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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Just because some don’t like what he said doesn’t make it racist. If the guy meant it as a racist comment or if it was directed toward black people specifically then I would agree. I never said you accused me I meant society itself. Reminds me of Robocop when he says somewhere there is a crime happening. Seems like there are people who act like somewhere there is a social injustice and they are going to fight it like Superman or something. Yes. I figure if I’m going to get aggravated I should split it between the game and this.
  2. I need help. Does anyone else feel like we should be shooting when instead we pass? I’m just worried I’m yelling at the tv for no reason.
  3. So if I said groups of leftists harassing and inflicting physical damage to persons and property is reminiscent of a lynch mob, that would be racist? Just asking because nowadays it seems like the cool thing to accuse people. The funny thing is I have the privilege of working with some great people of all colors. The consensus among all colors is this kind of stuff is weak.
  4. And at what point do we evolve as a society past losing our minds over a white guy saying lynching? Should every white person say sorry to every black person they know for what other whites did? How many guys would’ve had to die in those years before that word is ok for use? If people are so upset over the use of this word I can only imagine how upset they are about a website designed to dox Trump donors. Or people being discriminated against for wearing a MAGA hat. Or acts of violence resulting in injury. BTW in the last couple posts I’ve used the word lynching a handful of times. Does that make me racist?
  5. I don’t think the holocaust was used to hide other scandals. IMO that’s pretty rough to say man but you have freedom of speech.
  6. Yeah poor choice of words to articulate his thoughts. However it is no surprise MSM takes a racial approach to his use of “lynching” even though it is not solely black on white. I think he is being sarcastic to express his feelings on the matter as opposed to his knowledge. Then again I’m not sitting next to him.
  7. There is a new site called racist.watch. Apparently you can search who donated to Trump. From what I read about it the site gives the names and addresses of people who donated to Trump. I don’t see how this leads to anything meaningful but I can see how this would go bad. I do not advocate going on the site as I do not know if it does anything bad to your device. Research with caution I guess.
  8. I was reading up on Tulsi and I agree with her opposition to regime change wars and the U.S. being the world police. The article went into Trump’s relationship with Saudi Arabia. I could be wrong but I think the idea is to position SA as a regional focal point for stability and a U. S. ally. Essentially we would have someone”loyal” to us who can promote stability instead of us having a physical presence. I am skeptical of how this will work.
  9. She seems like a more direct person if that makes sense. Kind of take things head on.
  10. Four goals from three different lines.
  11. They have to get to bed so they can wake up in time for Matlock and the early bird special.
  12. I wonder if SJS have water bottles filled with Ensure for Thornton and Marleau
  13. I auditioned but telling Ray to STFU during the broadcast is not authorized.
  14. Hell of a shot though.
  15. From what I hear about Chicago I’d watch the game at home and lock the door.
  16. Just want to see a Dahlin toe drag to goal. That and three good periods.
  17. And now Jill Stein was apparently under Russian influence at some point. Some people say when you point fingers at everyone else it’s because you are the guilty one. Oh well, call Bobby back in for two more years.
  18. Very nice opening. Thanks for the effort.
  19. HRC suggests Tulsi is being groomed by Russia. ? Let me guess, Trump conspired with Putin to “groom” her.
  20. I think with Joki being the junior guy he sits a couple games. Not saying I have an issue with his play or anything. However if Ristolainen gets his minutes cut in a positive way and Joki challenges Marco I could see Marco getting traded.
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