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Everything posted by sicknfla

  1. I sure as hell don't understand what you are saying but Liger is right. So as long as we finish last (about the same odds as the sun rising tomorrow) we would get the #1 pick if NJ or us win the lottery. I think!!
  2. Yeah you have to let the season play out and wait for the draft order. I predict a crazy draft.
  3. So much left to happen. We are all assuming Edmonton ends up #2. They could end up anywhere from 1-8 before the season is over.
  4. Probably have to throw in one of the 1st (if they all net us one in return) for Miller, Ott, or Moulson. Probably be a 20-30 pick.
  5. My guess is if we don't pick #1 we probably won't pick #2 either. If Reinhart went #1 I see us trading #2 to whoever is sitting 3-6 that wants Eckblad the most. In this draft that is not an entirely bad scenario.
  6. He is the least of our worries and one of the few players another team would want.
  7. They lead the league in sacks and you want to draft 3 DL's and 2 OLB's? "COME ON MAN" I would look to trade CJ and at some point draft a RB. Too injury prone and not with the money he will demand. Also, now that we are our normal 4-8 who thinks we shouldn't have unloaded Byrd? Another example of why the Pats are the Pats and the Bills are the Bills.
  8. They talk about changing the culture. Start that this off season by cutting SJ. Your #1 receiver cannot be SJ if you are ever going to be a serious team. These game costing mistakes have gone on long enough.
  9. Thank you. I think you would find similar results in all the other major sports as well. I do think this year is a little unique though in that the best player is a dman that we don't necessarily need. I don't think Reinhart jumps out as being that much offensively gifted more than the next 2-3 guys. Next year I think is a little better example of the difference between 1&5.
  10. Good time for someone other than me to list the last 15-20 #1 and #5 picks so we can compare.
  11. You mean all new owners don't keep their GM's??
  12. My prediction for June of next year is that this thread will shatter the record for most posts and pages ever. Pretty much this and the trade deadline is all we got.
  13. Where was it that the coach was screwing one of the players wives?
  14. A lot of people that are bashing him now bashed him when he was here. Yes he has talent. That is indisputable. He will have his streaks where he scores a bunch of goals. He will also have more games than not where he is unnoticeable and lazy. Your highest paid player has to be your best player night in and night out. He did not do that. He was not a natural leader and was part of the culture problem we are trying to fix. Look at every teams highest paid player and then ask yourself who you would rather have leading your team. I will not miss him and think he should have been gone a long time ago.
  15. I think in the position we were in with him you had to pretty much put him out there for whoever offered the best return. If it was Toronto so be it. I still believe DR is very confident that he ends up in Minny. If he doesn't it will be because somebody grossly overpays. If that happens to be Toronto then so be it. It's not like Toronto can't try signing him in the summer if they want him that bad.
  16. Offering him to Toronto is just another indication of how certain it is he ends up in Minny. With that most likely being Miller's plan on a full year of Stafford.
  17. When a team is this bad there is nothing to like. Not one area of this team is better since he took over. Not one player is improved. That is the sign of good coach. Also, has one veteran ever spoke about him highly? I may have missed a comment here or there but I don't recall at any point one player saying " coach has a great system we just need to execute" type BS. I think he could maybe be a decent HC someday but this not the situation for him. In over his head fixing this debacle.
  18. Over that 18 game stretch I can see, AT BEST, 4-10-4. That would put us 5-18-5 with 15 pts in 28 games. Still don't think neither will be fired.
  19. It would be a lot more interesting if the reward for our tanking was a little more substantial. I am not going to pretend to be a draft expert but it looks like the prize will be a solid player but no sure fire star.
  20. Somewhere around 19-51-12. I see them in the 50-60 pt range.
  21. I don't recall anyone else calling me out. I do recall you arguing with half the people on here. For the sake of this board I will no longer respond to your continual attempts to stir the pot.
  22. Yes, again you are right. Please forgive me for being the only person on here disgusted with this team. Forgive me for posting comments that are my opinion. "Crybaby". We are in the midst of having one of the worst teams in NHL history. You call that crying? I call it pathetic. Even more pathetic that people like you even take the time to continually dispute it. Wake up you damn fool - you act like I am the only person bitching on here. Stop posting your BS comments every time I make a post.
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