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  1. I thought it was a joke when i read the news. I'm officially excited again.
  2. Not to mention the fact that that stupid play in particular could be the one moment we can point to that keeps us out of the playoffs this year. Most likely would have won that game otherwise and things would be much different tonight.
  3. :lol: Just spit coffee when i saw PA's new avatar.
  4. I will concede that the 1980 team was a poor comparison to draw. I only used that team because it had been brought up in a previous post. I concede that point because, being an American who was alive at the time, I am keenly aware of what that team and game meant to the country. But it wasn't my point at all. I am talking about rooting for your team to lose and keep losing for some 'greater good' and how you might feel if instead they won.. and kept winning. Thought I was pretty clear.
  5. Not comparing this team's flaws to the 1980 Olympic team's flaws in any way. Just trying to illustrate how if you bail on your team, for whatever reason and pull for them to lose, seeing them rally and ultimately win in the face of my cheering against them would feel hollow. Would you be as proud? Would you have that nagging little feeling that I don't get to 'own' the win as much because I gave up on them? I would. But, maybe that's just me.. and that's ok with me.
  6. And how would a real 'fan' feel if instead of rooting for that team to win Gold in 1980, they took the stance that, in order to get Herb Brooks out from behind the bench and begin the lengthy rebuild of a very flawed Team USA, that they'd prefer to see them just lose in the preliminary rounds. "It's the only way to secure USA Hockey's future success" - bah. Go win! I'm in!
  7. I'll be as disappointed as the next guy if we go on a win streak and just miss the playoffs or sneak in and get bounced in a quick first round but I just have this unwavering (likely idiotic) belief and hope for a miracle. Plus... what if they did pull off the unthinkable, sneak into the playoffs, get hot and.. dare I say.. win it all? While incredibly unlikely, it's not totally impossible and I would feel like I'm not really a part of it if I was pulling for losses any point in the season.
  8. Me too. I'm still scoreboard watching hoping for a way to sneak in. Until we're out.. I'm in. Regardless of the future implications.. i just cannot 'want' my team to lose. It's why i hate fantasy sports (football in particular). If i played, I'd have to try and draft Bills only. I can't imagine rooting for any players on other teams during other games that might impact my team's ability to succeed and reach the postseason.
  9. Gotta agree with this. Enroth has shown flashes of brilliance.. even the past two games I've seen some of that first 40 form. I've be arguing forever that goalies just aren't worth the monster contracts. There are no Haseks out there anymore. And you clearly can't say Miller is stealing games at a rate worthy of his cap hit. That money much is better spent on goal scorers.
  10. And to think this was the year that I finally convinced my wife to get involved with me and really give watching hockey a shot. She keeps asking me, "Have we always been this bad?"
  11. I dunno. I noticed it when it happened, watched the replay then.. couple times today. I think it looked worse than it really was. Yes, he coasted, but at that point he was already toast on the play and he knew it. It was a breakaway and nothing he could do. To keep up appearances, he could have kept chasing with a hard skate and no one would be talking about it like this today. But he knew he was beat and it was up to Miller.
  12. Nothing is more telling of a team and their collective lack of accountability then when they throw a 'C' at the new guy. Craig Rivet anyone? While Ott is clearly the perfect type of guy for the job... seeing that happen right now would be more disheartening than anything else that has happened this season.
  13. We have the same 'stache!
  14. Signed in two seconds.
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