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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. I agree nationalism in its most extreme results in violence against entire groups of people. I say again though, not every nationalist fits that mold. What gives nationalists a bad name are those idiots who promote it as a racial issue like white supremacists. I think @Scottysabres is trying to say he puts our laws ahead of the migrant’s situation, not survival of white people against Hispanic people. IMO his views on liberals in this matter are tied to your question on sanctuary cities. American state officials are aiding and abetting people breaking our laws. In the short term these people get to stay in the U.S. but always looking over their shoulder scared of being caught. The answer to that is not abolishing ICE, it’s fixing the immigration system and looking at what is causing illegal immigrants. @LTS and I have discussed this and I think we’re able to see eye to eye on some things. Conservatives are not innocent in this either. I’m more worried about what is happening with our political discourse and what that can lead to. This race and immigration thing along with guns has become so polarizing as if it is by design to keep us divided. Sorry about the length.
  2. No expert here but I think there is a relaxation in applying federal laws regarding immigration. There is probably little support systems and early warning of ICE operations. IMO they are bad because it sets examples of not properly applying federal law which could be applied to other issues in the future. It also demonstrates a bad example in general for the rule of law.
  3. Definition of nationalism 1: loyalty and devotion to a nation especially : a sense of national consciousness (see CONSCIOUSNESS sense 1c) exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranationalgroups The Difference Between Nationalism, Patriotism, Sectionalism, and Jingoism Nationalism has a number of near-synonyms, each of which carries its own distinct meaning. Patriotism is similar insofar as it emphasizes strong feelings for one’s country, but it does not necessarily imply an attitude of superiority. Sectionalism resembles nationalism in its suggestion of a geopolitical group pursuing its self-interest, but the group in question is usually smaller than an entire nation. Jingoism closely resembles nationalismin suggesting feelings of cultural superiority, but unlike nationalism, it always implies military aggressiveness. My interpretation of old Webster is that nationalism implies putting your country and it’s culture above all others. It implies a sense of superiority which I get is debatable but if our country wasn’t better in general terms why do people risk their lives to come here? Anyway the point of this post it to point out a nationalist and white nationalist are not the same. Also, just because we have raging idiots like the KKK and Aryan Brotherhood claiming to be nationalists it doesn’t make others racist. I would think a nationalist would love their country to the point of understanding it is a conglomeration of cultures making up a unified nation of states. I get not wanting general vilification though. Anyway this is between you two so I’ll see myself out.
  4. Finances as in estimated revenue?
  5. Watching some baseball and I always wondered why Buffalo doesn’t have an MLB team. I would guess lots of Buffalonians like baseball. Having a team in Toronto doesn’t hurt the Sabres so I can’t imagine negative market sharing. It would give us three different ways to bring a championship to Buffalo too. Only thing we need to make sure is the Pegulas don’t own it. Appreciate everyone’s thoughts on the why and likelihood it ever happens.
  6. Definitely. If it was me that would be step one to create a buffer. Step two would be trying to get Mexico to help get other countries on the right path. Trickle affect. Now let’s go watch tv to see our officials do nothing but argue.
  7. Maybe you are right that people in our government have something to gain by destabilizing other countries. In fact I will totally agree with you. Pretty sure Cheney had something to do with contract companies in Iraq and Afghanistan. But maybe the man in the White House isn’t the one doing it this time. This is a guy who touts winning everyday. That ego contradicts creating an environment where he can’t deliver on border promises. I think we should look at congressional members of both parties. If things get bad enough down there would any of them have something to gain through another war and more country building? When I say look at these people I mean ties to foreign companies, political organizations, social organizations, recent trips (CODEL), and ties to natural resource personalities/organizations. EDIT: We should also look into who supports Madurai and Guiado which also leads to their relationships with U.S. officials.
  8. If the countries were safer and more stable i don’t see why they would want to make the journey and break another country’s laws. Cutting their aid wouldn’t be the cause though because the caravans were happening before. If nefarious it could prolong the issue for 2020. Or it could be backlash for these countries not doing anything to help. I’d be interested to know how much of that money was being used for it’s intent and how much was being skimmed. Evidence?
  9. Fun Calgary/Colorado game. A shutout, four goals and pushing and shoving. Playoff hockey is awesome.
  10. Exactly. I’m not saying it’s big in “big brother” way. Physically too many levels. Reminds me of Office Space. History has proven walls and everything aren’t impenetrable but history also shows they serve a purpose. Provided they are incorporated properly as part of a larger effort. Agree. Improved economics and security within their own countries benefits everyone. How that happens I don’t know.
  11. I would think you need physical barriers along with the personnel and tech. Without all three you have gaps. I mean there will be gaps anyway but easier to exploit. Problem is I don't see it all happening at once either for fiscal reasons or political. I don't know CBPs approach but IMO first they need to identify what non-port of entry areas illegals are using the most. Then look at the terrain to see if a physical barrier is feasible. From there they could prioritize in order to get the appropriate defense in at the right time. If they have already done this then I would hope CBP through DHS is communicating their recommendations as to where a barrier needs to go, what positions need more personnel, and what new/upgraded equipment they need and where. Just as important is the justification for what they need. Now I wonder if DHS has an issue in either evaluating the situation and/or communicating the above. My guess is its a communication problem. If so Nielsen likely quit because she got tired of getting yelled at by both sides for an inability to articulate the situation and needs. If I had to guess, the chain from the individual agent through CBP to DHS is long enough to screw up communication. This would make sense because its a mix of political appointees and LE personnel. Probably some infighting within DHS as well. Hope this didn't come off as a rant but more of an assessment.
