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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Yeah but very few can make that immediate transition to the NHL. If he proves able then so be it. The physical attributes may be there but whether he can put it all together at the NHL level is yet to be seen.
  2. Yeah man I hope Cozens pans out but the center position can be tricky. Filling that 2C spot would mean a good number of minutes. The season takes its toll and young players need to build that endurance. If he gets rushed he may go the way Grigorenko. I’m fine with Cozens doing time in the minors. If the price is too high I can see going for a good winger though. Then again like the commercial says, give extra get extra. If you want a 2C you’re gonna have to send something the other way.
  3. Risto never shied away from playing the body. It’s good defensively but I’m not sold that it’s a deterrent against shenanigans. As far as who or what players need protection from there are still guys like Wilson out there. Not as prevalent as times past but that type of player is a threat to the health of others.
  4. COVID or Around the NHL?
  5. The reason I posted this is most structures under dispute pertain to racial issues. This one however pertains to ideology. When you read the guidelines at first glance most appear common sense. When you reread the verbiage you have to ask how. How do you get to and maintain a population of 500,000,000? Guide reproduction? To me those two sound like what China did when they put a cap on kids. I know this isn’t mainstream but I figure it’s a break from the usual.
  6. Here’s the ten guidelines. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
  7. With all the activity surrounding statues I wanted to bring up the Georgia Guidestones. Below is a Wikipedia link even though I’ve always been taught not to cite Wikipedia. Anyway the reading is interesting. The stones have ten guidelines written in eight languages. It’s those guidelines that are of interest to most people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
  8. Or that.
  9. Watching a VTC with Eichel and Josh Allen. Even the wife said Eichel looks unhappy. Maybe he’s just hung over. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=274966797121113&id=15106442953&notif_t=live_video_explicit&notif_id=1595199659815373&ref=m_notif
  10. Well you’ve made it pretty clear you view fellow Americans as your enemy. Have fun with that. Hope it works out for ya.
  11. Seems to be acceptable in this thread. I don’t agree with unidentifiable agents scooping people up. Now we are even. You are accusing a group of fellow Americans of support tyranny. Therefore you are painting this group as an enemy of democracy. Like I said, you’re not the first person in history do that. Yes they could and should.
  12. And all I’m saying is don’t accuse people you haven’t even met of supporting tyranny just because they haven’t rushed in guns blazing. There’s an equally opposite reaction that could’ve happened as well.
  13. And it comes full circle. The poor left is the victim of all this hate which is supported by the Trump voter. Meanwhile the left labels anyone who doesn’t get on board as supporters of racism and tyranny. This entire discussion is an example of what the left is. Use blanket statements to attack an entire group of people while accusing that group of being bias, racist, fascist or whatever. Oh but please evil, white, gun owning Trump voters. Save us from this tyranny. Until you have outlived your usefulness then we will tell you how wrong you are for owning those big scary guns. You say inaction is evidence enough that these people support tyranny. Again, what action have you taken? If you have not taken the same actions you accuse these people of not taking then by your logic you support tyranny as well. I’ll ask again. What have these people said that you claim to interact with? What have you done to educate them, you know, to do the right thing for democracy?
  14. I will offer another point of view. For a long time now gun owners have been told they don’t need their weapons of war. Now people are up in arms about government tyranny. Suppose these people come to the rescue of protesters. The next time some idiot shoots up a school they will be told they don’t need the same weapons. So what should they do? Swoop in to be the hero today only to be labeled a part of the problem tomorrow?
  15. And what exactly were these people saying? What did you do to educate them? If nothing, how are your posts any different than their words? I’d like to point out that while I detest your inflammatory biased rhetoric I respect your freedom to say it. That said I see no difference in your perspective compared to any other person/group, left or right, who perpetuates division and bias. Other than claimed personal interactions you still have not provided evidence that most 2A types (your words) support tyranny or how.
  16. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/types.html The link talks about different types of coronaviruses. If/when a vaccine becomes available is it only for this type of virus? If so does it become annually available like the flu shot?
  17. I’m not ignorant to the fact it exists and the fact it comes in all colors. The number of Americans who are racist I do not know. It’s funny how someone so biased is questioning me on racism. Without even knowing a group of people or providing any evidence you accused them of supporting tyranny. If I remember correctly a guy in Germany once accused a group of people of being the enemy with no evidence.
  18. I actually agree with you here. My joking in previous posts aside, Roenick is a man child. It makes him entertaining on air but doesn’t translate well to daily life. I don’t think he’s the scourge of the Earth but he needs to think about some stuff.
  19. I’ll end my piece with this. I try not to subscribe to calling millions of fellow Americans things like supporters of racism or supporters of tyranny without hard evidence. Small minds do that.
  20. So you think because a group of people with guns haven’t done something it means they would like to join in? That makes no sense at all. Let’s run with that idea. I don’t see mass protests across the country as result of federal agents scooping up protesters like we did when George Floyd died. By your logic every single person/organization who protested Floyd’s death but does not protest this would like to join in on the tyranny. While we are at it, I have no proof you have taken meaningful action against what happened. Why are you supporting tyranny? See how stupid that sounds?
  21. Really? You claim most pro 2A people would like to join in on the tyranny but provide no basis for this claim.
  22. How did they join in? Did federal agents employ civilians who are pro 2A to help round up protesters? What are you basing most 2A people on? I assume you haven’t met with every gun owner in the country to get their perspective on things.
  23. It was a one night only special. ? Roenick better be careful. One more screw up and someone wearing skinny jeans will crawl out of their mom’s basement.
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