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Everything posted by WildCard

  1. NY and a few other states shutting down gyms, restaurants, and casinos, along with any gathering over 50 people
  2. Add SS to the list of things that can't survive a quarantine lol
  3. New CBA is passed, 17 game seasons coming in 2021 with expanded playoffs happening as early as 2020 And the Jags trade Calias Campbell to the Ravens for a 5th round pick Tannehill resigning for 5 years in Nashville
  4. Pretty sure that's how most diseases happen, they jump from an animal to a human
  5. Given their wet markets I find that hard to believe
  6. People bitching about shutting down public assemblies to slow the spread of this as if it's some government takeover of our rights are just ridiculous
  7. We officially live in a world without sports
  8. I just want my stuff. My food, clothes, work equipment, etc.
  9. Is it even worth it to avoid my roommate coming home from Austria for 2 weeks? If I were, is 2 weeks enough?
  10. All my stuff goes into my IRA as it is, I just figured it'd be a good idea to buy individual stocks right now too.
  11. I'm about to start buying some of these stocks, anyone have a recommendation of the best way/place to do that?
  12. People are ***** don't sweat it man. Better than the alternative
  13. Yeah I just went back 14 pages and didn't find it either. I'm hoping we get refunded at least Also, I wonder if this helps or hurts Botterill's case
  14. The only team we could swap spots with if we kept playing to an equal amount of games would be Montreal who has 2 more gp and 3 more points. Not sure how they're gonna work that one out honestly. Montreal - 71gp, 71pts, 1pt/game Buffalo - 69gp, 68pts, < 1pt/game So either way, 7th appears to be our spot
  15. If the season does not resume with regular season games, the Sabres officially draft #7 (before the ping pong balls)
  16. Hope you're taking some precautions man
  17. WW III here we come
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