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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. I hope SpaceX builds a dirt bike for the next moon landing. Put Travis Pestrana up there and you have XGames brought to you by SpaceX.
  2. I like how the capsule and suits look sleek. I remember the shuttle with all the exposed controls but this looks very futuristic. Imagine where we’ll be in 10 years.
  3. We just put Americans in space and the rocket landed on a ship in the water. This is awesome.
  4. I deleted it because I realized I sounded like a cry baby. I think the photo takes away from the bigger picture. I also think the double message takes away from the guy who died with his face buried in the pavement. I don’t know if the cop is racist or poorly trained or on a power trip. I do know abuse of authority by politicians and some law enforcement affects people of all races no matter how disproportionately. Our reaction is to burn our communities and point fingers at other citizens based on political views.
  5. Four cops to hold one guy who is cuffed does not necessitate a knee on the neck IMO. That, in my non cop experience, is something I would do if I was alone, being overpowered or trying to apply restraints. I will reserve judgement on their mindset until this plays out.
  6. SpaceX @SpaceX Standing down from launch today due to unfavorable weather in the flight path. Our next launch opportunity is Saturday, May 30 at 3:22 p.m. EDT, or 19:22 UTC
  7. The fan sees the product on the ice and results in the standings. The fan sees rising season ticket prices. Pay more for less at PSE.
  8. Where I’m at they have stickers on the floor and you have to wear a mask. It is what it is I guess.
  9. Sounds like you think I’m making stuff up. Plus it sounds like you want me to explain myself. Hypocritical from a guy who said neither he nor another poster have to explain themselves. No problem. Some people say the numbers show Trump inherited a growing economy from Obama and the economy seems to be a priority for Trump to run on. Since opinions differ people would probably want to talk about what Obama did to make that point on Trump’s economy. If Trump loses the incoming president will have to fix what broke under Trump. Therefore the thread about the new president will probably talk a bit about Trump. Middle East stability (instability) has spanned decades and multiple presidents. U.S. military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan created power vacuums terrorist and insurgent organizations rushed to fill. U.S. presence/action helped to slow it but also presented a recruitment push. Obama inherited a bad situation. He gained favor at home by reducing U.S. presence in Iraq but exacerbated the power vacuum due to a less than stellar Iraqi security force to fill the footprint. Trump inherited that situation from both previous presidents. What he did/does is on him but his courses of action are/were impacted by the situation on the ground, created before he took office. Looking at what Bush and Obama did can lend insight to the effects of what Trump does. The situation Trump inherited with NK was about 60 years in the making. During that time the goal was to prevent NK from obtaining nuclear weapons until they did. As strategic patience failed Trump used a very abrasive approach. Whether it’s cause and effect or coincidence Trump got KJU to the table. NK still has nuclear weapons and still conducts missile tests which is seen as a failure until you consider the regime’s biggest concern. The next president will likely get tested by KJU early on to see how they react compared to Trump. Again, another discussion about the next president which will invoke Trump. Trump ran as pro 2A. This attracted people angry after years of lawmakers calling for more restrictions. Gun sales rose when Obama was elected but dropped when Trump was elected (Trump Slump). This conversation could go on forever with multiple sub topics but involves statistics and actions which span multiple administrations. Here’s my point. It’s a transfer of power and bag of goods from one presidency to another. These situations aren’t reset. Therefore what a previous president does impacts the decisions a current president makes to an extent. To ignore the history of these situations and what the U.S. has done in the past skews the discussion. Drive by comments (which I have done as well) lend no contribution IMO. My intention is to look at as much of the picture to present points not discussed and add to what others have said. This thread can be an echo chamber of Trump sucks if that’s what you want. If so I’ll see my way out and let you have at it. I’ve been asked to explain myself more than once but told others don’t need to verbatim.
  10. I’ll respond to your question with my own. Why do you consistently act like freedom and the U.S. is dying in a Trump thread? In your mind was everything perfect before him? This thread is about the Trump presidency but no presidency is unaffected by previous administrations and other influences. That is not an execuse for him to act like an idiot. I never said he was a perfect guy or not of questionable character. I recommend you apply everything in bold to most politicians. I don’t disagree that weird things are happening to our liberties. I just don’t put the blame on one person.
  11. Space launch on Wednesday! Feels like forever since I watched one. · Presiden@realDonaldTrump will travel to Central Florida to watch as @NASA and @SpaceX launch astronauts from American soil for the first time in nearly a decade! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/05/22/science/spacex-nasa-launch.amp.html
  12. It’s gonna hurt his Fortnite stats. Not sure what he’s thinking.
  13. There’s a fine line between fear and logic. Logic is doing what the situation in your area calls for. Fear is thinking everyone should abide by the maximum restrictions no matter what. Theres a fine line between logic and stupidity. Going to a crowded bar and releasing prisoners but threatening imprisonments to business owners is stupid.
  14. From what I saw in Okinawa (not Japan proper) they are hard working and I guess meticulous. Every morning they sweep the sidewalk in front of their business. The bathrooms are so much cleaner than most places I’ve been to.
  15. I’m not saying a person shouldn’t have their opinion. I’d expect when someone enters a conversation it’s for actual contribution. That contribution being a thought and background information.
  16. As far as sacrificing to do our part I think that also means not letting fear cloud our judgement. This is not NYC. It’s a different situation therefore different measures. You can’t force the entire country to live as though the threat is the same everywhere. If I had to guess this is why people around the country are getting upset with local and state governments.
  17. Anyone I can affect.
  18. I wish there was. I used COVID as an execuse to not get out there. It’s not as easy to get back as it was in my 20s.
  19. He’s got a series a videos from a trip to Iceland. What I don’t get is the confusion on being allowed to open the gym.
  20. I have seen the information presented to include the findings in the Mueller Report which did not conclude collusion. However information which led to the investigation specifically how it was obtained is questionable. Furthermore the investigation involved personalities of questionable character. Then Mueller publicly states he doesn’t want to testify about the investigation or its findings which makes no sense to me if the investigation was done in accordance with policies you will not find on Google.
  21. I can’t imagine believing what other people say without knowing where it’s coming from but if it works for you then so be it.
  22. Did a modified mini Murph today and the gym opened up this week. Restaurants got the go ahead to open up too.
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