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Everything posted by johnyvegas

  1. My thoughts on Harry's 2:00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxa7Y1TLjas
  2. I cannot for the life of me figure out why he is still on the payroll. For that!?
  3. Me too. They need 'em.
  4. Narrowly avoiding deafening boos.
  5. 4th has been the best line all night.
  6. This game reminds of when the Caps were coasting trying to Boudreau fired.
  7. maybe that'll wake up Vanek
  8. I can't fathom Brennan missing the net on that shot. I expected dead on crest.
  9. I've started watching only DVR'd games. Can't bear to watch in real time anymore this year. My game night has recently evolved into the following... "10pm, Hit Play.. watch until Sabres fall behind... FF until we tie it up. Watch until we fall behind again.. FF.. see us fall further behind at 8X speed. FF to end. Delete. Drink"
  10. I think something should happen. I thought that a simple display would be the best. Something like after the anthem everyone stays standing and turns their backs to the game for the first 5 minutes or we all leave our seats and head to the hallways for the opening 10. While it wouldn't hurt anyone's bottom line, it would be a pretty dramatic statement, especially if it happened across the league. Oh and also.. no merch for me either this year just for good measure.
  11. Let's get him back. He can turn everything around!
  12. No doubt about it.. and thank you for your thoughtful reply. I think we are on the same page. No one wants to see new threads full of random thought bull plop. My bottom line is.. (see below) I think the most appropriate way to address posts or threads that you are not interested in is to ignore them. Silence speaks volumes on a forum like this. If you start a thread and it gets no replies.. it's embarrassing and you learn quickly. If no one cares, no one replies, it quickly falls off the board.. never to been seen again and the poster learns. Are dumb threads started? Absolutely. But if a particular poster is spamming the board or trolling or making a habit of these things.. we have moderators to address the situation. I just feel that being abrasive or beating up on people who are trying to get involved just discourages them and others who are lurking around from joining the convo which is ultimately bad for the group. I know there are standards, and etiquette but just saying it would be nice to see a bit more tolerance. And if tolerance is not an option.. just ignore.
  13. I dont see it that way at all. This guy isn't looking for a spotlight.. just a conversation. Anyone with the Timmy avatar isn't out for fame on this board. The thread police around here are so quick to pounce on people. Frankly, I don't want to read an out of context post on page ten of a thread started 3 months ago with the word Lucic in it. Plus, without searching for it.. why would i think to click the "what would you do?" thread to join in the vibrant Lucic discussion contained within? Not to mention (and admittedly I'm probably doing something wrong) but when I search for Lucic.. i just end up with a list of threads, then i have to click on the thread.. then search the thread. seriously. people need to lighten up. What the heck is the downside of a new thread? And.. to the OP.. i agree 100%. Lucic incident was the end. Exposed this team and sucked so much life out of me i couldn't even believe it. I remember being nearly embarrassed to watch the next game.
  14. Sabre Dance all the way.. But gotta say, I loved this video with the "Dogs Days" song by Florence and the Machine. Goosebumps like crazy. Get's me so fired up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AcRTJyFyDU
  15. Seriously! The first time i heard it I thought it was the most amature drivel I'd ever heard. Crummy reverb on the vox, cheesiest drum machine I've ever heard.. then at the end.. "Hi, I'm Mike Love" Holy carp! This guy is a freekin' Beach Boy. How the mighty have fallen. A long way from those big summer gigs at the Rock Pile.
  16. After listening to WGR all day on my droid yesterday.. I'm stuck with Mike Love's enchanting "Arbor Day Love Song" "Help the arbour day foundation plant more trees across the nation!" Help me Rhonda.. GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!
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