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Everything posted by josie

  1. Ooh. Ooh. I have a new one. Raw sewage just backed up into our office through the drains and toilets! Yay! And we're all staying to work! Thanks, torrential downpours!
  2. Yeah, not sure. Apparently she motioned that she was going into the parking lot to stop but then just drove off. Theories also include uninsured, outstanding warrant, or good ol' case of the stupids. Happened around late morning, so I guess that might decrease the likelihood of drunk, but hey, you can be drunk any time of day. Texting theory is honestly pretty likely. Oh well, guess/hope we'll find out.
  3. My mum was in a car accident yesterday. Woman in a big SUV rear ended her at 45+ mph, slamming her into the car in front of her as well. She was coming from a vet appt, so had a cat in the car as well. Woman fled the scene. Luckily, both the couple in the other car and my mum got her license plate number, so hopefully they catch her. My mum is ok for the most part. Car is totalled. Cat is also ok we think. Who the hell slams into another car to the point it's totalled and thinks it's ok to just drive off? WTF people
  4. Hey look! Cimini's first article about NWHL sweater designs is up! There's gonna be more besides just me, so stay tuned- should be interesting!!! http://www.todaysslapshot.com/nwhl/third-jerseys-joanna-eberts-designs-nwhl-sweaters/
  5. :beer:
  6. I look forward to getting a chance to get into guns more. I had a friend who had money to burn and would take me shooting with him. Stuff like an AK-47, Mosin, M21. I couldn't tell you the specifics anymore- d4rk probably could, he came with us once. I'm not a great shot but I'm not a bad one either. I really enjoyed it and would like to learn more someday. I also would like to learn how to work with handguns. And get back into archery. Nice to have an understanding of everything out there. I plan to lurk this thread and soak up info.
  7. I also have a mancrush on Oliver. Ok i'm not a man, but his show is fantastic.
  8. Yes, I am suggesting that. I'd even venture that I am/have been in a fairly safe environment, comparatively. I was not a sorority girl, I did not run with a "wild" crowd. I went to RIT, not exactly a "party school". I was a teetotalling straight A honors student in high school. I was a responsible straight A student in college. It also may be important to mention that I am a straight white lady, living comfortably. I was usually the DD at parties, I have always been reserved with my sexuality, only engaging in such situations with long term relationships. Many of my friends were of similar ilk, but I was also good friends with people of other styles of life/partying. I have a diverse group of people in my life, from college athletes to stereotypical frat boys to art kids and antisocial nerds, etc. etc. Despite all of this, I still saw and experienced plenty. Many of my friends experienced far more than me. I've heard their stories- those are not the stories I'm telling you, as I am not a first person source. If my background is necessary to validate the purpose of my post, then so be it. Not so sure it should be, but I know where you're coming from. Also, I'd like to say thank you to you guys for reading my ramble. I was tearing up over here reading some of your responses. I cannot speak for all women, but I can give you a taste of something I think about (and talk with other women about) daily.
  9. God I hate commenting in this thread. I always say too much but get across too little. But I get so exasperated reading it, and asking myself why the hell I keep ruining my day by reading it... None of you have been a young woman that I'm aware of. Nor have you dated a young man. Nor have you hung out with his friends as the gf. Rape culture is kinda like the term social justice warrior- it has truth to it, but it has taken on a very negative/mockable connotation, and some of the people who try to help it, make it far worse by applying it too liberally. But it is real. It seems very innocent to you. " It's all good fun, no one ACTUALLY acts out violent porn, there's kinkier stuff out there, people know the difference, movies with rape jokes are just jokes and funny, lighten up you uptight b itch." Well, as a woman you learn to walk the line or terrible s hit happens. Constantly protect yourself. You enjoy and laugh at gutsy/provocative jokes, but you also tick in your mind who said them and with what frequency. At parties, you learn to edge out of the room full of dudes that are getting louder and bolder and gropier... a nal comes up and it's "haha she just doesn't know she wants it yet" all innocent harmless fun. You watch over the girls you came with and in my case, have to be mama bear for them more than once. "That girl who has been with a few dudes is just a dirty slut and who cares who screws her. College stuff! Growing pains! Get over it! We don't all do that!" "What you're describing is just being safe and smart!" Well yes, because I have to do that or the chances of crap happening skyrockets. I shouldn't have to worry about this stuff. Did you have to worry about it to the same extent? Probably not. "Let's go git some biddies tonight, boys" "Oh dude she's an animal, just give her another beer and she's yours" "She totally let that guy bang her up the ass, no way she'll say no to you" "Look at her f ucking outfit- does that say " don't touch me" to you? Go for it" All stuff I heard every weekend in college and high school. Normal guys, nice guys. Herd mentality sets in and dumb words and dumber actions come to light. "The only people who make these societal mistakes are devious b astards who hide on street corners and flash children! Not me, not my best friend, we never stuck our d icks in someone who said no so therefore it can't really be a problem unless you're being risky!" That's all such utter bull. Sports is just a microcosm of the world, a spotlight where you see the influences that result in situations like Kane or Steubenville. It gets the media attention, the articles, the fiery message board debates about the murky depths of morality. These gents that perpetuate the attitudes and actions that sum up the nebulous term "rape culture" grow up. They stop partying, the realize what idiots they've been, apply some responsibility and stop the "boys will be boys" excuse. But it doesn't stop for some and it doesn't stop the younger guys from continuing on, notching their belts for glory and chuckling it all off as a boozy weekend with the boys. In what world is it ever ok for groups of people to chant the infamous "NO MEANS YES, YES MEANS A NAL" thing? " Hah hah they don't really MEAN it guys, it's just so EDGY and hah hah bros suck my d ick " "Ahh don't worry about it, he'll grow out of it. He's harmless. We were all stupid once. " Meanwhile I personally know way too many women who were raped/assaulted and didn't say a thing out of embarrassment or fear. And those are the ones who have told me. Most women I know have a story that comes close, and we are just as bad- we shrug it off too. "shouldn't have drank that much. shouldn't have flirted with him. we've been together a while, I guess I should've just let him have it that night". And there's a real point here too I didn't want to get into- if a girl bangs a bunch of guys, she's a w hore. If she won't bang anyone, she's a repressed prude. Guys can be manwhores but it's an eye rolling "oh you" label more than a curl of the lip "oh god diseased being, avoid at all costs". Don't get me started on birth control. They tell us to be sexual empowered, but I was raised believing I was a w hore if I gave up my virginity before marriage. "No one's gonna buy a cow that gives its milk away for free". Good lord, it's been a mindf*** that I still struggle with. Meanwhile," boys will be boys and screw around and oh well. If it happens don't get her pregnant. She can hold that over you 18 to life."
