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Everything posted by josie

  1. And they can help out with babysitting your double trouble when you guys need a break! Good stuff. Enjoy the ballet!
  2. I hear ya. I've been telling her to do that for awhile, but her excuses are time and money, which to be perfectly fair, are in very very short supply for her on both counts. Him... he was in an outpatient rehab for awhile. I'm not sure of his condition currently. I'm just scared I'm going to get a really bad call one of these days. I do this when I can. Drove 7 hours home a few weeks back (before i broke the leg) just to take her out for an evening. I hope I can go home for Christmas this year and get her out of the house/away from stuff for another night. Even if I can't drive. God what a mess.
  3. Perfectly clear lake ice. Best pond hockey ever. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/clear-lake-becomes-see-through-skating-rink-thanks-to-perfect-conditions-1.3356031
  4. Well now I want to see pictures! Resurrect the "What the heck do you look like" thread!
  5. My friend I've mentioned before, the one with the heroin using husband? She's in trouble. I guess he hasn't paid off his drug dues, and a bunch of drug dealers showed up at their house at midnight last night with guns. She's still asking me if she should leave him. I'm wondering if I can pony up enough money to tell her to get a damn apartment and I'll pay for it for a month or two. She'd probably never accept it. My mind is in overdrive about the things I could see happening with this latest development.
  6. Thanks for posting. Absolutely brutal. However, I love this quote. It extends to learning in general. "You know when you actually get good at sports? When you’re having fun and being creative. When you’re being a kid. When you don’t even realize you’re getting better, that’s when you’re getting better. If you’re not engaged in what you’re doing, it’s as helpful as taking the trash out. It’s just another chore."
  7. Inconsistency, I guess. In my time watching him, he's made cruddy calls every time I've seen him. Then again, maybe more do, we just tend to zero in on him now. Article from 2014 about his short lived twitter experience: http://www.sbnation.com/nhl/2014/7/22/5926625/tim-peel-twitter-nhl-referee
  8. Your comment was made even better by this plugin that I have installed: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/millennials-to-snake-peop/jhkibealmjkbkafogihpeidfcgnigmlf?hl=en-US It makes life a bit more enjoyable on the internet!
  9. This one? Because a spaceship away from here might be a nice vacation in such an event :P
  10. The announcer: "BY GAWD" "used a little force on him" Oh Rob Ray. What a treasure.
  11. To be fair, Peel is widely hated by fans and players alike. When I see his name on the list of refs for a game, I groan. Twitter explodes. There are plenty of good refs, but the bad apples get the attention. They're the cops of the NHL. You should read Kerry Fraser's book. I came away from it feeling sort of disgusted because it was a very self serving read. But I also understood that he was that way as a sort of armor when dealing with guys twice his size and millions of often p!ssed off fans. Helped me realize they're really not that different from the players- a lot of refs were guys who played hockey and just couldn't make the cut to the big leagues, so they took their skating skills and love of the game and became officials instead. Plenty still get hot headed when being disrespected.
  12. That's seriously impressive, getting over the glass. "Penalty, two minutes: Excessive mullet action."
  13. You're not alone in that sentiment Another gem: God, the only good thing about his candidacy is the vitriolic gold pouring out of social media against him.
  14. There's always this Nah, she actually didn't check her phone and was just really confused when I crutched out at a snail's pace with makeup smeared all over my face from crying. She's kinda shy, and didn't wanna ask... should've messed with her and come up with some wild story.
  15. You should be glad- if you were the first to hear otherwise it would've been serious! I texted my ride because she was waiting outside "hey. fell down stairs. gonna be a few. sorry." Scary stuff man, my last thought was "oh sh!t, here we go..." I think I did the splits at one point, anything to avoid smashing the gimp leg... Kept imagining this:
  16. Don't fall the down the stairs. Your cat will be happy you're motionless again and then curl up on you to snooze. Damn second story apartment. Damn broken leg. I'm ok, just some bruises and ripped skin, snapped a nail, scraped a knee, tweaked a shoulder. More scared than anything. I was being careful, but balance.. balance is everything.
  17. A friend sent me this calculator when I started mumbling about going down this road a year ago. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/upshot/buy-rent-calculator.html?_r=0
  18. I don't know. Trump's a huge act. I doubt the guy actually has half the opinions he preaches. He's a showman. Is he a vile, slimy, arrogant excuse for a human being with selfish motives that lack the country's best interest? I believe so. But he knows that his voting base taps into black and white dramatic sound bites. Therefore, the more extreme his crap, the more riled up those people get and the more likely they are to rally and vote. I don't know why the guy wants to be President. I really don't. Simply the title? Power he'll be unable to wield with any success? So when he fails, he gets to sit back and make pot shots at the winner from his gilded armchair, and say "I would've been better" and maintain his fame/relevancy for another decade. Gets another show, gets to feel important longer. I could also see his failed bid resembling his memorable misadventure with the USFL. There's a great 30 for 30 ESPN doc on it. In which case he'll try to pretend it never happened.
  19. I assume most people know how to spell correctly and use the english language fairly intelligently... and then I read the comments on a political figure's Facebook post. My goodness. For people who choose to fight with a word-based medium, they sure do suck at being persuasive. On a different note.. I have broken leg fetishists following every damn thing I do on twitter. Ugh.
  20. Sorry, but this is highly entertaining. Dobranotch cover of Rammstein's Du Hast.
  21. Even funnier, the ref was the widely scorned, infamous Tim Peel.
  22. No... No it doesn't. I put a couple on twitter, that's as far as I think anyone with a stomach wants me to go.
  23. Got my post surgery cast removed today and my stitches taken out. My muscles have atrophied to the point that my right thigh is 1 inch less in circumference than my left, and my calf... well... my god.. the muscle hangs off my bone like a bag of jelly. It's amazing how in only a month, my previously somewhat formidable, well toned, and in shape muscles are just plain GONE. My knee and ankle are now massive compared to the calf, and my skin is actually wrinkled in excess as it hangs. It's like it's not even my leg... I can only imagine what long term would do. But hey, 4 weeks and I will be walking if the xrays look good. That part belongs in the awesome thread. Jelly muscles... those are pretty random.
  24. That's brutal.
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