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Everything posted by JujuFish

  1. I think you're right and I do think we trade up for it.
  2. Any ideas why Ojulari is being passed on by multiple teams, not just Buffalo? I thought he was the top edge prospect of the draft.
  3. I agree, I just don't think we really know how good or bad they are. If we took Etienne at 30, I wouldn't say I'm thrilled, but I can see it. RB is one of those spots where you can get an immediate impact from a rookie. I would, however, be upset if we traded up for a RB.
  4. Hard to have a good running back when you have some of the worst run blocking in the league. Singletary had 2.88 rushing yards after contact, which was 3rd best in the league. He also had 1.52 yards before contact, 5th worst in the league. Moss was 13th best and 8th worst in those same metrics. Tell me you can look at those numbers and think it's not a run blocking problem.
  5. I went looking for a GDT of this game, but I can't seem to find it. I did find this by @LabattBlue: https://www.sabrespace.com/community/topic/2886-stanley-cup-playoffs-begin/?do=findComment&comment=21496 "- Folks will still be talking about that Campbell hit 20 years from now." It looks like we were using IRC to chat during the games at that point. And since I used to log everything, and I'm a digital hoarder, I still have it. Here are some quotes from that game: "<ChileanSeaBass> you don't like to see anyone get killed like that, but that was a pretty hit" "<Alaska_Darin> Nothing wrong with that hit. Nothing wrong with the Flyers being pissed, either." "<NavyBillsFan> We are comin live from the Philly medical room.... Mr. Umberger, how do you feel after that crushing hit? Who Dat... Who Dare?????" "<Alaska_Darin> They got the best performance he's ever given and they still got beat - and they got the wind taken out of their sales when Umberger decided he was going to spend the rest of the evening breathing through his mouth." "<PromoTheRobot> Umberger ...that's right...he's done for the series <PromoTheRobot> concussion for sure!" [note: If I remember right, Umberger only missed 1 game]
  6. Got my second Pfizer does on Thursday. Yesterday was unpleasant. Made it about 3.5 hours at work before giving up. Had chills, aches, lightheadedness, fatigue, intermittent nausea, and a fever that was sitting at 102.4 when I went to sleep last night. Woke up this morning feeling totally fine except for soreness at the injection site, and my temp is down to 99.4. Glad that's over.
  7. That isn't the least bit contradictory. You can respect someone for what they do and still sports-hate their guts.
  8. I'm with WC on this. I think he was trying to be as neutral as possible to not upset anyone. I could be wrong, but that's how I read it.
  9. Yeah, it's literally impossible with any of the vaccines out there.
  10. Yeah, I'm in NH and became eligible on the 31st and got my shot the next day, with my second dose currently scheduled for 3 weeks later.
  11. Pfizer buddies! *6 ft fist bump* 😛
  12. That wasn't exactly a great third period aside from Dahlin and the scoring, but I'll take it.
  13. See? Doesn't life feel just a wee bit better now?
  14. Our mental wellness. Go Sabres.
  15. Yeah, sore around the injection site. A bit worse than when I got the flu vaccine last year, but not that much.
  16. I've been jabbed. Huzzah. Pfizer dose 1.
  17. Just kidding. Nabbed an opening tomorrow.
  18. Got my vaccine scheduled for Tuesday.
  19. My state (NH) is opening up vaccination registration to everyone next week. So ready.
  20. It was a joke, and your reaction to it tells me it hit a nerve. Hmmm. Did it hit close to home?
  21. Is your last name Pegula?
  22. So if I want to actually order Coke, would it go something like this: "What would you like to drink with that?" "Coke" "What kind?" "Uhh...Coke. Like I just asked for."
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