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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Nothing has changed? A U.S. president set foot on NK soil. He at least got the guy to come to the table. Do you prefer the misinterpretation and implementation of strategic patience? Like I said, to say Trump failed because a couple missile tests and no denuclearization is false when you understand the regime and bigger picture. NK denuclearization might happen further down the road but the first step is to stop ignoring the problem. The second is peaceful talks. I was worried about having a president who might use the same approach to counterinsurgency and war fighting the previous administrations used.
  2. OMG he put Skinner with MOJO and Asplund. Mic drop I’m out.
  3. Then petition your Rep to censure him as it pertains to violation(s) of the Constitution and protection of equal rights. Many times I have had my support for him tested. What brings me back is hypocrisy of the left and worry over what could’ve happened had he lost.
  4. Your perception of him differs from millions of fellow Americans. Not that you or they are wrong but to generalize millions who support him like that is something I disagree with. I for example like what he did with NK. People said his Sabre rattling would cause WW3. Then they said he failed because of a couple missile tests and no denuclearization. In reality his rhetoric led to talks. Something previous administrations did not do in favor of an approach dubbed strategic patience. Basic understanding of that regime and what strategic patience actually is disproves the negative responses. I also appreciate the harsh stance toward European allies. NATO exists to counter a Russian threat. Yet NATO didn’t do too much when Russia went into Crimea. Therefore why should the U.S. pay so much into a misused deterrent? In reality when viewing Russia as a peer/near peer, projection of combat power across the full spectrum of warfare is in U.S. favor. How these issues play out is anyone’s guess.
  5. So single issue voters who acknowledge the bad but support the president based on that issue still support bigotry?
  6. So you think every person who supports Trump is looking to progress bigotry and predatory behavior? Gotta love the internet.
  7. How many before Hutton is pulled?
  8. I’m supposed to be going to a work Christmas party. Suddenly fake smiles and meaningless talk don’t sound too bad.
  9. wow! Anybody watch ERod that last shift? He was running into teammates and playing D like a fish out of water.
  10. There’s no structure in any of the zones. This like playing EA NHL 20.
  11. Eichel’s watching and thinking maybe he got underpaid.
  12. Seemed like he didn’t like to pass.
  13. Wife said the Sabres being so dependent on Eichel makes him a big target for other teams. I was about to say that’s why you have tough guys. I stopped mid thought.
  14. As long as we are somewhat closer to a playoff berth he has job security.
  15. At least you won’t have to worry about buying beer and snacks. Philly fans will have them waiting for you.
  16. Silent night
  17. RK has to find a way to get Skinner going. Sheary and ERod are not that way. Seems like he’s trying to get those two to contribute through Skinner. Sometimes you gotta accept reality and cut your losses. Skinner MOJO Vesey/Asplund
  18. Canadians yelling go leafs go during our Star Spangled Banner. Would like to give them a Star Spangled Fist. Edit: Never mind the above. They do it during their own anthem as well. Can’t fix stupid. Just yo clarify I mean Leafs fans, not all Canadians.
  19. Die seems about right. Channel your inner Cobra Kai. Strike first, strike hard, no mercy! Sweep the leg.
  20. I dunno but the NBCSN anchor looks like an alien. And no I’m not talking about Pierre.
  21. That’s easy just call Latvia and they will get him back to All Star level.
  22. RK is killing me. Cmon man put Skinner with MOJO and Vesey. That way you have Jack’s line, MOJO’s lines/Skinner and GLO. Three out of four good lines is better than what we have been getting. Just my opinion.
  23. Party at my house!!!
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