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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. No.
  2. I see a little 1980s Freddy Krueger in Ralph.
  3. I think changing the way he talks/tweets would go a very long way. He’s not exactly the type of person who would listen to that guidance. I don’t think someone in their seventies is going to change. I don’t think other Republicans would take the same position. In the last 20 years it’s been one extreme or the other. Full scale invasion or full scale withdrawal.
  4. Yes I can say in my own opinion the risk does not outweigh the gain for me specifically. As for bigotry how do you explain non white people who support him? So I outlined my specific reason why I still support him. I know one policy people don’t like are the tariffs against China. I do wonder if it is more than economics. I’d like to discuss that if you are open.
  5. This game is nothing some Jameson can’t fix.
  6. You mean that bright light at the end of the tunnel?
  7. Yes, in seven years when it’s contract time.
  8. I think I know what’s happening. Ray is simply one uping DD. He can’t do it with RJ because RJ has a command presence. Possibly trying to maintain relevance or dare I say auditioning for a more hands on job. Maybe I’m just sick of hearing him every five seconds.
  9. We missed an entire sequence, whistle to whistle because Ray feels the need to over explain things.
  10. No he missed that one. Would’ve been nice for the last game before Christmas.
  11. Ya then ERod stepped on the ice ? I have a good feeling about Skinner and Joki
  12. Are those tape to tape passes i see?
  13. Well that got dark. Sabres will spank Ottawa tonight and all will be well. Or Ennis gets a Harry and we get blown out.
  14. Bogosian is the Mat Ellis of Cody Franzen
  15. I’m referring to any and all who do that. Imagine going into a meeting where you have to present a competing idea. Now imagine the first thing you say is “this guy sucks and if you support his idea instead of mine you suck too.” Do you think anyone is actually going to apply active listening when you speak?
  16. Childish and immature as accusing millions of supporters you don’t even know of supporting bigotry?
  17. Really? So Trump is a misogynist but it’s cool for people who dislike him to post naked pictures of his wife (publicly available) from when his wife did that stuff to denigrate her and memes saying she wants to have sex with other men? Please tell me how those who hate him are any better.
  18. Nick throws quite a few body shots. Can’t feel too good despite the pads. Anyway Rangers won 5-1.
  19. I already did. To me, the single issue no other Republican will address correctly is foreign policy as it pertains to projecting combat power. I believe leading Republicans will go with status quo of 21st century combat application which is nation destabilization leading to nation building. This presumption is based on the previous Republican president’s approach to the Global War on Terrorism which that administration also added NK in the Axis of Evil. I believe doing that conflated two different foreign threats/policy issues. The reason I think leading Republicans will misuse combat power is because they simply don’t know any better. The only recent history they have to rely on is Afghanistan and Iraq. Although a president can rely on the Joint Chiefs for input, a person’s decision making will resort to their lowest level of experience. If you look at Republican leadership they are ingrained in the Washington way of doing things. That’s the best term I could come up with for it. So the question is how is Trump different in this issue? The teachings of Sun Tzu, Von Clausewitz, and other sources in their application of military affairs is not too different than business dealings. At least from what has been explained to me. Perhaps Trump’s authorizing of small, specialized units and tactics reflects lessons learned in business ventures, failed and successful. In no way am I saying a businessman is an expert in warfighting or warrior mentality. Trump may simply have gotten lucky so far. The next question is why would someone care about this to the point of being a single voter issue? Many people if not all Americans are affected by decisions at the national level. It just so happens that right now this issue affects me and my family in a very direct way. So if large scale combat power must be projected I would appreciate it be done in the same manner with which I have seen combat power projected under this president. Essentially the answer to your question is subjective. You will undoubtedly resort to anyone can do what I described. And because anyone can do it then why do we have to put up with Trump’s behavior? The easiest answer is you have to put up with it because he is still president. If you believe anyone could do what I described or better then go ahead and vote for them. Maybe the next Democrat president won’t screw it up like the last. If you would like to change people’s minds about an issue I recommend changing your method. By you I mean those who do not support Trump. Buzzwords and finger pointing are laughable. Last time I checked it’s the same thing people fault Trump on.
  20. I think it sucks when he personally attacks other people. I think it’s unbecoming the position. I also think pointing fingers at Trump supporters or saying things like our country won’t survive Trump is school yard emotional outbursts. Just like Trump looks like a crybaby so do Americans who act like him to attack other Americans. I think the left is being hypocritical. Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only one who sees where this road leads.
  21. I see I have an ally in my quest to create the perfect weapon, err, line combination.
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