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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Have you tried an in home haircut?
  2. https://www.dailywire.com/news/breaking-u-s-officials-have-declassified-list-of-obama-officials-who-were-involved-in-unmasking-general-flynn This article is mostly quotes from AG Barr.
  3. According to a video (I heard of) you would be boldly going where plenty of other men have gone before.
  4. You could always put her in a corn field to protect the crops.
  5. Internet has a couple of them. Which one are you referring to?
  6. He died.
  7. Better than nothing. Depends on the filtration and how much you are exposed to other people’s disgustingness.
  8. Yeah, in no way did it show how serious they were.
  9. The first quote in the story sounds they’re saying “You can trust us. We wanted to keep you safe by using drones to observe you.” I stayed out of the conversation for a while. I wonder if they would’ve still walked it back if people in other parts of the country weren’t protesting other COVID control measures while carrying guns.
  10. I don’t get the numbers on the graph. 700,000 died since February and COVID caused 37,000 of them? Where are the other 30,000 COVID deaths? https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm
  11. I guess we’ll see in the next few months.
  12. If Biden was still coherent I could see him making a push on his own but his VP pick is going to have to pick up the slack. Trump and Cuomo are the two I see on television the most right now. Maybe Cuomo doesn’t have aspirations now but someone could come along and change his mind. Who else has been out there lately getting PR on the national stage? Cuomo has projected what appears to be competent leadership through calmness, keeping people informed and developing plans. Now I’m not saying I like the guy or will vote for his ticket. When I say he has projected leadership I’m trying to see it through the eyes of Democrat supporters. I might be wrong in their perceptions though.
  13. What any Biden VP candidate gains. A chance to be the real shot caller behind the scenes and exposure for a 2024 run.
  14. Trump said the same thing on Oprah in the 90s I think.
  15. Now I’m thinking he picks Cuomo. Guy has had a lot of what is arguably good PR during COVID. Seems he and Trump are having an adhoc COVID debate everyday.
  16. Enroth by a mile.
  17. Watch him pick Michelle Obama.
  18. If that social distancing then the Sabres are devout in their abstenance.
  19. George Carlin’s take on everything in life.
  20. Yes, go to Wikileaks. Tell me how that works out if your caught downloading classified material.
  21. I think snopes has been wrong as well. Wikipedia? No no no.
  22. Haha. At this point the Sabres should pay us.
  23. We could just blame COVID on the ROR trade and unite the world.
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