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Everything posted by josie

  1. ...aaaand you just described my wardrobe. Add leather biker jacket. Wellp. :blink:
  2. I don't think the women I tend to know or myself are the kind to find that attractive. I mean, the right guy can wear just about anything and still be attractive to me, but in general... it's just so sloppy. The "I woke up ten minutes ago, I'm kind of hungover, I have class in 20 minutes and I smell like old doritos covered up by a cloud of Axe" look just doesn't do it for me :P
  3. Ok, what am I missing. Why the heck would they make it up? What do they realistically gain from making up a story like that? Are they really sh!tty enough people to want to cause a furor in a city already at its stressed capacity? I don't know. Feigen is Lochte's roomie- he's been active on the olympic subreddit, being quite candid about life at the Village. Seemed pretty professional. Haven't heard a thing since the robbery allegedly occurred. This is the weirdest scandal.
  4. I don't really know what the hell the gymnastics gala is, but it appears to just be straight up cirque: they played jumprope with one of them. It was nuts.
  5. The gents I know who dress like that definitely started it because of basketball. Now, most bros I know dress that way. One of my hockey teammates walked into the bar after a game one night wearing the black calf socks, slides, loose shorts and a baggy tanktop where the arm holes were open down to about his waist. I asked him if he got caught in a thresher. The bro look. Usually in dayglo/neon colors. Woof.
  6. Man I love men's gymnastics. Just so much control and power. I mean, I love the flippy psycho twisty energy that defines the women's routines now, but I've always been more amazed at slow, measured strength. Finals are live streaming now.
  7. hahaha He listens primarily to classical music or Gilbert and Sullivan when tinkering on old Edison machines or cars from the 1920s... I think he's just a man time forgot.
  8. The fedora hatred/neckbeard thing... my father has always worn fedoras and newsboy caps, often with dark brown leather trench-coats or brown leather bomber jackets. And a suit, often. He always looked more like Bogart or Indiana Jones... I swear... ... or is my father a neckbeard in disguise????
  9. I guess all I can do is explain why the steeplechase exists. Originally was and still is a horse race, I believe originated in Ireland. Communities would race cross country around a couple villages. The water traps simulate the rivers/streams they'd jump, as the hurdles simulate the stonewalls between properties. Races would begin and end at the villages' churches, hence "steeplechase". How that lasted and became an olympic sport rather than a funny footnote in history, I don't know.
  10. The best quote: "The Olympic diving pool has been closed again because of water quality issues...a German diver says "the whole building smells like a fart" https://twitter.com/tomsteinfort/status/764104625763090432
  11. Very nice! Yeah, the infighting about speed climbing is interesting. I guess the eastern Europeans were really pushing it to be a discipline, and everyone else is like, " yeah, nah". Everyone has their thing, I guess! I saw someone on reddit describe it as "chugging a fine wine". I dunno, seeing all those dynos in succession could be really cool, and get some attention/help the sport overall. Other shortlisted sports = karate, surfing, skateboarding, softball/baseball. Fingers crossed!
  12. There was a guy earlier who dislocated his elbow. His scream was... inhuman. I've been shocked how much I've been enjoying the weightlifting competitions though.
  13. I am loving the little touches of style in the women's weightlifting. Lidia Valentin of Spain with her little hello kitty kneesocks (same outfit different competition) : Ubaldina Valoyes Cuesta of Colombia, with her headband and zebra knee braces.
  14. Grass sports are stupid :{
  15. Dear god I thought that was in. I gasped and all my coworkers glared at me.
  16. The Nevada Vanishing Points. Vanishing Points could also be an alternate for the Maple Leafs. oh sorry, another dumb joke. Well, animal wise, Nevada has bobcats, mountain lions, bighorn sheep, kit foxes, diamondback rattlesnakes, mustangs, badgers, wolves, horned toads, gila monsters, antelope..? Black Rock Desert stuff.
  17. Popped in to see what the scuttlebutt was today, immediately saw Godwin's Law:
  18. I think the Las Vegas Craps could work, too
  19. haha we got into this two years ago on figure skating. I'm sure neither of our opinions has changed. It's athleticism. Not sure any of the gymnastics qualifies- a lot of it is subjective, just as subjective as figure skating. No goals, no timing, no racing. But I will agree that rhythmic is one of the odd birds.. that and synchronized swimming. Just kinda... what I would've considered fringe sports. Speaking of fringe and new sports- I'm really excited that competitive sport climbing will most likely be at Tokyo in 2020! aka bouldering. Watching those competitions is really cool- I love having it on while I work. Official stuff: And the awesomeness that is Psicobloc:
  20. I think rhythmic gymnastics starts today. I know a lot of people laugh at it, but it always captivated me as a kid, and it's probably the closest to the stuff I do now. The ribbon never did much for me, but the hoop and ball routines are just so tough. I'll be trying to find it on live stream. The flexibility you need to be competitive.... well, here's a girl hyper stretching: And, you know, just hanging out, warming up.
