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Everything posted by JujuFish

  1. I never understood the love for Star Wars. Mediocre space operas at best. Emphasis on opera.
  2. McEichel is ours. :w00t:
  3. If Buffalo somehow ties it up and takes it to overtime, they should pull the goalie. You don't get a loser point if you get scored on with your goalie pulled in OT.
  4. Actually, Taro was quite correct in pointing out how wrong you were. It would seem your reading comprehension was lacking when you replied to Shrader: Taro accurately corrected you and gave you the reason why: Getting all worked up and pissy about it when you were quite clearly in the wrong is pretty puerile. Grow up.
  5. I, for one, still hold onto the 1 in 693 chance of getting both McDavid and Eichel, despite the blow to that chance last night. :P
  6. I don't think Montana is known for having buttes. Arizona, perhaps.
  7. For better or worse, Rivers is perhaps the most passionate quarterback in the game, and I like that.
  8. Yeah, brain fart. I fixed that 5 minutes before you responded. :P
  9. Woops, read that as $54 not $45. $9m/yr isn't so bad.
  10. Agreed. Chrono Trigger is my all time favorite RPG. The SNES was amazing for RPGs. Chrono Trigger, FF 4-6, Illusion of Gaia, Secret of Mana, Earthbound, Super Mario RPG, Lufia 1 and 2, Terranigma.... So many good ones.
  11. I heard people talking about how good the episode was. Now that I've watched it, I couldn't disagree more. It was filled with pseudo-intellectual nonsense and practically no plot advancement. Honestly, I wouldn't have cared so much if it hadn't been touted as such a good episode. Very disappointing.
  12. Not a big FPS fan. When I do play them, it's almost never war themed. Give me Team Fortress 2 or about any arena shooter over CoD.
  13. Did you see me criticize his coaching abilities in any way?
  14. He asked the defense to hoist him on their shoulders if they beat Detroit. Seems pretty douchey to me.
  15. Pettine to Schwartz to Rex. Well, I guess if you're going to change the defensive playcaller every year, that's a pretty solid procession.
  16. I'd rather have Cutler than Kaepernick. This defense can make up for Cutler's mistakes when he's bad, and when he's good, look out.
  17. You're right, I had 7 years in my had for Rex as the Jets' HC. So, 1 win in the last 4 years. 2014 season: L 25-27, L16-17 2013 season: L 13-10, W 30-27 2012 season: L 29-26, L 19-49 2011 season: L 21-30, L 16-37 2010 season: W 28-14, L 3-45, W 28-21 2009 season: W 16-9, L 14-31
  18. That wasn't in the last five years. That was with the team he inherited from the previous regime. Doesn't matter. He was in the process of falling to the ground and so he had to maintain control of it throughout that fall.
  19. He's beaten NE once in the last 5 years.
  20. FWIW, Buffalo (.486) had a higher strength of victory than the Cardinals (.477). Only the Patriots (.487) and Seahawks (.513) had a higher SOV. Edit: Of the playoff teams.
  21. What?
  22. Except that's what everyone's been expecting for the last couple of years with a new owner coming to town.
  23. 20k posts on a specific board such as this? Not bad. I only have 8k on a much more general board I've been a member of for almost 10 years. And apparently not even 2k on this board I've been a member of for almost 10 years.
  24. The Bills wouldn't be in with a win against Oakland. They'd lose the common opponents tiebreaker to Baltimore. They needed to have beaten the Chargers, Texans, or the second Dolphins game to tie the Ravens on common opponents and push it to the SOV tiebreaker which they own.
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