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Everything posted by sicknfla

  1. Do you even read the posts or do you just start typing away your next argument? If you thoroughly read my posts and then applied a little intelligence you would know how I stand. Instead you choose to type your adolescent little comments.
  2. Have you been to their arena during the last 3 years? For that matter have you ever been there. Different fanbase. Hockey is not a big deal in southern Florida.
  3. This year is shot. They are so bad that "tanking" isn't necessary. My point in all of this is that ownership accepts it. All it does is give DR a free pass. My entire bitch with this entire situation is that DR brought us to this level. Being allowed to try to fix it is my problem. I think all of us would have an entire new level of enthusiasm if somebody else was put in charge. I know this is redundant. Just listen to the fans once. We are demanding change. We don't deserve this. Tanking or no tanking.
  4. What I really would like to do is get a GM in here who would get us picking 25-30. And how do you foresee getting those "impact" player? Your two biggest impact players are about to leave. You think we get impact players back for them? No we get a few more prospects and draft picks. Therefore, the next two years we pick bottom 5. Then maybe we move up and pick 8-16 for a few more. So what your telling me is you would rather suck for two years, then maybe move up to mediocre for a year or two, and hope that if the plan works by year 4-6 we are upper tier. Are you kidding me??
  5. In today's world of sports the word "tank" should never be in your vocabulary. If you have to "tank" you have been mismanaged. Period. To then have the same management oversee the post "tank" rebuild could only happen in Buffalo.
  6. Good post. It blows my mind that so many people seem to think that this is going to work. Let's suck ass for a few years and all will be well. Really?? If it was that easy every team would follow that model. Why for the love of God do so many of you think our next big star is always just a year or two away. Every freaking year it's someone different. Then when reality sits in we hang our hat on someone else. The flavor of the week right now is J.T. Compher. Really??? 95% of us have never seen this kid skate. Could be standing next to us in the grocery store and you would have no clue. Stop living in a fantasy world. The reality is we are the worst team in the NHL. We are one of the worst teams in the AHL. All these damn prospects we talk about are no different than half the other teams in the league. This management and ownership is an absolute joke and if you are one of the few on here that are buying into this crap then you are a damn fool!!
  7. The article is a tad over dramatic but all in all pretty well written. It's not easy being a Buffalo sports fan and obviously this guy has some passion. Like many of us on here we are no longer in the Buffalo area. I have personally lived in the Tampa area for the past 17 years. Buffalo sports is in my blood. Good or bad I wouldn't want it any other way.
  8. Carolina was willing to deal according to Rutherford. That is when DR and DD must have felt Risto at 8 was better than Lindholm at 5. They also wanted Sekera to go with the 8. Still think we were better off going forward. That includes Nickushkin or however you spell his name.
  9. If there is no franchise type players in this draft then trade the pick. This is a discussion for another day but we need a lot more than Sam Reinhart. If the top pick is not a sure fire immediate top 6 player then use that pick to get some NHL proven players in here. The #1 pick also comes with a heavy pricetag salary wise. If this year's number one is the equal of last year's number 7 then i look at all offers.
  10. I am firmly staying to believe that is the plan. No way a team could be put together this bad if it wasn't.
  11. This could be dad's way of saying get my kid out of Edmonton. This only helps. At first I thought this had no legs but the more I think about it the more I think it is possible. Not likely but possible. Not sure what all it would take but I think the kid would flourish here. He strikes me as the type who wants to be the center of attention. He would instantly be that here. In Edmonton he is just one of many young forwards. He is better than any player in this upcoming draft. If i am TP I tell DR to make this happen. Of course I am assuming Edmonton is listening.
  12. Is it All-Star weekend already? That was quick.
  13. I think one of two things has to happen by the start of the new year. With us most likely having the worst record in the league by then either Vanek/Miller are gone or DR is gone. Rebuild or no rebuild I can't see them standing pat that long. The fan base will be in an uproar and pressure will be on them to do something. Have 7-9k in the arena by then and you will get things to happen. You want change - stop going to the games and buying the merchandise - NOW!!! Show them that this is unacceptable. Rebuild or no damn rebuild.
  14. 9th - 71 pts Miller gone by xmas - somebody gets hurt or desperate. Vanek gone at deadline. 2 prospects and a #1. Stafford/Weber involved in trade for prospect and late #1. Hodgson leads team with 58pts. Grigs will be a regular scratch by mid-Nov. Larsson be #2 center by xmas First thread about who we pick in top 3 by Jan.15.
