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Everything posted by josie

  1. Jaden Schwartz out with fractured ankle for 12 weeks or so. Probably only affects your fantasy teams, but still. Oof. http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=784475
  2. Your stories are awesome. Just goes to show that some harrowing times can yield some wonderful things. Storm downgraded to a Cat 1 as it continues inland. Less destruction than expected. Really, really, lucky. My friend has my dream job- he travels around filming beautiful vintage cars and racing and what not.. Well, they've been in Mexico for a few weeks and he snapped this one as he fled east- Keep in mind he was a pretty good distance from the storm and it still looked apocalyptic!
  3. Oh there better be p iss and vinegar. This should be fun.
  4. The producer who makes my life a living hurry up and wait purgatory gave me 2, count 'em, 2!!! approvals this afternoon! Even though some of the decisions recently made mean I'm going to have to work like a dog next week to make it all work, getting approval before starting on it all makes it infinitely less stressful. So that's rare and fantastic.
  5. Oh bless their hearts, that's adorable. When d4rk and I were in NOLA, there were ads everywhere for specially designed jewelry to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Katrina. I couldn't decide if it was a distasteful money grab on people's hearts or a legitimate way to express pride. Maybe a bit of column a and column b, depending on the person, I suppose. Have you guys seen this yet? Patricia from the ISS.
  6. Sound really ratchets up the fear. The tornadoes I've heard were like you see described- a freight train, thumping along, but with an incredibly high pitched scream/whine. It's just all consuming. The sound is in you. Luckily, a tornado passes quickly. 3putt, holy crap. Hours of that would be tough to survive.
  7. Just finished a book on female mountain climbers, namely, those who summited K2. Very interesting, and very sad. Starting a massive tome on Antarctica, from its discovery in the late 1700s and Cook's involvement to present.
  8. I can't fathom it. I survived a tornado hit in a van when I was younger, and THAT was absurd, and that was NOWHERE near the same velocity. The sounds can be absolutely horrifying too: http://youtu.be/zMvu5EF13xA oh i give up on embedding. tried with the s, tried without the s, tried 2 different links, screw it.
  9. Congrats Dennis on your extra menaces! I hope things go smoothly! Now you've got some good symmetry to the family- those little ones will always have each other growing up- no first/second/only child stuff :)
  10. Right? I have a smaller wind map I check all the time when crazy weather bumbles across the US, but my geologist friend showed me that one today and half the office has been distracted by it since. You can click around and see ocean currents and other features as well. I love this stuff. Patricia and the other storm to the west of it near Hawaii is just a damn whirlpool. Amazing how much it affects around it.
  11. Smelly stoner Brad Pitt. It's pretty great.
  12. Here ya go! http://thevane.gawker.com/what-is-the-difference-between-a-cyclone-typhoon-and-1617803648
  13. Posted in awesome thread, forgot this thread existed. Check out this map. It's a neat map. regardless. http://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/1000hPa/overlay=wind_power_density/orthographic=-97.47,27.40,1500 Strongest sustained winds on record, anywhere in the world. 200 mph. Supposed to make landfall fairly soon. It just kind of exploded overnight- not a lot of warning to those in its path.
  14. I do mean awesome in the true sense of the word, and not very positively. Check out this wind map.. it's a cool map, but fascinating to see hurricane Patricia growing before your eyes. http://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/1000hPa/overlay=wind_power_density/orthographic=-97.47,27.40,1500 Strongest sustained winds on record, anywhere in the world. 200 mph. Absolutely incredible. As a weather fan/nerd, I'm in awe, as a fellow human, I'm absolutely terrified for those in its path.
  15. Oh yeah, for anyone who is interested, live stream of Clinton and Benghazi committee... yet again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QSEusYduvQ
  16. He's here to ruffle some feathers, and he don't care who knows it.
  17. I can't fathom why or how he got to where he is. Must be some pretty good publicists/machines at work to pluck him for glory. I believe the man is intelligent, I just don't think his intelligence in any way travels in a similar vein to that needed in a country's leader. Must've said the right things, somewhere... Just enough science/surgeon respect to balance with the more fantastical religious beliefs. Strikes the right chord with people who don't care to look beyond soundbites.
  18. I happen to know a few people who are championing Carson. When asked why, I've seen them claim that although he isn't as bombastic/polished/pulled together as pretty much every other politician ever (besides perhaps the infamous Dan Quayle), it's because he harbors this superhero smart brain that they want him in the White House. The words "neurosurgeon" to them apparently mean "smartest man in the room about everything", and I even saw one go so far as to describe him as a TR "speak softly but carries a huge stick" type. He's their wise old black man Morgan Freeman archetype whose profession sets him apart from all the "dumb politicians". I guess the whole idea that our President has to be a well spoken, diplomatic figurehead when eloquently tapdancing with dignitaries of friendly and not so friendly cultures is lost on them.
  19. My cat was a dog, I'm pretty sure. He plays fetch, comes when called, and loves every person that walks in. None of that anti social typical cat behavior. I'd get a dog if I knew I'd have the time and space to give to it. But until I have my dream little house in the country on a few acres of land and a fulltime freelance job, litter trained cats it is.
  20. Get ready for this, CBJ.... https://vine.co/v/OKwaUw76tnb
  21. haha hey! I have a similar one of Bubs! haha it's the cat. His real name is Bubba, which I did not give him. I hate that name. But it sorta stuck since he's so... dumb.. so his name is Bubs, or Bubbles, because god bless trailer park boys, and he's a nice f uckin' kitty.
  22. Here's a few of the Bubs. I take many photos of him, as I am a young woman who spends 5/7 days alone with just his stupid fuzzy face for company. Also because he makes the dumbest expressions. I have many many more. He has claimed d4rk as his own. He loves d4rk's beard. Will sleep with his face stuck in it. I really don't think d4rk minds. Most the time. I guess I wouldn't want a 14 pound cat jumping on my balls accidentally all the time.
  23. Really? Man, you'd think it's the off season... *sigh* let me see what I can find that incriminates both you and the cat... fuzzy homewrecker.
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