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Everything posted by josie

  1. Oh awesome! My boss is... the head of that program. I teach Digital Illustration 1. NMD is a great program- tough, but he'll def get a job upon graduating- San Fran is a really booming market for it. A bunch go to NYC too. It seems to be the jack of all trades major for art, thereby guaranteeing success.
  2. Company went on a firing spree, but told those people they'd just fired to come to the meeting where they told us they'd let people go but the company was Doing Great! Barf. Watched former coworkers leave in tears. Real professional, bosses. Then they cut matching our 401k's, because we're supposedly not doing so hot. Wouldn't bother me much, except the bosses take their pals (read, 1/3 of the company) out to the bar Every. Single. Night. And put hundreds of bucks worth of drinks and food on the company card. Or they just disappear during the day to go play and drink and hang out. You wonder why the place is having trouble, do you? Priorities. If it wasn't for my love of teaching at RIT and a decent paycheck, I'd be gone already. And with that, I'm planning my exit, to Buffalo, hopefully this time next year. I want to work in sports and art, and move back in with d4rk full time. Anybody know of anything? I'm eyeing down New Era Caps and probably going to be harassing the Sabres- I'd love to do the game day posters like CBJ does. Just gotta get my ducks in a row and attack. Doing some apps with my coworker- see where those go. Also, hi, been absent from the board lately, not that I ever really contributed anyways- been dealing with a lot. Still a lurker though.
  3. Spring is near, the Robin's are chirping....
  4. Here's a full article coupling with that: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/25/upshot/measuring-donald-trumps-supporters-for-intolerance.html
  5. This is what has motivated my coworker and myself to start developing a political game/app...
  6. d4rk has 2 years on me, but I remember the huge deal with Parental Advisory labels. My sister is 6 years older than me, and she was blasting Rammstein in the house around the same time Columbine happened. Bless my parents, they shrugged. They wondered about the cover of Sehnsucht when they bought it for her, but they didn't mind that their 15 and 9 year old girls were running around the house trying to badly sing along with German metal. However, GTA was the devil and we weren't allowed near it, because hookers. Violence was one thing, "smut" or sexual depravity was another. Partly where I grew up, I think. Bible belt mentality, abstinence only sex ed. Very much the "blame everything else in the world because my kid is pregnant at 14" stuff.
  7. Marco.... Polio!!!
  8. God I love this stuff. Love his use of a hockey stick to trick a robot, too.
  9. Hey now, if you wanna do that, feel free, I think baby's first reaction to bubble wrap would be friggin' hilarious. Gotta change its diapers constantly anyhow... Sh!t happens, pretty sure I wouldn't take a kid that young out, but glad it's ok. I know nothing about babies, other than the fact that they're handed to you after hours of pain and they go "yup, here's this soft squishy human thing, go home and try not to let it die somehow!" If d4rk and I ever procreate, I'm sure it'll have a pretty thick skull anyways :P The only helicopter parenting I plan to do is building helicopter models with said spawn.
  10. Tater's an old couch potato. NS is the only one who pays attention to birthdays on the board. d4rk isn't thrilled about his increase in age.
  11. I'll have to throw a Miller party for him next year...
  12. Went to the leg doc for the final time today- my run in with an errant rut in the ice resulted in this: But hey, I'm back at most things- another month or so I hope to post in here that I'm skating... and by fall I'm hoping to post that I'm back in the game :wub:
  13. Where e'er the royals go, they must go in style. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/feb/21/40000-dollar-toilet-built-for-thailand-princess-visit-to-cambodia
  14. Nyquil and Yukon Jack.
  15. He would have a fuc*ing fist up his jaw if he tried that on me. Good lord. Brings up too many memories for me. The hand down the back thing. Ughghh effing shudder. Incredibly creepy. I'm sorry. Losing a pet is terrible. When they tell you they're in pain- that's the hardest. I dread the day that happens with our fuzzy beast.
  16. I'm not sure if it's good or bad, but Naloxone (med that reverses heroin OD) is now available OTC in all the grocery stores in my hometown area (Toledo). Good, because it'll save a lot of lives. Bad... a sign of the times. My friend's husband is selling her stuff behind her back for more money for more sh!t. Found out a few more kids from my class are struggling too, a couple more died this month already. Fu** that stuff, man.
  17. Huh. When I did it, it tied a lot of them. Telling... first place went to both Buffalo and Detroit... Last place was a four way tie between the Leafs, Sens, Bruins and Penguins.
  18. I skipped the gym and shoveled out my half of the apartment pod instead. I saw a neighbor twist her ankle on the hidden uneven cement stoops. Decided that the 3 maintenance guys for the whole complex would probably not get there tonight and did it myself. Took me 45 minutes to clean a path to all the doors in our little pod, to the mailboxes, and then down to the parking lot. Average about 10 inches deep, a foot in the drifts. My car is fully encased... Plow came through and there's about 5 feet of snow around the back. Going out tonight after I eat some dinner to try to clean it out, maybe get out to meet with my independent study student by RIT. Meanwhile, downtown's an utter nightmare apparently...
  19. RIT closed, my work closed- I get to work in my pj's and hit the gym later. It's a good day.
  20. Perhaps it was his turn to donate youthful energy to the Immortal Jaromir Jagr, on this, the beginning of his 44th trip around the sun. The process siphoned him of his strength and ability to get to practice on time.
  21. Hope the suspension doesn't throw him too off track(suit).
  22. Love Porcupine Tree. Can't listen to In Absentia without having a complete mental breakdown or introspective free for all, however. Oh well, worth it.
  23. Managed a slow, short run on the treadmill today for the first time since I broke my bones. Can't do a lot, but it's good to see some improvement. Back in the hoop Friday, back at the barn Saturday. I can still do chinups and didn't put on any weight throughout all this, in fact, thanks to the atrophy of muscles, I lost weight. Putting the scale back in mothballs now... Time to get the abs back.
  24. You stole my Reinhart on Valentine's Day <3
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