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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. I took the family to the Kings game tonight. First one for the youngest. She had a good time except when the goal horn went off. Other than that it was all smiles. There’s a place called Patxi’s Pizza near Staples Center I recommend. The game itself was fun. The Flyers really move their feet alternating positions and creating passing lanes on the PP. One thing was apparent and that was lack of point shots. Some good hits too. I forget who it was that caught a Flyer in the head. He continued right into the Flyers’ bench then took a tumble getting out. Its been about seven years since my last live game and hopefully we can catch one in Anaheim.
  2. Almost decapitated by the cross bar.
  3. His shot will get better with time. Actually I would like him to shoot more on the PP.
  4. It could be. Sometimes you have to play it safe.
  5. Imagine what it would look like if Eichel has a nagging sore throat
  6. Watching Cuomo on CNN saying people expected too much from the Mueller Report. Gee I wonder why people expected so much. I’m not defending Fox but in the words of Joe Biden, cmon man. Didn’t this guy once say it’s ok for reporters to see classified information but not average Americans?
  7. I think a 2C moving MOJO to wing kills multiple birds you outlined. Vesey on a third line with competent players would make two threat lines, an offensive capable defensive third line, and GLO. TBH I’d be willing to part ways with Sam and a kicker to get that 2C. That is when Cozens is ready to move in. His presence would change the makeup of the top 9 so who knows.
  8. MOJO’s line has really been coming along nicely.
  9. He’s the like boy who cries wolf.
  10. Boston is letting the air out of the pucks. Wonder where they learned that little trick.
  11. No Rob Ray. How will I know how important one players skating route on one 45 second shift was?
  12. Hope he doesn’t have whisky stick.
  13. I got my fingers crossed for a little freaky deaky
  14. I could see Bogo going their way. Not sure what comes back though. Maybe sneak KO in there.
  15. Anybody get their Red Riding BB Gun?
  16. No.
  17. I see a little 1980s Freddy Krueger in Ralph.
  18. I think changing the way he talks/tweets would go a very long way. He’s not exactly the type of person who would listen to that guidance. I don’t think someone in their seventies is going to change. I don’t think other Republicans would take the same position. In the last 20 years it’s been one extreme or the other. Full scale invasion or full scale withdrawal.
  19. Yes I can say in my own opinion the risk does not outweigh the gain for me specifically. As for bigotry how do you explain non white people who support him? So I outlined my specific reason why I still support him. I know one policy people don’t like are the tariffs against China. I do wonder if it is more than economics. I’d like to discuss that if you are open.
  20. This game is nothing some Jameson can’t fix.
  21. You mean that bright light at the end of the tunnel?
  22. Yes, in seven years when it’s contract time.
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