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Everything posted by sicknfla

  1. I would do it sooner rather than later. Go with the guy that seems the most economical. Goalies are usually mid-season trades to desperate (Edmonton) teams. This is not a trade deadline scenario.
  2. I have kind of bashed Reinhart a little but those numbers are hard to ignore. Good for him. Like the fact he went back to juniors and tore it up. Some kids would have went back and sulked.
  3. Yes many do. That is very clear when I am with my teenage sons and their friends. They would have found it funny - I didn't. BTW, who the hell laughs at tragedies? And what the hell does how long ago have anything to do with it? Your right though this is dumb.
  4. I lived in Buffalo for 25 years. I still have a business there. I am very aware of what this past storm was like for all of you. I have also lived in Florida for 18 years. In 2003 I watched my town get destroyed by Hurricane Charley. Not some tree limbs, nit some building damage, and not being stranded in your house for 5 days. We had people living in our school gymnasiums because their houses were leveled. Our school system lost 17% of the students after the storm because people had to relocate to stay with relatives until they could get their lives back in order. Listen, I don't want to take the storm you went through lightly. My in-laws live in East Aurora. I know you got hammered. I just didn't like the Andrew post. Trust me you are comparing a bar fight to Vietnam.
  5. That is not funny. Hurricane Andrew was a natural disaster. Take a ride through Homestead sometime and you can still see the affect of that storm. Last I knew snow melted. I understand some people had storm related deaths and that is a shame. The Panthers meant nothing bad by this. They probably could have used better judgement. Pegula could have as well. Far as I am concerned he made a fool of himself. Big, bad owner of the Bills and Sabres flexing his muscles. Hope this isn't a sign of things to come.
  6. I hope it was.
  7. People are too sensitive though....lol.
  8. Highly doubt the Panthers organization ever thought it would cause a problem. I admire Pegula for defending the region but kind of over the top IMO.
  9. How could it not be when everyone is from somewhere else? Tampa is not the worst city though. Bucs and Lightning get great support. Rays need a stadium in Tampa - not St. Pete. Then they will be fine as well. 3 page GDT. Tank or anti-tank it looks like interest is wanning around here.
  10. Better add Philly
  11. Good post. All valid points.
  12. Other GM'S are smarter than you and I. They don't need to call a presser to get that point out. Other GM'S know how the game is played. This was simply their version of "prepare to suffer". Except theirs was "prepare to suffer LONGER". Consider the Oilers all in on McEichle.
  13. These guys are going to say what they need to in order to give the appearance to the fans they want to win. I don't buy it. As the season goes you are going to see how much these GM's feel the differnce is between McEichle and the rest. It is going to be a full on tankfest.
  14. Thanks guys. Wasn't expecting much.
  15. It started a few shifts earlier when McCormick and Kaleta made it known that we were no longer playing hockey.
  16. Any word on the Edmonton presser?
  17. I have lived here 18 years now. Could care less what the Bucs do but the Lightning have grown on me. Lucky enough to have been at game 7 when they won the Cup. Have no fear though when I go to a Sabres game instinct takes over and who I cheer for is easy.
  18. Girgs breaks a hand he can thank Kaleta and McCormick. It all started there. Can u tell i live in Tampa and who my next favorite team is?
  19. I hope Tampa wins 7-0. I hate when a team resorts to trying to get the other team to fight because they are kicking your ass.
  20. Yes. Been to many games here and they have very bright banner lighting. Can be annoying during the action. I will give Tampa credit though they put on a great before and in-game experience.
  21. As much as I hate to admit it THIS YEAR i feel better when we lose.
  22. This is a shooting gallery.
  23. GMTM isn't going to let a little win streak change his plans. If he has certain players ticketed out of here they will be gone.
  24. I am getting close to dropping the sick part. Not totally healed yet but starting to feel better.
  25. As much as I like seeing them play better i just can't help but think we are only 4 months from seeing this thing through. This 4 month stretch of mediocrity will haunt us for the next 10-15 years. I don't care how deep this draft is. There are two players worth what this organization did in gutting this team. Those two are not Reinhart and anybody not named Eichle or McDavid.
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