  15. I actually was going to suggest Myers for the A. Maybe the added responsibility world be good for him. Someone on the D has to represent. OTT - C MYERS - A FOLIGNO - A
  16. I didn't call anybody in particular a moron. It is a game of hockey and this is a hockey forum. We discuss hockey. This time of year we tend to get of topic. Some of us list every stat known to man, some complain(like me), and some think everything is perfect. One thing we all have in common is bigger problems than the current state of our hockey team. I think we get that. I don't need to feel bad about someone's dog or cat to put things in perspective. Why don't we start a thread on what is currently everyone's biggest worry or concern in life. Health, financial, kids on drugs, bound up pets, you name it. And BTW, I do feel bad for your dog. I love dogs. They become part of the family. We are experiencing a similar problem with our dog. She has been a part of our family since my first son was born.
  17. Ok I will check back in around December. By then we can start the who do we pick number 1 threads.
  18. I won't be the one sitting in the seats spending my hard earned money to support an inferior product. I won't be the guy wearing a new Armia jersey. So no, its not the pot calling...... However, I am the guy who used to lay in bed and listen to the games on the radio as a kid. That may not be DNA but it is part of what makes you a FAN. Part of what makes you move to Florida 17 years ago but yet still be on a Sabres forum. As for your friend and dog. Sorry about that. Everyone on here has bigger problems and concerns than the status of the Sabres. However, for many, sports and rooting for your team is a temporary escape from all that other stuff. That is why I continue to say that the fans deserve better. We have given this team everything we have. We buy the tickets, merchandise, etc. When I leave work and head to a game I want to know I am going to watch a respectable product. Many of you work all day and make less money than what you spend during the 3 hours or so you devote to the game. No thanks. Not me. I will make better use of my money. Back to work for me. Real life is waiting.
  19. The only picture I painted is one of disgust. Again, I am a die hard Sabres fan, however, my greatest thrill in sports has come in attending game 7 of the finals in my hometown. Unfortunately,that is tampa. You can take all your post lockout success and ram it. What success?? You call a couple trips to the playoffs success? So let me ask you, as a fan, would you rather have Tampas results the last 10 years or ours. How excited would you be if all of a sudden Stamkos, St.Louis, Druin, etc were suddenly a Sabre. No I wouldn't want that. We have grigs, girgs, risto, and these other guys you want to slap with a nickname and Stanley cup expectations. Keep on dreaming buddy and keep drinking the Kool-aid. Ownership is counting on fools like you to keep the seats warm. So I don't know what map you think I am all over. I have never once expressed anything but disgust for this joke of a team that unfortunately is in my DNA to root for. You, me, and everyone else deserves better. Let me throw in some optimism- there's always next year. Oh ######, I forgot I was already told by my GM and owner next year is going to suck. Oh well that's ok there's always the year after next.....and next.....and next. Any fan that accepts this must be a moron. Are you a moron??
  20. What scares me more than anything is we are already being asked to"suffer" for a few years. What if these guys don't pan out? What if they mature into an average team? Just because you decide to rebuild and develop prospects does not guarantee nothing. All I know is I would much rather start a season with a chance to compete. Come January we will all be begging just to have a team to make the playoffs. This is not going to be fun. It is downright embarrassing that we are being told to expect to "suffer". In today's sports world that is unacceptable. I hope the ###### that run this team get what they deserve and that is about 7k per night in the arena. Living in Tampa I see a team that finishes 3rd from last have a fanbase that believes they are a few players from competing for the cup. They have hope and excitement. Yet as a die hard Sabres fan we have prospects. #@+# me!!!!
  21. If your Ott and quite possibly in line for your last contract do you resign with Buffalo? Unless I am on a team I started my career with or that team is a perennial winner I go FA all day long. He would be a fool to resign here. I love the guy but I will be shocked if he signs. He leaves - Stafford stays. Kind of why we are in the position we are in.
  22. Yeah Stafford thrived last year with Ott on the team.
  23. I can appreciate the effort but my God its summertime. Enjoy it!!
  24. Big name free agents don't guarantee you a damn thing anyhow. And that applies to all sports. For a lot of guys that big contract is the first day of retirement. I would love to see an extended study of a players stat averages before and after a FA contact.
  25. You caught me. I will go back into lurking mode.
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