  10. Man, I find it hard to believe that he would have grammar/spelling that awful. If it's really him... that's incredibly stupid and unprofessional.
  11. I don't have the gear or the time. Time, mainly. This worked out- a hockey friend was house sitting a mansion for someone. Right on the water.
  12. Paddleboarding. Paddleboarding is awesome. Do it at sunset, if you can't stand, stay down on your knees or let your legs trail in the water. Get out far enough to see the sunset and just lay down. The water is rainbow. This sounds like goofy surfer dude talk but I've never really felt that way on water before- you're always on it or in it, never really with it. You're dry but the board is the surface of the water and the swells. Most relaxing thing I've done in a long long time. Happiest I've felt in years. Also holy crap it's a good full body workout. I'm still a jello mess today. I wish I had more time/lake/water access- I'd make a hobby out of it.
  13. I think I've read it mentioned on here before, but I finished off a horrible week at work with cake and Blanton's. Just the original single blend. One of my coworkers grabbed me and another and we enjoyed a few sips. I'll admit to not being the best bourbon drinker out there- I do the proof shudder after the initial sip if I'm not careful. But this was very nice- sweet and warm. Exactly what I needed at that moment.
  14. Currently reading Kerry Fraser's book The Final Call. Has some great anecdotes in it, a good look at NHL players on a human basis. It's Fraser's memoir, and as such it is very self serving. A lot of "I'm so humble- here's another story of how I'm amazing and this NHL superstar said so". If you focus too much on that it can be a little grating at times, but he has moments of humility and a lot of knowledge. I think he's the kind of guy I would love to get a beer with and hear him tell stories- but when writing, things can take a bit of a repetitive tone. Well worth the read. I'm only halfway through it at this point. Would definitely recommend it to any of you who want to hear about which players were really d icks :)
  15. Oh god no. Twitter, while wonderful for many things, is a goddamned nightmare sometimes. 140 characters is just enough to say some horrible things and never explain a situation. I've been the passing target for angry gamergate goons for simply existing- that's vile enough. I can't imagine being this person.
  16. Given how this week has gone, that's a good depiction of me at the moment. Ok, I'm still working, but I have bourbon and cake.
  17. Just got home from work. Stepped in cat vomit barefoot and found cat s hit all over the floor. The perfect end to a perfect day.
  18. Working late tonight. Don't know how late. Project got screwed again, not enough artists, same old never-ending crap. I guess I don't mind working late, what I mind is that my freelance is getting pushed back another day. Been working overtime nearly every day for weeks now. I need to write a syllabus and set up the school year. I don't know when the heck Ill get to that. I'm so tired. Everything's so off schedule and behind and I'm just drowning in guilt. There's only so many hours in a day and so much creative energy in my stupid brain. My work is starting to suck.
  19. No real complaints here, just sad that summer's nearly over and I didn't even make it to one car show. But I did see two airshows, so, evens out? Also, summer's almost over. Seriously. What. Where'd it go..? Not looking forward to adding teaching back into my already overloaded schedule. Do it for the children....
  20. Aw bio, sorry about your dad. Hopefully it all does what it's intended and that's the end of it! And man, maybe it's just as well you won't be working with a guy who reacts that candidly to your credentials. If you know the work and can do the job, it seems massively wrong to go without a person or hire a worse candidate instead of going with the "less qualified" person. I get it, but booo. Academia.
  21. ;) I'm actually bummed that one of my friends from college isn't joining us anymore. You see, she also does circus arts now and I was hoping for drunken circus antics between us at a bar somewhere.
  22. Yeah... as a designer, I would've found a different solution- a closer cut of Toews to take up all that reallllly awkward empty space.
  23. Apparently they're making a movie adaptation of Ready Player One. Spielberg's got it going for release in 2017. My coworkers (all die hard gamers) are incredibly pessimistic and skeptical. I need to read it.
  24. I hear ya. When the season gets underway again, just being in the game thread once in a while and celebrating a goal with the rest of those posting is a good way to start! A good game is a fun way to build rapport/jokes with other people around here. Off season's just a goofy time.
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