luxury of doing that. Nor does any team. 2. This method does not change the Sabres culture by holding current players accountable. In turn it likely makes talented players with good attitudes not want to come here. Look at the big names we recently had. Kane, O’Reily, even Skinner. None of them known for great attitudes but they chose to come here.
  6. Guy had three years to see what direction they were going in and about decade or so of historical context prior to resigning with them.
  7. Phil is such a tool. That second line makes want to bang my head against the wall. Dahlin and Risto on D together. What could possibly go wrong? Phil is either not even trying or trying to get fired. Not even puck drop and I’m aggravated.
  8. Maybe Jack will score another own goal. No better way to show Ottawa we will not be outdone in this game of suck.
  9. They should just agree on 8.250. He hit a wall but overall had a good season, perfect fit for Jack and a core piece going forward. For Skinner he now has a center who can keep up with him and a team who can sign him for eight years taking him well past his prime. After all this time they go from being 1.5 mil apart to 1 mil apart. Just pay the guy, makes some trades to get a 2C and find a coach.
  10. What? So you wouldn't want Draisaitl because he is on a losing team?
  11. Ha. I look at Sabres stuff during meetings too. Sometimes I wonder how vital I am.?
  12. For Nashville
  13. I dunno about being inferior hockey players but they make good sammis for the boys.
  14. I remember that as a kid playing at Hockey Outlet (Sabreland).
  15. Put him on a line with Sam and Erod. Maybe Mitts and Sam.
  16. I would love for him to call a cup winning game for the Sabres. Honestly though I just hope he is still around when they do win a cup. The man deserves to see it more than anyone I can think of.
  17. I think with a young group of players you need experience at the helm. Young players and a first time head coach is too much learning on both ends. Almost like the blind leading the blind. I think he could do good things as an assistant to an experienced coach while getting more on the job experience himself from that coach. Same goes for GM. Right now we have two guys doing the lead job for the first time overseeing a team primarily of new or young players. I think if you put Phil and JBott in a position to coach/manage an accomplished franchise they would have more room to learn themselves. Essentially the experienced players keep the product entertaining and competitive while the new leadership does minor tinkering in the first few years. Instead we have chickens running around with their heads cut off and two guys who don't have anything to draw on regarding the answer. WRT to TPeggs comment, the answer is you sir stay the hell out of it. Although not in an optimal position, JBott and Phil need to figure it out because its their jobs and its how they will learn. As soon as daddy oversteps (and he has not yet) they will become more frustrated and scared to make what is likely bold decisions for next year. Apologies on the length.
  18. That's asking a lot now a days. Ottawa might have a better chance of scoring on our PP.
  19. Listening to the game at work and reading everyone's comments. Pretty entertaining.
  20. I'd like Torts. At least he himself offers entertainment during pressers.
  21. I wouldn't got hat far.
  22. Mind your Ps and Qs. Lame joke I know.
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