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Everything posted by josie

  1. This board has been known to turn out some tunes..... I agree. Bring it. I'll accept limericks.
  2. One of my coworkers was actually crying about it today, going on about how sad she is she cannot be there for Sanders... and they started a Sanders chant. Man I cannot wait for this day to be over, whatever the outcome.
  3. I love the PA announcer chastising that mob. Two of the more horrible things to come out of that fracas last night- Moments after getting to the bench after his brain rattling hit, Orlov gets pelted in the head by one of those bracelets. Utter sh!t. Way to take something cool (the bracelets, watch the pre-game ceremony, it's actually pretty neat) and ruin it. And the Orpik hit. Guy is gone. I hope his career didn't just end last night. But it's not just the hit, that's for another thread. The fans are booing and jeering and being utter sh!theads as this guy is being dragged off the ice in a near comatose state. Classless. Just crappy human beings. Any other fanbase (I'd like to think) would probably hush when it became clear everything was not OK. Not those animals last night. Disgraceful.
  4. Yeah, here's more Wings. I won't be home until around midnight tonight if I'm lucky, but hopefully tomorrow I can tackle some other teams. These are fun, they seem to be more accessible. and GOOD LORD ATHANASIOU HAS EYEBROWS. homeboy don't need no sunglasses with those fuzzy awnings
  5. Y'all are sweet. Thanks for the kind words. I am trying to change my stars, as they say in a Knight's Tale. I really want to do this sports stuff. I just tend to rankle at the incredible volumes of those pesky hashtags some of the other people i know use on every single picture, be it related to their art or not. But I get it now- they're cultivating a following. So i guess now I shall become one of them. Seemed to work pretty well last night with the San Jose stuff- I added Larkin and Athanasiou to my little Zetterberg/Datsyuk thing. I hope that goes somewhere. I can't in good conscience tell my students to take risks and do awesome and then sit on my butt and wallow in grief myself. And unrelated to my egotistical pandering- I kinda feel like laughing at and feeling sorry for my Flyers fan coworker. As he put it: My friends and I are just hockey fans who happen to be from Philly. Jesus christ these douchenozzles give the rest of us a bad name. What a mess!
  6. ha! Yeah, no clue if i got that one right or not. As I watch my silly doodles get retweeted by San Jose Sharks fans and liked by the official team itself, I have decided to stop hating hashtags when trying to shamelessly promote my crap. That stuff actually sometimes works. Wow. I'm kind of amazed. And I really hate hashtags. Sell out, with me, oh yeah, sell out, with me tonight....
  7. Well, I gave up on doing Captains and Alternates because I'm just not that organized. But here's Burnsie, Jumbo Joe and Pavelski, I'm hoping for another Sharks win tonight. edit: 1-1. Kopitar tied it up. Edit Edit: The San Jose Sharks official twitter feed just like my little doodle <3
  8. Just wandered into this thread for the first time in awhile- in regards to you and Bio talking about it- my eye doctor put me on flaxseed oil to help with my post laser eye surgery dryness. I was on Restasis and systane as well. I tried the flaxseed. It's also a natural laxative. I quit the flaxseed. Even a small amount was having.... terrible effects. Fish oil does the same thing. Damn. Wish I could take stuff. Then again, I think I have an ulcer or something going. I get all the symptoms of a violent stomach flu a good 1-2 times a week now. But who the heck has time/money to see a doctor? Oh well, keeping me skinny. Anyone got other suggestions?
  9. That neat little comic came out last year- check out the chick who did it- she's super awesome. Love to see other hockey art chicks out there :)
  10. Hi! Sorry! I tend to not be on the computer too much on weekends- d4rk alerted me to the Josie beacon in the sky. Yes this is right up my alley. I'm greatly wanting to expand my portfolio with more sports illustration as I'm also job searching in that world. This sounds fun- and I love hockey history. So yes. You know my email. Toss it on my plate- I'm close to freeing up (relatively) soon.
  11. uhhhh... having a uterus really sucks. I get the stomach flu once a month and have to work through puking stealthily in the restroom and passing out in my chair from pain without being noticed. I've done both today! But you can't talk about it because ewwwww. I get all grumpy and wonder if there'd be more work from home/sick days if dudes dealt with this too. Harumph! I actually don't know what you mean- I've only ever eaten pizza at a couple places in Buffalo and hadn't noticed a difference. What is it? Enlighten me! Love me some good 'za. Aye. It's a very "two kinds of people in this world.." sort of division. I love it. Hated it as a kid. Funnily enough, it was massively popular in Germany when I've visited. Struck me as odd.
  12. You shut your mouth. Hawaiian pizza is a glorious thing.
  13. I managed to do front splits on both sides this week for the first time in my life. I've been believing I'd never regain flexibility past 25. And hey, the weather's looking beautiful this weekend- really hoping to get out and run a bit or hike or something. I'm about 80-85% healed... one more month till I try skating I think.
  14. Never hurts to try!
  15. Kronwall too. Haven't done him yet.
  16. captain/alternate yea! Aye. I caught a replay, because it took me a while to find a damn stream that worked since NHL tv won't show me any f**ing games due to blackouts. Grrrrr. Yeah It was like a strange ballroom dancing scene between the whistles.
  17. Nothing egregious, nothing great. 2 on the first 17 shots or so. He's just very spotty. Mrazek hasn't exactly been solid lately either, so we slid in with iffy goaltending. So I plan to do little cute portraits of the C/A of each team every night i'm near a computer/watching playoffs. Quick warm up before i do my real work. Wings first, since I love them and I'm a wee bit worried I may not get a chance if I wait a few games....
  18. As a humble representative of pretty much every single Wings fan... fu** Abdelkader. I've been cursing his name for years. He looked like he was shaping up this year. He really did. Nope. Loses all chill the minute it counts. Yeah, I think we're in for a chippy series, even if it isn't a long one (looking at YOU Howard).
  19. I was wrong to believe I could make it through even the first night of playoffs without alcohol.
  20. Maybe... if "Why do elephants paint their balls red? A: So they can hide in cherry trees." is told first... and Tarzan then picks said cherries... wrong cherries, dead Tarzan? in other randomness: In one 1998 survey, 54.4 percent of Icelanders said they believed in the existence of elves.
  21. My friend Carla used to organize that ride here in Rochester. She now heads it in Portland, Oregon. Cycling is her life- I know there's a helmet out there with her art on it, too. Neat stuff.
  22. Well, this my be one of the last times for a while I get to root for the Wings in the post season. Just in time for the Sabres to squeak in as the Wings head out. I'd normally say Tampa'd make quick work of the lackluster boys from Detroit, but with all their injuries, there's a chance Tampa hits the golf course first this year. Best part of the year is here, NHL playoffs.
  23. I'm working to rewire my professional career and it's terrifying. I feel like I'm finding my way out of an abusive relationship.
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