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Everything posted by JujuFish

  1. My roommate is an elementary school teacher and I can tell you Eleven is mostly wrong in her school. Aside from specialty teachers (art, music, language), students are with the same teacher all day.
  2. Going to hike Mount Kearsarge in Winslow State Park tomorrow with my roommate and her dog, then solo hike (no one else wants to go) the Mount Tom, Field, Willey, and Avalon loop in the White Mountains Sunday. Since tomorrow is National Hot Fudge Sundae Day, you bet your derriere I'm doing that, too.
  3. Washington is going to make so much money by going with this temporary name. All that merchandise that will bought up as collectibles since it won't last. Then merchandise will be purchased again when the new name is finalized.
  4. There has never been this level of concerted effort toward one.
  5. Speaking of National Peach Ice Cream Day, Sunday is National Ice Cream Day. On a related note, I'm trying to hit up all the locations on the 2020 New Hampshire Ice Cream Trail, as an excuse to see more of the state (I've always been inclined to never leave home except for work/groceries, even before the spread of COVID-19) and because ice cream is tasty. https://www.nhdairypromo.org/ice-cream-trail I've done 7 of 37 so far. Going to hike a moderate trail tomorrow in the White Mountains (Champney Brook to Mt Chocorua, maybe detour to the Middle Sister peak if I can talk my roommate into it, in case anyone is curious), and I'll stop by some place from the ice cream trail afterward.
  6. For what it's worth, it often seems like you're the one throwing the temper tantrum through your mod actions.
  7. Sorry, guys. It's my fault. I don't own a single hat. In fact, I've never bought a hat in my entire life.
  8. Have you ever been to Kimball Farm? I stopped there for the first time yesterday after hiking Monadnock and made the foolish mistake of trying their Kimball Special. I have never been handed a larger sundae in my life. Next time an ice cream place tells me it comes with softball-sized scoops, I'm going to believe them.
  9. Cheers! I'm in Brookline, NH.
  10. Roommate and I hiked a local mountain (Mount Monadnock) today for the 4th. Beautiful weather, lovely views.
  11. I stuck with The Leftovers for the entire first season and kept waiting for it to get good. It didn't, IMO. I was surprised when it got renewed.
  12. My test here in NH took about 36 hours to get the results.
  13. Tickets are only $10 over there? That's a matinee price near me.
  14. I will say, however, that the prologue in The Last of Us actually *was* amazing and it's a shame the game fell off a cliff afterward.
  15. Counter opinion: The Last of Us is easily one of the most overrated games of all time. How you can call the gameplay amazing is so beyond my comprehension it isn't even funny. The graphics and soundtrack were definitely good and the voice actors nailed what the story asked of them. But the story was bad and the gameplay even worse, which are generally the two things I care most about in a video game.
  16. I've read the first 3 books of The Expanse. Haven't gotten to the TV series yet.
  17. Literally? No. Mentally? Absolutely. And I say that as someone who would have been overjoyed to see an asterisk next to the Sabres. And I'll definitely be pulling for the teams that "shouldn't" be in the playoffs.
  18. It's not Thursday anymore, but I'm still going to complain about anyone calling COVID-19 a flu. Stop that.
  19. I feel like CNN dropped all semblance of impartiality in 2015/2016 when Trump became a serious candidate. And I think it's only because it got them ratings. Because that's all these big news channels actually care about.
  20. I'm trying to lose my winter weight. A few months ago, I started what I will generously call weightlifting. I'm now discovering that weightlifting while also dieting isn't very fun.
  21. We definitely didn't have the worst receiving corps in the league. Hell, we didn't have the worst in our own division. But I agree that Allen has shown franchise potential. The Dallas game in particular sticks out to me. He showed up and played well against a decent team in a nationally televised game in which he was a considerable underdog.
  22. What has Josh done to prove he's a franchise QB? That said, after Tyrod and a long line of Captains Checkdown, he is a breath of fresh air.
  23. Of course.
  24. Henry didn't find his groove until the second half of the season. He didn't go over 100 yards until week 10, but week 10 through playoffs, he averaged 149 rushing yards per game.
  25. On the one hand, Tannehill sucks (I don't care if he had a revival last year, that team carried him in the playoffs), but on the other hand Derrick freakin' Henry.
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