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Everything posted by JujuFish

  1. I don't think it's that unpopular of an opinion. I'm all for it as long as I get to play on the PC.
  2. Funny you say this, since the Wall Street Journal just reported today that Nintendo was increasing their production from 8 million units in the next fiscal year to 16 million units. For the Nintendo Switch, that is.
  3. Notre Dame beat Princeton today. Boo.
  4. I'm at $3,225, I believe. Four on Buffalo.
  5. I just double checked this, because it was so shocking. Buffalo through Nov 28: 38 goals, dead last and 6 goals behind Colorado as the second worst team. Nov 29-now, 138 goals and tied for 7th with Nashville in that span (though Nashville played 1 fewer game). Amazing.
  6. As far as I can tell, Brad Marchand has that distinction, with 22 goals and 39 points, compared to Eichel's 13 goals and 35 points.
  7. Two on Buffalo. Come on boys, surprise me.
  8. Horizon Zero Dawn also came out this week. Between that and Zelda, my gaming time is all set for quite some time.
  9. I'll also drop 4 units on Buffalo.
  10. Agreed. One of my favorite players since the glory years.
  11. Rough start. Lots of time to turn shake off the rust and turn this around.
  12. Beating a team on a 6-game winning streak feels good.
  13. I pointed out that we weren't as bad, points-wise, as Randall said we were, and that's pissing in your Cheerios? Okay, then.
  14. I'm not complaining, I'm pointing out facts. If those are too much for you, have I got a president for you.
  15. Being 4 points behind the Bruins with the same number of games played really makes our record against them sting.
  16. The Sabres are in the preantepenultimate team in the Eastern Conference, by points percentage.
  17. I thought for sure he would be rejuvenated in Miami, not only from going to not-Buffalo but also having two chances at revenge against Buffalo each season. I was wrong.
  18. Depends on where you cut off goalies. Among goalies with at least 8 starts, he's 11th. Among goalies with at least 10 starts, he's 9th. 15 starts, 7th. 20 starts, 6th. 21 starts, 4th.
  19. 19-0, here we come!
  20. I'm so glad I never got into cigarettes/booze. My mom smoked most of her life (she was able to successfully quit 8 or 9 years ago), and both of my parents have had problems with alcohol. On top of that, I would say I have an addictive personality. Fortunately, when I tried a cigarette, I was totally repulsed and that kept me away. I've never found an alcoholic beverage that I really enjoy either, and I don't think I even got drunk once last year. Now, the internet is an entirely different beast.... On the complaint side: lots of snow here. Wahhhhhh.
  21. Indeed. I love that site's play index searches. Here is the list of QBs by playoff TDs, 1960-present: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/play-index/pgl_finder.cgi?request=1&match=combined&year_min=1950&year_max=2016&season_start=1&season_end=-1&age_min=0&age_max=0&pos=0&game_type=P&career_game_num_min=0&career_game_num_max=499&game_num_min=0&game_num_max=99&week_num_min=0&week_num_max=99&c1stat=pass_td&c1comp=gt&c1val=1&c2stat=choose&c2comp=gt&c3stat=choose&c3comp=gt&c4stat=choose&c4comp=gt&c5comp=choose&c5gtlt=lt&c6mult=1.0&c6comp=choose&order_by=pass_td
  22. Really? Because I remember Buffalo falling down by a pair of goals only to come back to win plenty of times in 05-07 (damn, that was a decade ago; makes me feel old).
  23. For what it's worth, Nilsson is 10th and Lehner 11th in save percentage among goalies with at least 10 appearances. That's arguably a minor nitpick though, and I agree with your general disposition about our goalie situation.
  24. If allowing the fewest points in the NFL by a decent margin is mediocre, sign the Bills up for some of that, please. How about this comparison: Colts for a year without Manning: 2-14. Patriots for a year without Brady: 11-5.
  25. Again, Super Bowls aren't the measure of QB greatness. Dan Marino has 0, and he is definitely top 10 all time. Hell, even this Super Bowl, Brady needed the #1 defense in the league at his back to eke out a win.
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