  12. @Brawndo what would be the cause(s) of the aneurism?
  13. I am not a doctor but my advice is to visit a medical website that offers interactive consultation. Preferably you want to speak with a medical professional in person. In person you could probably go over symptoms, medical history, and maybe genetic disposition. I know this is not the answer you are looking for and I am just trying to help. Best wishes for your mom and family. EDIT: Brawndo sounds like he knows what he is talking about.
  14. What about racism in general? It is very true racism still exists but is it as big of an issue as it is made out to be? This is probably subjective because it depends on everyone’s individual experience. I for example have not witnessed too many acts of racism. The only time I can remember is when I lived in South Carolina. My wife was leaving Walmart and the bag checker at the door let her go without much of check. The black lady behind her though felt she was checked more thoroughly than my wife. The lady says to the employee “what about that white b****.” This is all according to my wife. Honestly I don’t think the lady’s comment is racist because she wasn’t trying to say my wife is less of a person or beneath her in anyway because she is white. Instead I think she used the B word out of anger mixed with pointing out a white woman didn’t get checked as hard. Just a personal story. I think it will be a big issue in 2020 but I don’t think most Americans are racist. Definitely need to spotlight every time it happens but I think people are too quick to call something an act of racism before knowing the whole story.
  15. I’d say the first shootout save by a Sabres goalie. After Lehner’s tenure I thought we’d never see it.
  16. Thanks for the lesson. If somehow you felt I was targeting you in someway look at yourself. Maybe you have a guilty conscience. Please please please believe if I were to address a specific person they (you) would know.
  17. I'm talking about anyone who goes to the extreme on either side. A person is not racist or hateful because they are concerned about terrorists, drug and human traffickers mixing in with people coming across the border illegally. At the same time, not all illegal immigrants are coming here to destroy our way of life. Grabbing a gun and going to the border is going to do what? You have no arrest authority and use of a weapon will likely result in criminal charges. Setting up sanctuary cities does not protect people from the evil, scary ICE. If anything it gives ICE an idea of where to look. It also causes division in the application of state and federal laws further dividing the country. Furthermore, ICE is not some off shoot of the KKK so I don't get the idea of calling them or their actions racist. If you were a cop and were given a description of a white, black, hispanic, or asian suspect you are probably going to look for someone fitting that description. It is called investigating a crime such as crossing into the U.S. illegally. I think the U.S. should take in people seeking a better life. But at some point you have to look at what is causing these people to make the long dangerous and eventually illegal journey into the U.S. You can discredit whatever I say calling it a rant. All I'm saying is if you care so much on either side of the issue then do something that actually affects change like pressuring politicians to do their jobs besides trying to stick it to each other. Or maybe get involved with an organization that fights against what is going on in South and Central America. I can tell you right now throwing numbers and reciting talking points to each other on here isn't doing anything.
  18. This is so pathetic it’s funny. One side yells wall the other yells racism and promotes sanctuary cities. Both sides throw numbers around like they can’t be manipulated. Americans yell and fight with each other about something most know nothing about. Why don’t both sides ask their political leaders why they focus on a symptom and not the cause? If you are so worried about illegals go to their country and face the ones creating their hell. If you say you care so much for them and their safety then prove it and do the same. If you think you can’t, ask the Americans who went to Iraq to fight ISIS after the military left. No time for that. Too busy acting like we know what’s happening because we read a stat from a document approved by a politician. Or we are too busy learning how to fight each other because the person we voted for says our side is right. Everyone is either racist or unpatriotic if they don’t agree.
  19. It’s all about chillin bruh. I’m saving the emotions for the summer of change. As in there better be some changes that include Skinner in Buffalo for eight years.
  20. At this point we are driving ourselves nuts hanging on every comment he makes. I think we need to take a breather and wait until a decision is made.
  21. What have thought he’d at least say he wants to stay
  22. I understand the frustration and I understand we live in a country where unless you outright say Orange Man bad then everything else falls on deaf ears. You and I seem to agree on a few things but not grabbing your guns and going to the border. Reason being it is like a hostage trying to help the rescue team instead of letting the professionals do their job. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and eventually someone will take a life and lose their own to prison. CBP needs to get beefed up and upgraded. ICE has the job of finding those here illegally either through means of entry or Visa violations. Neither you or I have that mission and to take it on out of emotion will hinder the ones who do. Emotions are fine with the wife but I firmly believe they need to be put in check at times. A man who can’t do that is useless. BTW I’m not saying that you are useless. Yes they are all breaking the law as soon as they set foot on US soil anywhere other than a port of entry. I would guess most came here because the cartel violence and political corruption is rampant all the way up to Mexico. So the US is the closest safe haven. I feel for what they are going through but sanctuary cities and angry people with guns do nothing good. Both are a product of emotional weakness. Unless you turn that anger toward every member of every cartel out of care for the innocent victims.
  23. I don’t know why now is when someone decided to make it an emergency. I haven’t been to the border myself. Perhaps it is the man’s interpretation of the situation or maybe he played the card to win over voters who do think there is an emergency. Pretty sure I said I’d like to not have to build a wall unless it was absolutely necessary. But if at some point those numbers go in the other direction and/or existing/upgraded measures fail then it’s back to the drawing board. I believe evil thrives on good people doing nothing. Clearly their politicians and police aren’t making their neighborhoods safe enough to not run away. The conversation is so focused on a wall not many talk about how to kill the root of the problem.
  24. Cool the team got you 40 now you give 8. 8 years of your life that is. See negotiations are easy.
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