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Everything posted by josie

  1. Seconded. Love that movie. Gary Oldman as a shady pimp. It's great.
  2. The paper bag illustration was done because you weren't there and d4rk was hopeless without you. I believe I ended up wearing the paper bag part of the night so d4rk wasn't lost forever.
  3. I just tossed the image in imgur and grabbed the link with the file name on the end (.jpg, .png, whatever) and popped it in the picture thing that's up on the toolbar. ... that sounded helpful. Sorry...
  4. Haha yes! But my mental image of you prior to seeing you was actually pretty different...
  5. Also, I love these kinds of threads- I have mental images of all of you...
  6. I'll take two birds with one stone. This is d4rk and I about a year ago, but we look pretty much the same! I'm pretty easy to find on social media- I tend to post lots of dumb thoughts that I hold back on here, and also more of my latest hobby, circus arts. Oh my god. Qwk. We had the same hair. My nickname in junior high was FroJo.
  7. You know, I'm not totally sure. I was a -7.5 in the left and astigmatism both eyes and that was borderline too rough- but I think it's more based on how much material you have in your cornea for them to work with. My coworker is a -9 and -7 and would probably have to get the ASA instead of full Lasik. I carry a knife and then always forget to use it. Just end up using my nails instead. Oops. Those little reinforced plastic cat or dog shaped "brass knuckles" can get you in trouble in airports though. I've never had a problem with it, but my cousin had hers taken from her.
  8. Not sure if any of y'all have a steam account or have kids who do, but my company just released its first full IP game today! I've been playing builds for months now as we've been working on it, and I can promise you it's a lot of fun. I'm not even a gamer but I've really enjoyed being a part of this endeavor :) Check it here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/402120/
  9. Oh man, I'm so sorry. That sounds like it was hell on earth. You have every ounce of sympathy I've got. And the halos suck, too.
  10. haha I had one post op appointment the next day at 8 am, and I have my second one tomorrow. Then it's a month out, then 3 more months! You'd better believe those sunnies are stuck to my face. Holy crap is my night vision silly- the halos around the street lamps make the parking lot at RIT look like it's been taken over by a field of giant, psychedelic dandelion puffs...
  11. Neat! Yeah, they were telling me that they're only a year or two away from a procedure that can do away with presbyopia. My mum and sis had it done 10-15 years ago... my sister's went awry- she somehow managed to freak out enough to pop the suction cup off and it cut her eye wrong (they still used the blades back then). She had an adjustment and was fine but yeah... took a few years of gathering my courage to do it. Eye surgery and how it squwicks me out is why I decided against Medical Illustration in the end. I will admit that my job of staring at a computer for 12-16 hours a day is NOT ideal for the healing process... wearing sunglasses as I work at the moment... Ooof.
  12. Lasik is awesome. Had the surgery Thursday. I was in the room under the machines less than 10 minutes total. Was it pleasant? No. Was it horrid? No. Could I see the second I sat up? Yes. It was pretty emotional for me. My prescription was right on the edge of being too severe to have the full lasik, but luckily I was allowed to have it instead of the ASA. I'm sitting here today with the only drawbacks being some dryness and scary looking eyes (my propensity to bruise apparently extends to my eyeballs, so they're all bloody looking but don't hurt) with 20/15 vision for the first time in my life and I couldn't be happier. If anyone's considering it and wants more info, I'd be happy to share. BRB, out having seeing eye contests with eagles.
  13. Wow, man. I really wish you two the best.
  14. :w00t: Thankfully no.
  15. I dunno. He's been dressing nicer lately and it's super weird. I don't know who he is anymore.
  16. That's my opinion too. I've been against this guy for years before she married him. I figured they'd break up because he'd be unfaithful yet again. Money was disappearing and I told her to keep an eye out for prescription abuse. Never dreamed he'd get into china white or whatever it's called. She's so incredibly upset now that I think/hope that if he relapses, she will actually leave. But she's sticking by him for now. It's what I would do, too, the first time. Support and see if he can get back on his feet. I keep thinking of Malarchuk's book, where he discusses his stints in rehab and mentions his wife. But at least he had NHL money and support to get that help. There appears to be no financial safety net for these two.
  17. Someone very close to me is going through some serious hell. Her spouse just entered rehab after it came out that he was abusing painkillers and using heroin. Well, the spouse lost his job as a nurse, and now my friend is struggling to make ends meet and handle school and work and now this as well. She's hours away and I have no way to help. I'm hoping that I can go visit her in a couple weeks. I know there are many many reasons as to why people do drugs. He's far from the first person I've known to do them, but I feel like more people wouldn't even start if they could see what it does to those who care about them. I wish you could airmail hugs. He's in as good a place as can be given the situation- thank god he's getting help. But I'm really worried about her. She doesn't know what to do, where to turn. Financially and emotionally, she's totally f ucked.
  18. Goodbye, offseason (which has lasted for years I think). Let's lose ourselves in some ice sports! :beer:
  19. Politics aside, it's a hugely necessary societal wakeup call. I measure these things in regards to my grandmother's life- she was a violent, abusive paranoid schizophrenic. From the perfectly acceptable in its time forced institutionalization, shock therapy and force feeding she endured in the 1940s to her death in 2007 where she was ignored/mistreated by nursing home and hospice workers, we still have a very very very long way to go. Right before she passed, they got some Haldol in her, and soon a clearer thinking human being realized she'd lost most of her life. No one ever helped her get treatment or could find a legal way to do so. She threatened to shoot the local pastor with a pistol kept in the house for some misguided reason, but of course everyone ignored it. Didn't happen, luckily, but there's our gun control debate. I'm glad to see mental health getting some attention. Maybe we can make things easier for those who suffer and their families.
  20. haha d4rk just sent me the link to this contest thing. Honestly, I'm a woman without a city... I'm not from Buffalo, all my knowledge is limited first hand experience and second hand through d4rk... Rochester's the closest I have to a city now. So I'm gonna stay outta this one and let someone who grew up here pour their heart out. Even if I did have a very strange fascination with the Erie Canal as a kid. Not kidding. We have a set of locks on the Maumee River back home and I was just so interested in how they worked/the history of the canal. Normal 6 year old stuff, you know.
  21. Ooh I love when this thread pops up on the recently contributed to list. Just finished a couple books, one about the disastrous 1880s expedition of the USS Jeanette in a search for the North Pole and another about avalanches by the head of the Alaskan Mountain Safety center, Jill Fredston. She did a fantastic book I stumbled upon a few months ago in the used book section of B&N about her travels rowing the arctic. Amazing and inspiring. Moving on to a book about the women climbers of K2. I don't expect to ever climb or go backwoodsing in Alaska, but man do I sure love reading about it. I find a lot of peace and balance in it- beauty and the abject horror of nature's power versus human's ability to survive.
  22. I was pretty surprised when I discovered how many people I knew were doing it in college a few years ago even here in upstate. I guess it's only gotten more popular since.
  23. Apologies if posted somewhere already (I didn't see it) , but the Caps just cut Derek Roy. http://www.thescore.com/news/846626
  24. Hm. Was just invited to go to that. Not really sure what to expect.
  25. Yeah, that's the worry. Wrong wording, sorry. My hope is that because these guys are doing sports and not any kind of gaming/tv stuff that would interfere with Disney, Nintendo or Nick, I can make it happen. But we have done stuff for the NFL in the past, although begrudgingly. My company has no interest in sports. Course, there's also the possibility these guys don't need a freelancer but rather a full timer, and realistically I can not do that right now. Who knows!
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