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  1. I haven't even remotely indicated that I don't know what reparations are. The fact that you say something over and over doesn't make it true. But that is the Trumpian way. Lie, lie, lie, and people will eventually believe it. I asked you to connect the logic. Since you can't, you resort to "you lack an understanding". So, this tells me you can't follow the logical steps that resulted in your conclusion *or* that your conclusion was a lie and that you knew there was no way to logically connect the two. Either way, you failed spectacularly.
  2. Eichel was never dominant here. He has clearly continued to mature his game in Vegas. That said, McDavid is the best player of the generation, and it's foolish to think we didn't have to settle for Eichel. Downright lunacy. Ah yes, I keep whining. I made one *single* post about it, which offended you. Now, go search through my post history and tell me when was the last time I whined about it.
  3. So your point is that you have nothing relevant to say. Got it.
  4. How is that an argument against the fact that we had to settle for Eichel? Lots of players aren't bad to have on your team if your goal is to win a cup. So, again I say, your point?
  5. There are AHL players with more cups than McDavid. Your point?
  6. Every time I see Connor McDavid, I am reminded about how we had to settle for Eichel.
  7. I really wanted the crowd to not boo because, unlike the Canadians regarding the USA, we have no reason to be upset with Canada.
  8. You seem to think you're making a point here, but you're not. You're proposing we strong-arm an ally rather than an enemy. There is no logical reason for it, unless you're a simp for the enemy. My "apparent definition" has nothing to do with the US and China. Please connect those dots for me, because I'm here on earth, not in space cadet territory. Who, exactly, did China invade that we provided military aid to? What "trade agreement" am I trying to defend that I should be against? And apparently you don't understand how to address points on a message board. You quote the part that is relevant, rather than the entire mess of a post.
  9. Oh, so we didn't get our allies to pay us for the money we spent on World War II? We got them from the aggressor nation instead? And you want to get reparations from Ukraine, not Russia? And you say you're not simping for Russia? Huh, odd. Could have fooled me.
  10. Remind me again, who paid reparations after World War II? Was it our allies? And we now have Trump blaming Ukraine for the war. As if it couldn't be any more obvious that he is completely corrupt and under Putin's thumb. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-says-ukraine-should-never-have-started-it-remarks-war-russia-rcna192710
  11. It's so amusing seeing conservatives simp for Putin.
  12. After seeing it was 4-0 with under 10 to go, my hopes of Sweden squeaking into the finals ended, but dang Finland almost forced OT.
  13. If the Biden/Harris administration was so bad, why did less than half the voters pick Trump?
  14. You don't see a problem with strong-arming resources from Ukraine when they're being invaded by Russia? Did you forget that Trump was impeached withholding military aid from Ukraine to try getting Zelenskyy to dig up dirt on Biden and take the blame for Russian election interference? The US is a big reason Ukraine's even in this position right now.
  15. I'm guessing someone told Trump that the US will run out of oil in 15 years at the rate we're drilling. On a totally unrelated note, I've been playing the new Indiana Jones game, and it's kinda nice beating the snot out of a bunch of Nazis.
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