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Everything posted by sicknfla

  1. Might as well start one for the Islanders as well. Hell if they defer we could let it run all the way to next April. Am i the only one that feels we have hit rock bottom when we are dedicating threads to different teams because we are worried about a freaking draft pick? That is my one and only post you will see from me on a thread dedicated to a freaking draft pick and an ex-Sabre who couldn't wait to get the hell out of town. Have some pride guys!!
  2. IMO, if it was something more than what was said at the PC they would have to address it more directly. Having said it the way they did opens them up to look even more foolish and disfunctional if PLF comes out with a totally different reason. Can't see PLF taking one for the team as the bad guy here. Quitting for a second time without valid explaination is career suicide IMO. He must be content with his NHL role and realized the daily grind of the FO was not for him. Here is to hoping anyhow.
  3. Ok can we please move on now? If you want to have a GDT for every Blues game please join a Blues forum. I wish Miller well but it is time to let it go.
  4. Another scenario, or wild guess, is PLF/TM have no beef whatsoever. Maybe they had a bigger deal in place that was shot down by TP and his "people". With all the Hoff and Myers rumors who knows. PLF could have very easily said to TM "you stay here and further your career" and i will go back to doing what i should be doing in the first place. I just can't see this having anything to do with a rift between PLF and TM. SOMETHING was overruled. What that is we will probably never know.
  5. If we take players like Ennis and add one of our stockpile of picks you could add a talented player that better fits the mold of what kind of player TM is looking for. Comes down to what exactly is TM looking for.
  6. Personally, i have been a trade Miller proponent. Have to admit though now that the end is near it comes with sadness. As fans we often get caught up in the big picture. We have a tendency to think that running one player out of town and bringing in another is the answer to our championship dreams. In reality, we end up not fully appreciating some of the best players we have had. Ryan Miller is one of them and I wish him the best.
  7. I hope he loses in the first round no matter where he goes. Tired of Buffalo players leaving and then winning a Cup or Super Bowl somewhere else. Cannot wait until this crap is over. If you don't want to play here and help win a championship here i sure as hell am not going to root for you to win one elsewhere.
  8. That is where i found my info. Never would have thought there would actually be a site that detailed about a players career fights. Crazy.
  9. Just found on that he fought John Stevens from Hartford on Friday, Dec. 13. Looking for video.
  10. I am trying to find it also. Almost certain he was in white uniform. Could have been a Sunday for all i know. Only 19-20 years old at the time and every night was Friday night. Back in the days you would buy some $10 oranges right before faceoff and then look for the empty golds. Ushers were not a big deal back then. They knew what you were doing but usually didn't bust your balls. Took the boys to a Lightning game a few years ago and tried the same trick. Got booted out. Mrs. Sick was real proud of me. Now we stay in the seats we bought. I would never make something like this up so keep working on finding the game. I would love to see it.
  11. I am pretty sure it was the Whalers. I know it was a Friday night game. Trying to get in touch with my friend who i went with to jar his memory. It was back when the home team wore white. Keep seeing green in my memory. Any hypnotist out there? I would love to find video of it.
  12. Have to admit had zero interest in the Olympics this year. Ready for the next step in the rebuild. This is a HUGE week and a half coming up.
  13. Do in game encounters count? Back in the early 90's my buddy and i were sitting first row golds at the aud. Right down by the face-off dot. We were playing the Hartford Whalers. Brad May was leaning up against the boards waiting for a TV timeout to end. My buddy pounds the glass and gets his attention. He motions to May to fight one of the Whalers - sorry memory not that good. May looks at him and them turns and looks at Whaler. Then says "him" through the glass. Puck drops and God as my witness before they cleared the zone the gloves were dropped and they were going at it. Next time May came in the zone he hit the glass with his stick where we were sitting. Everyone around us knew what he did and we were all screaming. Awesome moment and forever a Brad May fan. Hell now that i think about it it could have been late 80's. Where does time go?
  14. Top 5 pick they will defer. We could very easily have 5 first round picks in '15.
  15. They have the entire break to finalize deals. I understand there is a roster freeze but these guys will continue to talk. Right after the break and up to the deadline should be hectic. I see no advantage to jumping at a deal right now unless it is something that can't be turned down.
  16. If hockey had a version of the Harlem Globetrotters Omark could be a star. Curley Omark.
  17. I think we are just as bad or worse next year whether we try to get better or not. There is no quick fix to this mess.
  18. The thing i don't get with TN is he seems to have different standards for different people. Some guys have a bad game they are immediately in the press box. Other guys (Weber/McBain) can seem to do no wrong. Seems very inconsistent in that regard. Every coach has their favorites but his seem pretty obvious.
  19. i think we can stop worrying about Calgary and Edmonton. The worse team in hockey is real close to getting a lot worse.
  20. I am with you. The time has come to move on.
  21. This is happening more and more around here. Has a definite good ole boys club feel around here lately. It is a shame because i think there are a lot of lurkers who would love to post their input and opinions but are afraid to do so.
  22. Some of you guys must really enjoy being the worse team in hockey. This team is so handicapped with offensive talent both here, in Rochester, and in the juniors that if you don't think we have to overpay for top 6 forwards something is wrong. This is not turning around anytime fast and it will be much longer if we are going to put all our eggs in the draft basket. This is a guy that, if management truly goes after him, that they feel is the kind of player they want leading the team. Stats are not everything. Look at Vanek. I would take RC over him all day long. Not because of stats but because of the kind of character and leadership he brings. That will be invaluable as all these young kids start coming through the system.
  23. Just out of curiosity at any point in the breakup did she mention the words forum, Sabres, posts, addiction, ignoring, or words of similar context?
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