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Everything posted by sicknfla

  1. No way its 40-50%. The people on this board are the die hards. Maybe on here it is 50/50 at best. The casual fan wants a good product. The Dad who is taking his family to the game wants a good product. Not much fun to drop $300+ on a one goal scored nightly beatdown. I have countless friends who have lost all interest and refuse to go to games. I used to come up there 2-3 times a year and go to games. Nobody i know goes anymore.
  2. As a professional sports franchise that makes A LOT of money and charges A LOT of money to watch it they owe more to the fans. Every year the goal should be to put the best possible product on the ice. Cups are won with luck, the right blend of players, staying healthy, and usually getting hot in the playoffs. If it was as easy as shitting the bed for a few years to get some top picks then every year a few teams would tank a then amazingly those same teams would be playing for the Cup a few years later. It is not how it works and many of you are so damn Cup deranged that you will hang your hat on anything that gives you hope. This team sucks. It has sucked for a long time. Odds are it will suck for a lot longer. Maybe in 3 years I will look back and say it was worth it. I sure as hell hope so because this is no fun for anyone. Pro Tank or not.
  3. Sometimes you show your age. Not even going to bother wasting my time.
  4. I am so sick of this. Tank, McEichle, lottery picks, blah blah blah. This is what a once proud franchise has resorted to. We are better than this. And please spare me with the"its better then mediocrity and first round exits". No its not. 2 1/2 years AT LEAST of this ###### IS NOT better than looking forward to opening night and enjoying 7+ months of meaningful hockey. Hoping that at the end of 6 months we are in last or second to last place is embarrassing to both the franchise and the fans. This won't be a nightly rant. I won't be watching that long. Getting to the point i could care less what happens next June, next year, or 5 years from now. I lost my passion for the Bills awhile ago. Feel it happening with this joke as well.
  5. I think you have your drafts mixed up but i get the point.
  6. Good post. Next year our goal should be competing for a playoff spot. This is not as easy as a few years of tank and we magically have a contender. I think 2017 is the year we will know if this was worth it or not.
  7. All it takes us one or two and you have a problem.
  8. The roster was set before camp opened. Who could clear waivers, not have to go through waivers, and Reinhart and Zadarov getting 9 games was all predetermined. I could have accepted all this of TN didn't make his useless speech on earning a position. Sometimes i think he likes to hear himself talk and forgets his job is to lead the team to last place. Don't exactly know how they are going to get the players to buy into playing hard and giving everything they have night in and night out when the players themselves know what the plan is. Honestly, if I was a player on this team i would have a real hard time listening to the rhetoric. I would be like " I will give you 100% when management gives me 100%".
  9. I didn't post it in time but that is exactly where i see the two of them going also.
  10. I applaud your diligence on coming off as a condescending know it all.
  11. More likely at the draft. At some point he is going to have to come off some of these picks/prospects for seasoned players. Especially if we unload Stafford/Stewart. We get one of the big boys and the rebuild is over we start trying to win in 15/16. We don't get one of them and I think we continue the rebuild mindset a little longer.
  12. No other reason than to maximize the amount of time he can stay and learn with the big guys. Not ready to be here but too good for juniors. System sucks but if he could go to the AHL Grigo would be here. I will say it again and open myself up for a bashing but other than being the #2 pick he has done NOTHING to warrant 9 games. A lot of guys have shown more and deserve the 9 games more. Again, the system sucks. In professional sports the most ready and deserving guys should be in the lineup. He is neither. Same goes for Zadarov. If your not the top 21 coming out of camp you shouldn't be here. Takes all the credibility of open competition and throws it out the window.
  13. I saw him leaving Tanks house the other morning after an eventful night of watching Womans Olympic hockey reruns. Oh wait that was Derek.
  14. Give me a break.
  15. F it. After much thought i cannot top that. :-)
  16. I think we are going to have 4 1st rounders after the deadline. Rather have 3 and a constantly motivated Stewart but the track record would scare me. We will sign one of Stafford/Stewart though. That is if they don't intend to test the FA waters. Could you imagine the fun GMTM could have with 5 firsts in his pocket!!
  17. Does she play D? Cause i would be trying to get into her crease.
  18. Considering the question included "when we make a run" i sure hope that goalie is not currently playing pee wee's somewhere.
  19. No way we got that much better and those teams got that much worse. It won't be a runaway like last year and we may have some "must losses" but I think we will be right in the hunt. Should be interesting watching these GM's try to out tank one another.
  20. If they all played a full season then 200 goals is realistic. Problem is they won't. Your going to have injuries and then you start going to the farm or waiver wire. I predict 165-185 scored and 255 against. 69 pts and safely securing a top two pick. GMTM will get one of the big boys. While i have my crystal ball out we pick 7th from NYI and 23rd from STL.
  21. We are a better team than last year. As for playoffs - think some of you may want to slow down a little. i honestly am ok with whichever way this season goes. Feel that what we have in picks GMTM will maximize them whether it be at the top of the draft, middle, or trading them for established players. It is going to be an interesting year.
  22. IF they both reach their potential Grigo is the more gifted offensive player. Reinhart is the more gifted all around player. They play completely different games. Don't think anybody has labeled either a bust. Just nice to see one of them making obvious improvements in his game.
  23. Finally!! Now if everyone else can just recognize I am always right life would be a lot easier around here.
  24. Grigo is not a 3. Girgs yes.
  25. If we do not have that problem then I feel the TANK was a failure.
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