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About SABRES 0311

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  1. Compared to 4 Nations this will be a let down entertainment wise.
  2. Because if you don’t end every post with nazi or fascist then by default you are endorsing Trump 😂
  3. His bio does not reflect any of those assignments. The previous guy was the Air Force Chief of Staff.
  4. Wow. I’m the first one to provide background on a personality involved but that still wasn’t enough for you. So weird. Here’s the guy who got nominated. https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/2942633/john-d-caine/#:~:text=As a command pilot%2C he,a serial entrepreneur and investor.&text=1999 Air Force Weapons School,Nellis Air Force Base%2C Nev.
  5. The last four CJCS assumed their positions on either 30 September or 1 October. Guessing it has to do with a fiscal year thing. Here’s a little background on the guy Trump nominated. F-16 Fighter Pilot. Special Operations Experience. CIA Associate Director for Military Affairs. As for why, no reason has been provided yet. Operationally that background in SpecOps and CIA might have something to do with it. Apparently during Trumps first term he had a more aggressive response towards dealing with ISIS which Trump liked.
  6. From a 2021 Government Accountability Office Report: ”According to data obtained from DOD, Japan provided $12.6 billion and South Korea provided $5.8 billion from 2016 through 2019 in cash payments and in-kind financial support. This direct financial support paid for certain costs, such as labor, construction, and utilities. In addition to direct financial support, Japan and South Korea provided indirect support, such as forgone rents on land and facilities used by U.S. forces, as well as waived taxes, according to DOD officials.” https://www.gao.gov/product These bases exist as a deterrent against NK and Chinese aggression and provide for the defense of those nations. Both NK and China are aggressors in the Pacific and Russia in Europe. NK with threats to the U.S. and its allies, pursuit of nuclear capabilities, and intermittent rocket launches. The U.S. is still in a state of war with NK. China continues to harass civilian vessels and claiming territory beyond the nine dash line. They present an ongoing concern of military invasion into Taiwan. The U.S. receiving forms of compensation for supporting the defense of other nations is not a new thing. According to Zelenskyy the U.S. has provided $100 Billion in aid. Compensation on the back end would neither be a reparation or penalty. I guarantee if Biden brokered a deal for Ukraine to compensate the U.S. post war, leftists would praise his efforts as a way of strengthening economic ties and mutual defense with an ally.
  7. The fact you don’t understand what reparations are but use it to back up an insult is funny 😂 You seem to also lack an understanding that the U.S. maintains economic and diplomatic ties with another adversary, China. If you did you would see that relationships with near peer countries isn’t simping. It’s holding some balance while still maintaining/establishing dominance in politics, economics, and multiple domains of military capabilities. Points get lost on someone who doesn’t have the knowledge and/or experience to understand them. Other posters and I have a large gap in perceptions of geopolitics and there impacts on military application but at least it’s an exchange of relevant information.
  8. Ok so its not a ****** choice of words which means its all good and you agree 😆
  9. It is a ****** choice of words. Weird that you dispute that but ok. I believe you are referring to the Doha Accord unless I am wrong. Not going to disagree with you. I will disagree with the idea it is singlehandedly responsible for the collapse of the Afghan Government. Not saying that is what you are saying but I think it is an idea that exists.
  10. $h!tty choice of words. I’ll give you that. As you disagree with me on the potential for foreign fighters to enter a (potential) future U.S./Russia war, I disagree on Russia invading a NATO member country. Unless Putin is beyond stupid which is a possibility.
  11. I don’t think you understand what reparations are. Reparations are payments made as a result of damage. Leveraging $69 Billion spent supporting another country’s war effort to strike a deal for access to rare earth metals is a trade agreement. It’s funny how you delete the other half of my quoted post to support your claim I support Russia. By your apparent definition the U.S. has been “simping” for China for decades. We maintain diplomatic and economic ties with the country who intends on supplanting the U.S. But I guess leaving that in doesn’t help your false narrative on me. 😂
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