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Everything posted by JujuFish

  1. And for my next trick, I'll drink from a sippy cup!
  2. This is my preference as well since 60 votes usually requires compromise between sides, though that's pointless if all it takes to change the rule is a simple majority. That said, this really has nothing to do with the bologna McConnell pulled in 2016. Gorsuch's seat should be Garland's and the open seat now should be Gorsuch's.
  3. Trump is a stain on Republican and American history. He is truly an embarrassment and easily the worst president in my lifetime.
  4. Jordan walked away after 3 straight, so that means I should walk away and join the fantasy hockey league, no?
  5. My secret is to be as forgettable as possible, hence never having an avatar. I'm not that excited about football right now and I'm not sure if I want to play this season. That said, I'll probably change my mind come preseason.
  6. I've never liked reputation systems, but c'est la vie.
  7. Any chance we could get a dark theme?
  8. ?
  9. JujuFish


    I remember seeing a study somewhere that showed someone is more likely to moderate their own views when they're exposed to an extreme version of their side than they would when exposed to a well-reasoned argument from the other side.
  10. JujuFish


    I like this.
  11. I know, I'm a real blast at parties. :P
  12. For what it's worth, a vote in Alaska is one of the most valuable in the nation, in a way. Alaska had 3 electoral votes with only 318,608 turnout. That's one electoral vote per 106,202 voters. Only Vermont (one per 105,022), DC (one per 103,756), and Wyoming (one per 85,283) had more valuable electoral votes in the last election.
  13. Looks like I can sleep easy tonight.
  14. I don't think Scott is going to change his mind on this subject, but if he does, I think the best course of action might be: Have a separate subforum dedicated to politics. All politics chat goes in this new subforum. All politics chat is banned from The Aud Club. You have to be logged into the site for the politics subforum to even be visible. No ad hominem attacks. Keep things civil.
  15. Perhaps. But still, that post is a rather weak example for his case even with the implications, and exaggerating (half the country) didn't help either. Seemed appropriate to respond in kind.
  16. Don't ignore the word explicitly.
  17. Everything explicitly said in that last post is objective fact, and there is a mountain of evidence to back up the claims in the second quote.
  18. Fun fact, island was originally iland, but an 's' was added to it in the 16th century to make it similar to isle. Etymologically, however, island comes from Old English ig + land, whereas isle comes from Latin insula. Okay, maybe that's only fun to weirdos like me.
  19. For me, that happened when Durant joined them.
  20. Online survival game like DayZ or Rust is what I'm seeing. That's not as bad as Fallout Battle Royale, which is what I was fearing when the Bethesda Twitch stream started, but still pretty meh.
  21. I don't know how he keeps doing it. That said, I don't think a healthy Boston team loses that game.
  22. Go Caps. No way do I want to see Vegas win the cup in their first season when we haven't won one in nearly half a century of existence.
  23. That would go over worse than any protesting, I'd imagine.
  24. Whatever it was, I'm sure I'd agree.
  25. Apparently Incognito wants to play again, so the Bills released him.
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