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Everything posted by JujuFish

  1. No. I think Dareus and Mario are both among the best at their positions in the league and I'm not ready to say who's the better talent, but Dareus had PFF's 4th best rating among DTs/NTs, whereas Mario had the 9th best grade among 4-3 DEs.
  2. Count me among the people who wouldn't put Hughes in the top 5.
  3. I'm game for round 2.
  4. I would be disappointed with a loss to KC and Houston just as I was disappointed with losses to them this last season.
  5. PC gaming can be expensive. If you're the type that has to have the latest and greatest, you're going to pay for it. However, if you're just looking for a solid gaming PC and not the best of the best, you'll still get a better visual experience than anything consoles can offer. There are some common misconceptions of the cost of PC gaming. First, you don't need to constantly make upgrades to your computer to play the latest games. I built my desktop over 6 years ago, and have made a single upgrade (the video card, for under $200) in that time. My PC today is still more powerful than consoles. Add to that, I've been running at true 1080p since I built the thing. Most console games today are still upscaled to 1080p. Second, PC doesn't have a $50/year charge to play online. Granted, there are other bonuses with getting Xbox Live Gold and Playstation Plus, but making money off of people wanting multiplayer is the main reason they exist. On PCs, that's completely free. Third, actually buying the games for PC is cheaper all around. For example, PC gamers were able to preorder Arkham Knight from GreenManGaming for $36. Even if you're a member of Best Buy's Gamer's Club Unlocked, their discount didn't come close in comparison. PC games also tend to go in big sales more quickly and more often. This one depends a lot on the publisher (Activision games, especially COD, rarely get good discounts early in their life), but I've gotten games that are a year old at 75% off. Due to the above factors, it is quite conceivable that PC gaming is actually cheaper in the long run, depending on the situation. Someone who plays lightly, sticking to a game for months on end, will be better off, financially, playing on a console unless they already have a solid PC for other reasons and just need a video card upgrade. Someone who buys and plays lots of games, including online? They might very well spend less money on PC. I'd like to note that I'm only talking about the cost of PC gaming; I'm not saying PC gaming is better than console gaming. There are many reasons to play on consoles, and I'm not disparaging that choice at all. I've been playing on consoles myself since the NES, and there will always be a place in my living room for a console or two.
  6. Arkham Knight has horrible performance issues on the PC right now. Very disappointing.
  7. IGN released their Arkham Knight review. Gave it 9.2 and said: "Amazing. Batman: Arkham Knight is an impressive game on almost every level, with non-stop variety and great action."
  8. I don't know anyone who was expecting it to be nearing completion by now. 2016 was always assumed the earliest possible release year.
  9. I don't know how many people here play games on their PC, but Steam has been having their summer sale for a couple days now. They rotate special deals every 12 and 24 hours on the front page. http://store.steampowered.com/
  10. I'm not a CoD fan (or much of a FPS fan in general), but I'd be a hypocrite to make fun of CoD fans buying a very similar game every year because I do that with Assassin's Creed.
  11. I figured I'd mention this since we've discussed Fallout in here. Bethesda officially announced Fallout 4 today. I cannot wait!
  12. They're all compound nouns composed of two separate nouns. Like game seven. Unlike attorney general.
  13. Do you say tennises shoe? Or buses stop? How about swimmings pool?
  14. I've preordered it. I love the Arkham series.
  15. I love Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Listening to the songs posted above puts a smile on my face. IMO, FO3 had a better environment, but New Vegas was better in most other ways, including the plot, character development, and improved game play. I put probably 50 more hours into New Vegas than I did FO3. Side note, I'm a PC gamer primarily, and Bethesda games are one of many reasons why. Mods make the PC the definitive platform for their games.
  16. Your bracket is very similar to mine, except you picked Caps over Isles. I'm kicking myself a bit for that one, because I couldn't decide who would win it, so I did a coin flip and went with the Islanders. Would have had 13 points (and be first in our league) if I had gone with the Caps.
  17. There it is! Thank you, Rags. Now, do it again against Tampa while Chicago takes care of Anaheim, thanks.
  18. It's going to be bad, but I'll still watch and probably enjoy it.
  19. Come on, Rags. You've got this.
  20. A friend and I have been doing NFL predictions with each other the last couple years. I thought maybe it might be fun if we did it here on SabreSpace. http://raylehnhoff.github.io/nflschedulepicker/ You go through and pick every game and it keeps a tally for the whole standings at the end. We could make predictions and post a link to our predictions and go back at the end of the season to see how people fared.
  21. I'm officially screwed if the Rangers don't mount an amazing comeback.
  22. Hooray, I've lucked myself into a 3-way tie for first.
  23. There've been a lot of Eichel threads, so maybe I missed this question being asked already, but who was the last American prospect to be as highly touted as Eichel? No American has been drafted at 2 or higher since Patrick Kane and JVR went 1-2 in 2007.
  24. I'd rather the Laughs have won it than Edmonton. Seriously. 3 consecutive #1 picks, and then a 3rd overall last year. Screw them.
  25. Is this being aired online anywhere?
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