  21. I can't help but feel like Nighthawks should draw into the Skunk Works stealth bomber that frequented nearby Nellis AFB. It even looks like a damn ace of Spades! F-117A Nighthawk Nose art from the bomb bay door of an F-117 during the gulf war: I mean, I wholly doubt it, but it would make me really happy to see my favorite aircraft and hockey <3 But they wouldn't be the first to do it, I give you the Omaha Nighthawks football team:
  22. It's not so much the words as it is the way he says it. He's dismissive. The words are kinda gross too, but that's just my opinion. I'm just not a very ooh honey sweetie pie hubby dearest type person haha And I'm sorry. I'd rather vent it here and to some friends than spend money and time I don't have going through what would probably be one of the most stressful times of my life trying to bring down a company that will only result in smearing myself and hatred. I'm too weak to handle that. Sorry. I stand up for my coworkers when I can, I make things better where I can, but until I can document something or something truly heinous happens beyond "small company makes stupid mistakes", I'm pretty powerless.
  23. I'm not. But good lord, you're in for a treat. Our girls are just plain incredible.
  24. Sizzle- thanks for the kind words! I'm definitely trying to figure out my next steps, and doing freelance as my own "business" may be one of the few ways I can move to Buffalo and not go completely unemployed for awhile. Spring is my drop dead date- if nothing has come up by then and our lease here in Roc is up, I'm going, and either remoting for where I work now or finding someone else to remote for so I have a somewhat decent income. I might poke you for info down the road though! The harassment thing- man, how can i ever describe it. Well, there's really nothing I can do. I'm very reticent. I've known the guy since college, he's never seemed untoward before. He's one of the few nice people I could actually go to for issues here. I think he's just an awkward as hell guy who thinks he's being nice, he knows I've been depressed lately, maybe that's it. If it continues, though... There's already a "we have a couple women who work here therefore we're really progressive and great" mentality here... but if you go out with them, without the one or two people who truly champion women's rights, it's very much a "hey that biddy's got great titties" sort of deal. Because guys, which I can roll with most the time. My friend I mentioned- this guy really came on to her. Nothing coercive, but it went so far as she found a rose under her windshield wiper after he'd been drunk after work one night. He's married, she's engaged. We wrote it off as "well, you're an attractive, assertive, female developer, and he's an idiot". But now me..??? He's known me for years. It's just one of those... "oh crap, one of the few other people here I actually trusted/respected is... less than I thought" things. I can't really go to anyone, as d4rk mentioned, I have no HR, the one PM who acts as HR is ACTUALLY creepy and very sexist, and the bosses don't give a sh!t and have told me I'm wrong for lesser things. The head boss has his trophy wife he refers to as "little wifey" and is utterly terrified of me because I know more about cars than he does. I don't want to get fired. I want to leave on my own terms. And I don't want them to do what they did to my friend, which is "make it up to me" by inviting me out to their bacchanals every week, where I pretty much have to go and am then surrounded by drunk mid life crises men and holy sh!t THAT is creepy. It's REALLY unsettling. I've been to a couple. Oh god no. But that's the gaming industry. That's why I want out. It's not even that bad here, comparative to AAA. And dare a woman come forward? Well, just read some GamerGate comments and get back to me. The blackballing- everyone knows everyone in the WNY area. I'd be "complainy bitch who does she think she is, she's trouble, feminazi SJW liberal psycho don't hire her" immediately, and places I'd want to work would just hear "trouble, do not hire". And lord do I NOT want to get into litigation. For me, the best thing would be to leave amicably. I know most people are looking. Id' rather they fail on their own. I do NOT NOT NOT dear god NO want to deal with litigation or arguments or anything. It's just not me at all, I haven't got grounds, and it would ruin me forever. They have done a lot for me (yes i know i have stockholm syndrome) and the job hasn't been the worst, the company just needs work. The most I'd do is leave them with recommendations. I already have created an onboarding plan for them that should help give new artists agency. Woo, being stuck, rock and hard place. I just want a normal office. I want to do good work. I want to like my life again.
  25. Roy is never not entertaining.
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