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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Rep Lawerence (D) says she supports a vote of censure as opposed to impeachment. No idea how strong her voice is in the party.
  2. It’s that time of year. The one day we as Americans can justify having that extra slice of pie as though it’s not what we always do. I just wanna take this time to share with my fellow Sabrespace cadets what I’m thankful for. Please feel free to join me. If you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving please join in anyway. It’s like in those movies in your parents top drawer, the more the merrier. 1. I’d go to hell for not saying family. However I want to be specific and say wife and kids. If the roles were reversed and they put me through half the stuff I put them through I’d be getting alimony. 2. Hockey. Perhaps the most dangerous sport because you know razor blades on feet and all. It is culturally diverse. We take people from other countries, get them visas, put them to work and if they step out of line, their “employer” takes their money. Some might say it sounds like human trafficking. I say shut your mouth. 3. Lastly, the Buffalo Sabres. Most people have multiple stressors that cause high blood pressure, depression and general wondering of what’s the point. The Sabres do all that and more for us, the fans. We have a coach who loves the game so much he never took time away from it to play some weird sport like soccer or something. Our GM with the foresight to make bold moves to bring respect back to an organization with a rich history of winning....stuff. To all of you Happy Thanksgiving! Those of you who don’t eat yourselves into a coma I will see you in the Toronto GDT. For you brave souls wondering into the Oval Office thread, I’m putting the foil on boys (or girls or whatever you feel like). ?
  3. Any trades? No, we still suck? Ok good talk.
  4. Those are some nifty SV percentages.
  5. I’m selling everyone’s answers to the highest bidder.
  6. Started browsing through it. As it pertains to cyber security I didn’t see which organization/agency would be used to provide a vulnerability assessment and mitigation. I would hope it is not open to private sector. I would hate too see a swing state outsourcing to the lowest bidder. That opens the door to foreign interference.
  7. Risto looked like he was trying to snuggle.
  8. It makes no sense to me. These are U.S. embassies so I don’t get how they would not have the picture when lower level organizations did. Most notably is the amount of time. Someone at the embassy has the job of updating the photo in the frame just like someone in DC has the job of distribution. I’ll admit there are times I need a break from this stuff out of frustration.
  9. What would it take to get Marchessault (spelling?) and Reeves?
  10. I’ll give Bogo a pass for not stepping up on Cernak only because he just came back. Larry and Lazar have no excuses. Whatever happened to physical Risto? I don’t see him fighting but crushing someone in the corner would’ve been nice.
  11. Well if he got fired he wasn’t doing too much coaching.
  12. What’s crazy is @GASabresIUFANcreated this thread yesterday. You must have ESPN or something.
  13. What Lindy’s answer be to that question? Time to put the Instigators back on the ice.
  14. Little retaliation and escalation would’ve been nice.
  15. I can’t do another tank so we need to get NASA in here to rebuild.
  16. Well we are still somewhat in the beginning of a long season. Bad or good depending how you look at it.
  17. It’s a mentality thing man.
  18. Hutton taking his time getting to the bench.
  19. I’m guessing Dahlin getting looked at for possible concussion.
  20. Things look so good 12 seconds into the game.
  21. I think they will need the smoking gun. Something like the full transcript. They don’t want this to turn into a win the battle but lost the war type of thing. I think the goal is a 2020 blue tsunami. If there is any doubt in the public they may reap it later on. The problem is this is the third major issue they have raised. Stormy and the Mueller report didn’t do what their constituents thought would happen. Impeachment seems like a double down move.
  22. I have no doubt the Senate won’t convict. I don’t think the house will do anything. I think there will be one or maybe two more investigations before 2020.
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