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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Skinner looked mad on the bench. I’m guessing because Dahlin gave him a garbage pass.
  2. Good effort by the anthem singer. She has range.
  3. Soldiers are Americans too not fodder. Basic leadership dictates you take of subordinates because they get the mission done. Iraq happened in 2003. We went into Afghanistan in 2001 following 911 in order to disrupt Al Qaeda and deny their base of operations. This supports mitigation of the threat. The truth about Sadam and his brutality combined with a clear strategy and how it fits into the war on terrorism would have been enough justification especially given the emotional state of the country at that time. This part I know is subjective. To make this clear Iraq was sold as a possible means of terrorists getting a nuclear weapon. We hold some common ground on personalities involved. Even if Trump is re-elected I do not believe America will cease to exist. I think our people have a history getting through hard times if that’s what happens. However I still have hope that someday we will get someone that is both competent and doesn’t have drama other than disagreements on policy.
  4. I don’t think the guys in Benghazi went there knowing they’d get left like that. That was one of the major points in their ordeal. Part of knowing what to expect is understanding the resources and assets we could’ve used to help them which those guys did but the administration failed to provide. Then the administration tells us it happened because of a cartoon. You are right that the scale of death was much higher in Iraq. Are you saying the number of deaths determines the level of culpability? The way your post reads it sounds like you are saying what happened to the guys in Benghazi wasn’t as bad as what happened to those in Iraq because not enough people died. That is the epitome of zero standards and actually disturbing. The standard is take of those you send into harms way, not deceive and abandon.
  5. And I’m not disagreeing that this stuff is happening. Nor am I saying it’s ok for one side to do it. I’m all for the whole thing to be out in the open. Hell I’d invite the Ukrainian president but that won’t happen. What are you trying to say?
  6. Part of the reason we went into Iraq was to get WMDs we were told were there. To date that has not happened. Then we place an ambassador in one of the most dangerous places on the planet with inadequate security. When the post comes under attack our guys are hung out to dry. Both are examples of either incompetence, deception or a combination of both ending in the deaths of Americans.
  7. Let’s say he in fact is found guilty of quit pro quo. He must be held accountable otherwise it sends a bad message to future presidents. I think we can agree on that. If he did in fact do this, after all the evidence and hearings come out, is anybody going to ask what made him think he get away with it. Have recent administrations done anything bad and gotten away with it? The answer is yes. Under Bush we tortured people and went into Iraq under false pretenses. I’ve mentioned the Benghazi/ISIS stuff under Obama many times. Both resulted in Americans dying and neither administration really gets held accountable. Why would Trump think he has anything to worry about concerning a phone call? I clearly am not seeing it the same way but I am open to hearing your side. Bush and Obama don’t give Trump a free pass for anything he is found guilty of. But our standards need to be equal and IMO they are not.
  8. And guess what? When a Democrat is in office a conservative will say they are destroying America. BTW those phantom WMDs resulted in many families losing loved ones. I doubt that changes your perspective but hopefully you understand people see things in a different light. Since you brought up standards why do you ignore and minimize what others have done as though it has no impact on what is happening now? I don’t mean with a single phone call to Ukraine either.
  9. I think you are missing my point. The actions of past administrations don’t excuse the actions of the current administration. The point I am trying to make is whatever crimes the Trump administration may have committed are not the fault of others but the audacity stems from lack of accountability in the past. If you would like a specific example I can talk about Iraq, Syria Al Qaeda/ISIS. Either way I’m just looking at it through a different lens that isn’t just orange man bad.
  10. Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal Fast and Furious NSA spying on Americans Torturing detainees Whatever problems we have today have roots in lack of accountability of past administrations. Someday we will move past left vs right but until then it’s wash, rinse, repeat.
  11. I’m not saying what he said is factually wrong but last I checked the goalie plays in some sort of defensive role. Like maybe the last line of defense.
  12. And away we go. For the record I started this so I’ll get the switch off the tree. Bad Deadpool.
  13. I figured the Sabres are causing us to stress so why not use some pop culture (if that’s the right term) to lighten the mood. I figured those who don’t like him would’ve laughed.
  14. This is funny and I know some of you will laugh. Honestly you could do this with any random person and it would be funny.
  15. https://www.oann.com/harris-blames-low-polls-on-racism-sexism/ Someone should tell her this isn’t the general election it’s her party’s primary. Therefore according to Harris the Democrats are not ready for a a black woman president.
  16. Not talking politics. It was a joke. But I’m confident @nfreeman can speak for himself.
  17. When Trump said we’d get tired of winning I didn’t think he meant this.
  18. There’s always one guy who goes woooo during a moment of silence.?
  19. I like Gilmour so far but if Montour is in I think he is the odd man out. I’m sure he made a good impression on the decision makers.
  20. Caps are scoring more than the captain of the football team on prom night with a date who has daddy issues.
  21. The Rock says Finally... the Sabres have returned to reality!!!
  22. Looked like a pass attempt to the middle.
  23. Nice clear bud. Shake it off. Not like you have a habit of bad plays this year.
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