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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. That’s why he just filling in for Vesey.
  2. I’m glad Joki and Gilmour seem to be working out. We needed that physically and mentally. I remember when Nelson was going to be on the future blue line.
  3. Waiting for Biron to hit puberty so his voice changes. Somehow being down 4-0 highlights the annoying things.
  4. I wonder if someone is going to blame this on the number of days off. It would deserve an immediate face palm.
  5. What move? The guy stopped, faced the boards and went on his original route. Far from a Datsyukian whirlwind.
  6. ? Dahlin got turned inside out by nothing.
  7. So instead of mistakes in our defensive zone leading to goals we have progressed to offensive zone mistakes leading to goals.
  8. Yeah suggesting he is a traitor because of where he was born makes no sense. Or I should say it makes as much sense as equating the validity of his testimony to his military service. In both cases one does not determine the other.
  9. Fist pump
  10. That ummmm is how I cut mine this year.
  11. First time my daughter is watching Paranormal Activity.
  12. Looks like a snork.
  13. This thing got to three pages.
  14. Dude it was a joke. But yeah if Sobotka can find the plane like he finds the back of the net we’re good.
  15. Sobotka is an offensive liability. Should we move him to D?
  16. I seriously doubt this happens but it’s a good way to kill time between GDTs.
  17. By smear campaign I assume you mean lying about someone to discredit their testimony. If so I am against doing it to anyone. Current or prior service is irrelevant because servicemen are still human and capable of mistakes like anyone else. Recent examples are Gen Patreus and supposedly Gen Flynn. I say supposedly because I guess there is some question about FBI 302 reports.
  18. Sorry forgot to put it in the log book.
  19. Yeah?
  20. This is funny.
  21. TBL and NYR are having a good game. Tied at 1 in the second.
  22. Vindman’s job if I had to guess is as a liaison so yeah talking to Ukrainians would be normal. The guy on the Fox portion of the video should probably look up the definition of espionage. The CNN anchor takes the wind out of her own sails. She uses Duffy’s participation in MTV shows to discredit him. Yeah I’d pick something that matters, not lame MTV. Duffy doesn’t give anything substantive by eluding to Vindman’s former nationality. He conveniently leaves out the fact he left Ukraine when he was three. His point is invalid. Ingraham is useless. In summary I think both CNN and Fox are too busy attacking each other, each other’s guests, and insert too many opinions in place of information of value. Therefore I’ll play the waiting game too see what happens.
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