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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. I cant speak to the Dem party transition but if you think there aren't violent people, drug and human trafficking mixing in with the ones legitimately looking for asylum you are wrong. Same thing but smaller scale with the ones leaving ISIS held areas and going to Europe. Its not all of them but still an issue.
  2. Aaaaaand I was right the first time. There is a WAPO article saying the leader of the militia was arrested.
  3. I’ve agreed he’s not the best human being and I will admit neither am I in any way. However I wouldn’t say 10 times worse than any other we have had. I am thankful she is not.
  4. That’s because you’ve never seen Hillary as POTUS.
  5. Taking advantage of the GIPH capability. This thing pays for itself. I’m getting the feeling we are on the same page.
  6. Ya but I don’t know if it’s enough to overlook the mistakes he makes in his own end. If the other team had a lot of scoring depth maybe.
  7. This now my new favorite thread. Thanks SDS.
  8. I think Risto is expendable but alone will not get a 2C. Need something in the deal to mitigate the +\-.
  9. We’d be saying the same thing if He wasn’t.
  10. They won’t though. They all have dirt on each other. I can see it getting to the point where people stop caring when a politician is accused or even found to have done something wrong. Maybe an apathetic population is what the establishments want.
  11. Makes ya wonder what Republicans will do when a Dem is president.
  12. I don’t have an agenda. Never said they were heroes. Never made a claim about those that were detained.
  13. Page 44 talks about Wkileaks’ decision to release 30,000 HRC emails. Seems the organization/Assange felt she is a “sociopath” with more freedom and willingness to start wars. Weird how he is arrested pending extradition to the U.S. shortly before the report came out. I wonder if the intent is to try him in our courts so that he testifies in response to the report; expanding on his assessment, specifically what information he has to support. Kill Switch?
  14. @Scottysabres I was wrong. I guess people can do it without getting rolled up. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/apr/18/new-mexico-migrants-armed-militia-detained
  15. Older women: “I don’t think your ready for this jelly”
  16. We had the Bos/Tor game on at work and I’m the only big hockey fan. I made it clear how much Sabres fans dislike both teams. Only took a few expletives. A few chuckles and some concerned looks followed.
  17. The Mueller Report looks thicker than Cardi B. We should be able read the whole thing by the Tricentennial. Skimmed through the first 35 of over 400 pages. Heavy redactions as soon as the report delves into the structure and activities of the Russian IRA. Makes sense why that is. The Executive Summary starts on page seven and looks like we get to see what it says.
  18. Make sure you taste some Bastin laager
  19. Is that a hockey chart or Ryan O’reiley’s love for the game last year?
  20. It seems like the playoffs are more physical this year for some reason. Or maybe we have accepted the Sabres for what they are and now we can watch fun hockey. Lowered expectations makes normal things seem better.
  21. Yep. Totally agree but at the time the issue was interpreted as it was. Hindsight is 20/20. Only way forward is to go forward.
  22. @SwampD I’ve tried a few over the years and I will say once you find a type that works it’s hard to switch. As in painful knees, ankles and feet. I have been using the Reebok CrossFit Nano for the last five years. For me they offer good support to the outsides of my feet which is where I put the majority of my weight each stride. They are also light so I don’t get the feeling of running with cinder blocks. The drawback is I think they are meant more for stability in CrossFit activities as opposed to running longer distances. This means I have to change them out every two years or I get a pain in my feet which feels like an oncoming stress fracture. IMO Under Armor running shoes suck. Specifically they feel heavy from the first step. New Balance is ok. Specifically I think they are most cost friendly and are meant for all kinds of activities. Stay away from trail running shoes if you are sticking to roads and treadmills. They will set your calves on fire but they are light weight. DO NOT use the shoes with toes. The ones that look like gloves for your feet. This is dangerous health wise as it is like running almost barefoot and you need to build up to those things. I refuse to use them ever. Running requires good support and I hear nothing but negative things and injuries. The yellow and black ones were my first pair of Nanos. Specifically I like the Nano Speed version. If you are getting into running for the first time or resuming it after a while not doing it I recommend short distances at first. Half mile at a moderate speed building up to two miles without breaks. These are fat burning runs. From there you could add 1.5 cardio runs where you go moderate for a half mile, speed up for a half and cool down for a half.
  23. Thank you very much for the info. Specifically the back to back games. Depending on when that happens I might just have to put in for leave and take a trip. When we were last in Pendleton we went to the SD Zoo, good time. This was when the baby panda was expected to be born. I’ll just be happy that games will be on at 4:00pm instead of 9:00am.
  24. Well everyday is one closer to Sabres hockey I suppose. And there’s baseball. Let’s not forget the playoffs seem exciting this year and we will have draft day speculations to look forward to.
  25. Cool man. I’ll keep that in mind as the clock is ticking. Always open to coffee with a fellow Sabres fan.
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