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Everything posted by sicknfla

  1. How this guy didn't just say "no comment " is unbelievable.
  2. When I get more time I will explain to you how educated I am on rape. I will also tell you the last thing my daughter would ever want from her rapist is his money. So please don't tell me to get off my high horse. So you think because of the emotional distress rape causes some woman that it is OK for that woman to be compensated all the while the rapist goes free and probably harms another woman. Come on man!! You think a family that lost a child to a murderer enjoys going to trial and reliving that? A rape is a horrific crime but so are numerous other crimes. If we let settlements become a way of moving on then we are in deep .
  3. No. Not even close. Payment should not be involved in any way, shape or form unless it is done in a cival lawsuit. Kane, or any other person that has committed a crime, should not be able to buy out of their wrong doing. Why? You rob a convenience store you get arrested. You murder someone you get arrested. You don't buy yourself out of that. This entire idea that back door deals are acceptable and the incident goes away is, to me, the ultimate insult to rape victims. Let a guy get away with something because he has money. Meanwhile, Joe no money gets 20 years in prison. It is BS. As for the prostitute comment. If a woman has consensual sex with a guy only to turn around and claim she was a victim as a pay day source is a prostitute and a complete scumbag. Why wouldn't she be considered that? What else do you call someone that makes money from having sex? The only difference is her pay day is much larger and more public. AGAIN, I am talking in generalities not specific to this case.
  4. We are all assuming she is a victim of a sexual assault. I pray for her sake she wasn't. If ANYONE was NOT the victim of a sexual assault and is compensated for it then THEY is a prostitute. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT HER SPECIFICALLY!! I am simply stating that, in the past, false accusations have been made and woman have been compensated. It wouldn't be the first or the last time it happened. So, some of you that can't see the entire picture need to step back and evaluate the entire situation. Most likely, Kane f'd up and deserves what he gets. To make it that cut and dry, however, is not reality.
  5. Let me elaborate. A crime is a crime. A settlement should not change that. Why is that acceptable? If he committed rape then charge him with rape. If he slept with her and now she sees a money grab then that is wrong. Please - understand I am not saying that is what she is doing. I am simply saying that money should have NOTHING to do with this case. If it does our system is in worse shape than I thought. Let me put it this way. If my daughter was ever raped, or even taken advantage of because she was drunk and incoherent, the last thing I want is the scumbags money to be a part of my family. I would want him fully prosecuted - preferably after I had a few minutes with him. Both the victim and the family loose all credibility in my book as soon as money gets involved. I don't know why some you act like this doesn't happen. Happens all the time.
  6. If something like this ends in a settlement who pays all the fees that the tax payers absorb because of all the resources being spent by law enforcement? Not saying that is going to happen because nobody knows for sure what is going on but that just irks me. If she is a minor I don't think settling is even an option. If she is not a minor and agrees to settle then she is a glorified prostitute. Again, I state this as a hypothetical to settling. Another scenario that I may not have seen already mentioned: what of this girl/lady went back to Kane's willingly. Maybe she was drunk. Maybe like Kane she had a boyfriend/fiance/or even a husband. Now she knows she did wrong. So to take some heat off her she says it was forced on her. Regardless hire you spin it she ended up at Kane's house. Now if she was 17 or under all bets are off and he is 100% responsible for his actions. Consensual or not. If this girl ends up being older then nothing would surprise me. This is why I think the investigation is taking so long. They are investigating her as well as him. And if she isn't a minor they should be. Rape happens everyday and those that commit rape are the scum of the earth. However, gold digging happens everyday as well. Every angle on this needs to be investigated because two peoples lives are at stake.
  7. It took me awhile but I managed to read this entire thread. It was a good read and I think all of your inputs were important. We all have opinions and for the most part it was kept civalized. That being said I will say one thing. If it gets me banned or chastised who cares. Everyone on here is expected to post in a certain manner and be respectful of one another. If we are not we get quickly informed by the mods. I have been guilty of pushing the line myself. However, JJ and Dark didn't deserve the comments made from SDS. We all have to play by the same rules. Whether you own this site or not doesn't give you the right to be a bully. Makes you look weak. SDS owes both of them an apology and, IMO, the entire board one as well for the way he personally attacked in this thread.
  8. sicknfla


    When I think of Briere I think of Darcy. I hate thinking about Darcy. No thanks.
  9. Whatever role he plays he will be an upgrade to who he replaces. I would rather have a career NHL'er who lost a step in my bottom 6 than a career AHL'er who doesn't belong in the league. We have seen enough of that the last few years.
  10. If I had to start a team today Mario Lemieux would be my first pick. Not saying he is best of all-time because IMO that is Gretzky but in today's game I think Lemieux would be the better player.
  11. No doubt. We have waited a long time for this development camp. Don't care much about Gretzky and Crosby right now.
  12. With all the money TP is willing to spend on coaches he should have bought the best GM his money could buy. You give a rebuild of this magnitude to a first time GM and this is what you get. This guy is a joke and is quickly becoming a laughingstock. Absolutely no reason to give up what he did and even less reason to do it now. Let the freaking day play out.
  13. 3-6 Cups later who cares?
  14. Me either. I would rather give up less to get into the 6-10 range.
  15. Just for poops and giggles if Murray maneuvered into pick 3 who does he take?
  16. Sometimes in here it is hard to tell who is being serious and who isn't. I have seen some pretty crazy trade proposals in here.
  17. How is that? So this year's #3 is that much better than last year's #2 that you need to add Girgs to the equation as well? Sometimes I think we look at the # of the pick more than the player. I wouldn't trade Reinhart straight up for #3 - yet alone give them add ons. Reinhart, #21, Girgs for #3. Yes you are right - they would listen. And Murray would get run out of town. Girgs and #21 maybe - and even then I would be apprehensive.
  18. Would Arizona take Zadarov, 21, Compher, and next year's #1 for #3? IF both Tampa and Arizona took this deal ( even though Murray would never do it) who would you rather have - Drouin or #3?
  19. Final or Finals I will just be glad when it is finally us playing in it. :)
  20. Living in Tampa it is amazing to see all the hockey fans coming out of the woodwork. Half these so-called Lightning fans couldn't tell you who Steven Stamkos is. Just like the first Cup finals I will be going to at least one game and cheering my ass off. However, as a diehard Sabre fan it will really be BS if I witness TB win 2 Cups before we win one. Just isn't right.
  21. The guy picked Toronto. Why is irrelevant. Let's move on.
  22. I have not been a huge Murray fan. I felt he said some very inexperienced things. I listened to that entire interview and came away with a different opinion. Thought he was great.
  23. I am honestly glad this is how it is going down. It was a recipe for disaster.
  24. Original post had Armia listed. I was just busting his chops. He edited it.
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