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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Just got to watch the game. Passing sticks out to me the most. During the dark ages (tank) they always banked it off the boards after getting control in the O-Zone. Now we have guys who show patience and can actually aim a pass. The Tanev hit late in the second could’ve been bad. Both got lucky. Guys are moving their feet on the PP. instead of waiting for something to develop they are trying to draw their box out. KO needs a bigger net to shoot at.
  2. I’m just stating my perspective on things. I get where you guys are coming from though. If I had to guess you guys feel similarly about Trump as I do about other people. 2020 will be interesting and I look forward to this board on election night. However it turns we will have fun.
  3. I dunno. I think a heads up phone call from the player would be a respectful gesture. But I’m not sure how I as the player would explain this so there’s that.
  4. WARNING: LONG POST She’s no more wishy washy than most politicians and I didn’t really start paying attention to the news and such until Bush Jr. My hang up is in hind sight Iraq didn’t have a solid foundation but we went in anyway. Then we have the Fast and Furious operation along with Lois Learner and the IRS issue. We pull out of Iraq in a pretty quick manner adding to a power vacuum filled by ISIS, described as “JV”. Bin Laden is killed and it’s leaked which team did it for no reason. We had the NSA doing illegal stuff and torture of detainees. These issues span two presidencies and both parties. HRC vs Trump specifically. He appeared as something on the outside from the above. Not a continuation of what came before. My last thoughts of her as I have stated before is the classified emails and Benghazi. More importantly is Benghazi. Between her and Obama they failed to take the intel at hand and make a common sense decision on security. Four families lost someone as a result of bad decision making and indirectly from an ISIS filled power vacuum in the region. Not to mention the training and supplying of supposed moderates. Sorry for how long this is. We all have our particulars we give more attention to when it comes to politics. Between the last two administrations it seems like they didn’t give much thought to life and death decisions. Trump hasn’t started any new wars and at least got KJU to meet. Where that goes I don’t know but I’m willing to reserve final judgement until his term is done.
  5. The Ranch is back on in case anyone cares.
  6. You forgot the part about supporting the United States and Constitution. Allegedly I’m guilty of not supporting all three. Trump definitely has his faults. I still prefer him over her.
  7. I’d vote for you as long as you have a catchy slogan. “Bring a mop cause it’s a mess”.
  8. Trump could’ve done without saying that. Doesn’t really do him any good.
  9. Gotta stay positive. It’s all we got.
  10. Last year we had a not so good middle six. Now we just need a third line that doesn’t suck. Progress!
  11. Ya probably could’ve done without that one.
  12. I wonder what was meant by “she is going to go through some things”. Referencing Ivanovich.
  13. If the transcript is written in sharpie it will get me through the rest of the day.?
  14. Reminds me of Money Ball.
  15. I agree with this. For JBott this is a chance to show 30 teams what he can do because I don’t see a cup in his time here. It’s more of a chance to gain experience and showcase himself. Then again he didn’t blow anything up. He got rid of two big names, making room for the younger big names to step in.
  16. Did I ever say the situation didn’t look bad? No. Trumps administration is actually making it look almost obvious. Only reason I inserted myself into this is because you used a garbage article. You yourself admitted their verbiage was not good. Let me be clear. If Trump is found guilty of crimes warranting impeachment I will support it. It has to be proven with real information not comments appealing to emotions.
  17. When did I say Fox isn’t MSM? They are. That’s why I added their article. To show how both sides do the same thing. ?
  18. I like VO. He almost makes scoring look easy. Vesey looks alright. Showed a nice shot on the breakaway. Good pass and vision for Sam. Dmen either give Jack room or he just makes it seem that way.
  19. Then what do you want? Whistleblower comes forward. Trump is impeached and in prison 24 hours later. This isn’t Judge Dredd. Maybe this allegation should trigger an inquiry which could then lead to an investigation. I’m not a lawyer but it makes sense to look into something before condemning someone. If he messed up then hold him accountable. The problem I have is this idea an accuser is never wrong and should always be believed. This article has a timeline of what is known so far. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/462464-timeline-the-trump-whistleblower-complaint?amp This one is on par with CNN as it adds fluff to skew the reader’s opinion. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/gregg-jarrett-trump-whistleblower
  20. I can use my knowledge of historical incidents to say there is a chance the whistleblower was incorrect. Im sure that person was sure in their mind which is why they reported. However not every whistleblower is correct. We will not know for sure until that information comes out. Believing an accuser just because of who the accused is does nothing good for our justice system.
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