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Everything posted by JujuFish

  1. Maybe not Murray, but I am unsurprised he outlasted Rex and Bylsma.
  2. The last Sabres game I went to was the 06-07 regular season finale in Philadelphia. So I guess you could say not often.
  3. I don't think that date means anything. Some people don't like going to the theater. I'm that way. While I dislike how high prices have gotten, I am also uncomfortable being in close quarters with many people. I enjoy movies much more at home, so that means I have to wait for the blu-ray/digital HD releases. For Logan, that appears to be May 23rd. So I'd suggest being careful about Logan spoilers until at least after that date.
  4. No I didn't (for a few reasons: Tim Schafer/Double Fine has not shown discipline with crowdfunding in the past (see Broken Age), I dislike the model of consumers bearing all of the risk of investing with none of the benefits that VCs would have, Tim Schafer decided to create a new platform, Fig, instead of using existing ones such as Kickstarter). That said, it's absolutely one of my most anticipated games right now. If it can come close to living up to the original, I'll be very happy.
  5. Thanks! Live by the sword, die by the sword.
  6. And since no one is betting, I could just not bet and "win" but screw that.
  7. Took the words right out of my mouth.
  8. That's a tough question. Chrono Trigger and A Link to the Past would absolutely be on my list. I'd put Fallout New Vegas over 3, Final Fantasy 6 over 7, and perhaps Oblivion over Skyrim (excluding mods). I love SM64 and would have to have a Mario game on my list, but SMW or SMB3 are also considerations. I've never played Mass Effect or Last of Us, but I plan on getting to both at some point. Never played Metroid Prime either, but I'm not sure I would like it. Not a fan of Halo. I got it free with an ATI graphics card I bought back in 2003 and I'm glad I didn't pay for it. Uncharted 2 is my favorite in the series (haven't played 4 yet), but I hate the shooting in that series enough to keep it off my list. I don't know what I'd add to my list. Probably a Civilization game, a Valve game (Portal or HL2 most likely), maybe a Rare game (DK64 perhaps? Conker's Bad Fur Day?). I also love Psychonauts (which is currently on sale for $1 at https://www.gog.com/game/psychonauts), though top 15? Tough! I've played many point-and-click adventures, so I should probably add the grand daddy Myst. If I go based on my personal time spent, then I'd have to include World of Warcraft and Minecraft, the two great behemoths in that regard for me. I don't know. I don't think I can come down to 15 games. There are too many!
  9. BUF +110 TAM -130 I probably shouldn't do this, but it's the last game of the season and my birthday, so all-in on Buffalo.
  10. Doctor Strange obscure? Now I feel like a comic geek.
  11. Sorry Doohickie. I really thought Texas was going to win that one last night, and then the 9th inning happened.
  12. Make that 14 units (Gotta catch up to Swamp, or fall hopelessly behind)
  13. $2,825 Habs -130 Sabres +110 10 units on Buffalo.
  14. 8-5 Cleveland, in yo face! :P
  15. Since we're talking about baseball, go Tribe!
  16. The Wii sold 917 million games. Criticize it for the quality of games, sure, but it sold plenty.
  17. Perhaps 'The Black Sunday Era' is more appropriate.
  18. Yeah, that sounds like fun. No Puerto Ricans at my work or I would probably have been much more interested in the outcome.
  19. Hooray, the USA beat the USA! Go USA!
  20. This hasn't been true for a while. Both current gen consoles launched with profit margins, albeit slim. You have to go back to 2009 for the PS3, and I believe 2007 for the Xbox 360 to find the last time either of them lost money on a console. Nintendo, actually, is the most recent company to sell at a loss, with the WiiU.
  21. So the Beauts were 6-10-1 and didn't win consecutive games the entire season, and somehow won both playoff games, including getting revenge against the defending champions? That's rather implausible, and a pretty good underdog story.
  22. Bernier and Fowler for Anaheim.
  23. Risto had a couple chances to get a shot on goal in OT and failed to get one off, but that shootout goal helped make up for it. Good job, boys.
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