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Everything posted by WildCard

  1. I don't know about Buffalo, but the best wings in Rochester are at Dicky's Corner Pub Dicky's by a mile for me. Not a big fan of Jeremiah's, too small/crispy and expensive; good flavor though. I've heard good things about Fairport Village Inn actually, gotta try it. Interesting, gonna have to try them out
  2. Are we any closer to finding a way to effectively treat this? Do we even effectively treat the flu outside of rest and hydrate?
  3. The top 4 teams of each conference don't qualify I believe for the draw
  4. I hope it's the Wild or the Flames.
  5. So is it the lowest seed that loses in the Qualifying round that gets Lanfriere?
  6. Didn't Sweden just go with the herd immunity approach?
  7. And easier to make after a long day, and doesn't take expensive utensils. You don't need a grill, cutting board, knives, pots and pans, seasoning...
  8. True,they also have the luxury of all of the other leagues trying this first. MLB has their heads so far up their own ***** with everything they do it's astounding
  9. Players are testing positive every day in baseball, and they're only a week in. I have no idea how the NFL does this without a bubble
  10. Are you saying I don't like the blasting music because I have a sense of entitlement?
  11. Panhandlers. Specifically Panhandlers with a freaking stereo and an electric violin at 7am outside my house.
  12. That would be incredible. I think you're much more likely to get 30-40
  13. Haha well I still owe tens of thousands so I'll be doing this for a long time
  14. I took the opposite approach, knocked off 6k on them since COVID started. Figure now is a good time to do it with no interest on the payments
  15. Student loans are just absurd and crippling
  16. Ryan O'Reilly
  17. And those potential lung and clotting effects, those who are in worse shape physically are much more prone to those, yes? What about asthmatics?
  18. There's a reason poorer people eat fast food all the time... Anyways, @Wyldnwoody44 any word on if there are long term affects with COVID yet? I keep hearing rumors of them
  19. Agreed. I'm not so sure I trust it for that reason too. After reading more into it it seems pretty shaky. I don't seen anything online about Fuji, what happened with them?
  20. For all you Rochester folks... Kodak stock went from $2 per share yesterday to $50 per share at it's peak so far today. They received a $725M loan from the Federal government to produce pharmaceuticals. Pretty cool for Rochester
  21. They do a good job at making it such to protect their money
  22. He won't be for ready for years though
  23. NYCFC is affiliated with the Yankees and Man City. I've been to two of their games, they're my MLS team. Still love Chelsea for EPL, Pulisic is just a monster
  24. Tell that to the lobbyists handing you millions
  25. The offseason is going to be even worse this year around, seeing as it goes all the way to freaking December, and the draft isn't until October
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