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Everything posted by JujuFish

  1. I go by the local parlance. Where I live now, it's soda, but I go back to saying pop when I'm staying in WNY.
  2. Heh, disagreed. That said, he should be a good backup.
  3. Just saw this. I'm happy.
  4. Heh, as someone with their own controversial Star Wars opinion (that the whole franchise is overrated and Empire Strikes Back is the worst of the original trilogy), I like this.
  5. My account on here is old enough to have a driver's license. Does that mean I'm old?
  6. No, no, no. You're misspelling it. Googol. It's what you call the number 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Or you could call that 10 duotrigintillion.
  7. Wow, 2000? Isn't the normal daily amount something like 60?
  8. DJ Kool. I have hated the goal song ever since it was announced, when most of this board was high on it.
  9. I'd have to watch that a first time before I can hit a 200th.
  10. Do I regret not watching this game even though we one? Not one bit. Will I watch again if they can get a winning streak going? Probably. As a Buffalo sports fan, I'm conditioned to be a glutton for punishment.
  11. I wish I could sign up. All these people that don't want it, I'll take yours. But no, as a young, healthy adult with no medical conditions, I'm in the last phase.
  12. Just got home. I see I haven't missed much.
  13. And now you're talking about actual decades ago and a back taken in the 6th round.
  14. Yeah, I forgot that was his 27 TD season. He was a monster that year. Then the Madden curse! So, really, all you need is a HoF-level RB having the best year of his career wherein he ties the NFL record for rushing TDs in a season, all in order to go to the Super Bowl...once in that RB's career. And lose. 😛
  15. Both of your suggestions have already been turned away. We're a team that is contending, but we're also about to see an enormous salary cap drop and we have to deal with several significant contracts. And we have weaknesses to fill. And terrible run blocking. You're the one missing the point. A *potentially* great RB doesn't change any of that.
  16. Not only is that example 15 years old, but Seattle had the #3 passing offense by DVOA that year, which was higher than their #4 rushing offense rank by DVOA. Depends on how you define recently, but I mean relevant to today's game.
  17. Show me a RB that has taken a team to the Super Bowl. Even if Harris is every bit as good as you want him to be, RB is just not that important of a position, particularly when the run blocking is bad.
  18. So I got hooked on Ted Lasso. Watched all 10 episodes over Sunday and Monday. Good show.
  19. Baseball makes for great background noise while you're doing other things, at least for the casual observer, e.g. me. I don't feel the need to give it anywhere near the level of attention as hockey or football.
  20. What the hell am I watching
  21. A big Scarlet Witch event was happening back when I used to read comics, and I figure this is their take on it. House of M. The main difference I'm expecting is the opposite ending (is there a spoiler tag here? I'd be more specific but I don't want to potentially spoil anyone.)
  22. Agreed. I watched the entire thing over two evenings.
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