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Everything posted by JujuFish

  1. 2014. 38-3 over the Jets on Monday, November 24.
  2. I have?!
  3. Defense-adjusted value over average, it's Football Outsiders' secret formula for adjusting stats based on the teams played against in an attempt to make things more comparable, since no one plays the same schedule. Speaking of how good the defense has been, I ran some numbers. For the first 6 quarters, the Bills were allowing an average of 50 points per game and 438 yards per game. For the 18 quarters since, the Bills have been allowing 14 points per game and 270 yards per game. And even with the atrocious first 6 quarters, the Bills and the Jags are the only teams not to allow a 300-yard passing game.
  4. There's the Peterman we all know and love.
  5. Peterman TD? Do my eyes deceive me?
  6. 24-10 win incoming. Right, guys?!? Right...? ?
  7. I moved away from New Jersey on the same day the streak started. Does this mean I need to move back?
  8. January 24th, 2013 in case anyone was curious (they were 2-1 after losing to Carolina).
  9. I think my luck is going to end this week. I made a great DST pickup before the games today, but Cooks put up a goose egg in my flex.
  10. Yup, last time they both won on the same day. It's also the last time they won on the same week before two weeks ago.
  11. That was also a week 5.
  12. Yeah, just checked. Not only that, but the Bills won by 1 point and the Browns won with an OT field goal.
  13. The last time the Bills and Browns won in the same week was two weeks ago.
  14. Don't you think you're being a wee bit melodramatic here? (and I've never cared much for history, but I think you mean Japanese)
  15. I could be wrong but I believe that's a rule for safety reasons. Don't want people to be swinging sticks in the air by heads and such?
  16. I have only ever attacked your statement, not you. You are the one throwing ad hominem insults here. Why do you want an opportunity to see what Trump has planned for various things, when those are the exact things you should have learned before voting for him in the first place?
  17. Hank, I like the fact that you actually discuss these topics. This, however, is getting us nowhere.
  18. I find your statement absurd, so I used another absurd statement to show you how I see it. Since you agree that my reply was 'not worth of a response' then you are tacitly agreeing that your original statement was unworthy of being written.
  19. I could see it getting overturned in a manner that would leave it up to individual states to decide legality. Aside from marijuana, conservatives tend to be pretty strong on states rights.
  20. Where is the logic behind this? I don't know if my mailman has very good ideas on how to improve those things, and I sure don't want to find that out.
  21. You asked, Boston answered.
  22. I hate that I have to log into my VPN to watch the game on NHL.tv because I'm in the Boston area.
  23. I dont understand why I get so lucky in this league.
  24. Zay is our leading receiver. Let that sink in. He has twice Benjamin's yardage.
  25. He quit at half, right? 41-3.
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